Guest column: Do we call her granny, grandma, nana or mee-maw?
I'm going to be a grandmother, at least in the sense that a child of mine is having a child. But I’m not sure if I’ll be a “Grandma” in the name sense. But I wonder why I think that. There’s nothing wrong with Grandma. I grew up with two Grandmothers and each was called … [Read more...]
The No. 1 thing you should never do on Facebook
I read an alarming news story posted by somebody on Facebook about a spring snowstorm that was on its way. “Eight inches, oh my gosh,” I thought. “I have to repost this.” Everyone likes to share bad news. It took about four seconds before someone wrote back, “Hey, dummy, … [Read more...]
Guest column: Anger and voting don’t mix
Your research and effort to learn about each candidate, their intentions and their proclivities is worthy of praise. I’ve watched all the networks and nearly all of the debates. But even with all this information and examination and investigation, I still don’t know who will win … [Read more...]
Come Heller high water… gibberish, nonsense, balderdash and babble isn’t news
Come Heller high water … It bugs me what constitutes news these days. Ted Cruz holds a press conference to say President Obama should have left Cuba the second the Brussels attack happened, and TV news treats it like real news when it’s really just campaign gibberish. This is … [Read more...]