Come Heller high water… Detroit teachers finally wrested a pay guarantee out of the city, which means the sick-out worked. Good for them. They should do it again if need be, and if you don’t agree ask yourself: Would I work for free? Oh, baloney, you would not. If your boss … [Read more...]
Come Heller high water … the April 27th edition
Come Heller high water … A substitute teacher in Battle Creek was fired this week for using the word “vagina” in an eighth grade class discussing art history. Oh, come on. Don’t these kids get sex ed? Isn’t that word pretty much just a word to this generation? What was she … [Read more...]
Guest column: When the child becomes the parent
My son, expecting his first child, is reading the book “What to Expect, When You’re Expecting.” “Mom,” he says, “Why didn’t you tell me this stuff?” There’s a lot of “stuff” that nobody can really prepare you for, you have to find your own way through. And everybody’s … [Read more...]
Come Heller high water … the April 20th edition
Come Heller high water ... Trump and Clinton won the New York primary yesterday in what will be known in the state's political lore as "Hold Your Nose and Get it Over With Tuesday." It's expected to be repeated nationwide in November. Have you ever seen an election where … [Read more...]
Come Heller high water … the April 13th edition
Come Heller high water … Today is Equal Pay Day, which marks the amount of time women had to work last year and this year to make as much as guys did last year. So if the working women you know are a bit cranky today, you’ll know why. Guys, I recommend saying to your female … [Read more...]