Come Heller high water … Matt Lauer? Garrison Keillor? Jeez, who’s next – Tom Hanks? Tom Brokaw? Bernie Sanders? Homer Simpson? Mr. Rogers? Prince Harry? Bill Nye the Science Guy? Capt. Kangaroo? Santa Claus? I mean, come on, aren’t we at the point where it would be more … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2017
Auchtoon Time: It’s the 1 percenter’s world, we’re just living in it
Toon & text by John Auchter My wife and I were channel surfing recently and came upon the Blues Brothers movie. It was at the scene where Jake and Elwood are stuck in traffic because of a demonstration. A cop walks by: Jake: Hey, what's going on? Policeman: Those … [Read more...]
Surveyin’ da Situation: T’is the season for holiday traditions
By John Matonich One of the things I really enjoy about this time of year is the number of traditions that seem to be a part of the calendar from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day. Whether my memory goes back to my youth or even simply last year, there are very special times … [Read more...]
Forget Black Friday, give the gift of Come Heller High Water instead
Don't feel like fighting the Black Friday crowds today and all weekend to score a great deal on an epic gift? Then don't. I got'cher deal right here - signed copies of "Come Heller High Water," the creatively titled "Come Heller High Water 2" and "Saving the World One Column at a … [Read more...]
I’m thankful for … (go on, read it, you’re in here … honest)
Last week I got my annual “What I’m Not Thankful For” list out of my system. Sorry. It had to happen. You ever try holding that many gripes and whines inside? Not easy or healthy. This week it’s time for a few utterly random things and people I’m thankful for. Such as: … [Read more...]