A new federal report says the certified filters distributed throughout Flint work better than expected and everyone – including children and pregnant women – can now safely drink the water. Which is something, I suppose. But it’s nearly July, 2016, a full six months since … [Read more...]
This week’s Auchtoon: Blaming the victims in Flint
I guess this one came from experiencing one too many “Flint made its own mess; let them suffer” comments. I mean, I understand the sentiment. Anybody familiar with Flint over the past 40 years knows of the many poor decisions, the wasted resources, the sometimes straight-up … [Read more...]
Here’s why no one is forgiving Snyder
I’m sure he’s noticed. I’m positive his strategists have. But have you noticed how few people outside the Republican Party seem willing to forgive Gov. Snyder - even a little bit - for the Flint water crisis? And by few I mean no one. I’ve heard no one say, “Yes, he screwed … [Read more...]
This week’s Auchtoon: The governor’s Flint testimony
By John Auchter Ours is a system of checks and balances. And one of the biggest checks is getting yelled at. Nobody likes to be yelled at, and that’s exactly what getting called to testify before congress is. Some will say, “I look forward to the opportunity.” That’s bullcrap. … [Read more...]