Products at the grocery store are “Certified organic” or “Made with 100 percent real dairy butter.” Maybe we need something like that for news. I had this brilliant idea after reading – in an actual newspaper (you know … the foldy thing that stains your fingers) - about the … [Read more...]
We’ll miss the real Donald
Donald Trump has been unusually well behaved since the twin debacles of calling out “his” African-American at a rally and declaring that a respected federal judge who was born and raised in the U.S. can’t objectively preside over the Trump U lawsuit because of his family’s … [Read more...]
Come Heller high water … the June 8th edition
Come Heller high water … It was a historic day for America yesterday. Hillary Clinton became the first woman to become the presidential nominee for a major party. And Donald Trump didn’t insult anyone for 24 whole hours. Amazing. By the way, some of you may have noticed … [Read more...]
Here’s how Trump gets the woman vote
Donald Trump‘s new image consultant stepped into his office at Trump Tower. “What is it now, Johnson?” growled Trump. “Mr. Trump, before we get to the convention, I think it’s time to address your biggest weakness, image-wise.” “My hair?” replied The Donald. … [Read more...]