The Washington Post recently interviewed a guy named Paul Horner, one of the top purveyors of the fake news stories that clot Facebook these days. The paper asked Horner why people bite on his stuff. His answer ought to scare the heck out of you: “Honestly, people are … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2016
Come Heller high water … the presidential election edition
Come Heller high water - the presidential election edition … It was silly and typical for Trump and others to say the post-election protests were "unfair" or unAmerican. Peaceful protest is as American as you can get. On the other hand, as I watched footage of the protesters … [Read more...]
Surveyin’ da Situation: Dear me, it’s deer season
By John Matonich We interrupt our regular programming to bring you ... Michigan's deer season! Listen, I guess I could have written about the election garbage that may actually be finally over, but I think I will leave that to the folks who really know what they are doing, … [Read more...]
This week’s Auchtoon: Trust us, said the spiders to the fly
'Toon and text by John Auchter Here's a theory that might help to unify us in these difficult times: What all Americans really, really hate is to be a sucker. Whatever else we disagree on — politics, ideology, economics, dessert toppings, the truth — a common bond is that … [Read more...]
Sam Heller: Here’s why Hillary lost and Donald won
Proud Dad's Note: Many readers will remember Sam, my oldest, about whom I've written since before he was born. That's him on the right down below. He's a first year law student at Vanderbilt University, and he shared the following thoughts on the election. I thought some of you … [Read more...]