In the musical “Little Shop of Horrors,” Audrey II, the man-eating plant, sings “You can do it! Feed me, Seymour, feed me all night long, ha ha ha ha ha! Cause if you feed me, Seymour, I can grow up big and strong.” Seymour obeys, and sure enough, the plant grows so big and … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2020
Auchtoons: Suddenly, bailouts and ‘socialism’ are OK with the GOP
By John Auchter Admittedly, comparing the financial crisis that precipitated the Great Recession to the one we're currently experiencing is kinda apples-to-oranges. Different economics, different timelines, different triggers. Still, am I the only one feeling disorientated by … [Read more...]
Perspective, it’s a beautiful thing
When people think the sky is falling, there’s an obvious risk in saying “Yes, it is … but it’s also not.” I’m going to take that risk. Yes, the coronavirus is awful. It’s killed roughly 12,000 worldwide so far. But it could have killed more. Believe it or not, the world … [Read more...]
Come Heller high water … the zombie toilet paper apocalypse edition
Come Heller high water … Remember in 2016 when you said “Don’t worry, he’ll grow into the job” and “Hey, he led a business, he can lead the United States”? And then, later, when you said, “The economy is doing great and the stock market is all him!” and “Yeehaw, look at my … [Read more...]
We need a vaccine for another kind of virus, too
We can learn a lot from coronavirus. Lesson 1: Life is precious and we are all fragile, so take care of yourself and others, especially the very old and very young, for they are the most vulnerable. Lesson 2: Wash your damned hands, people, and not just after using the … [Read more...]