This is the time when people start to ask, “Should I make any resolutions for the New Year?”
It’s a ridiculous question. Of COURSE you should make resolutions. Based on how often you annoy me with your behavior, you need to make lots and lots of resolutions, and the sooner the better. What the heck are you waiting for?
The problem, of course, is human beings are terrible at recognizing their own shortcomings, which is why each year I helpfully put together a starter list of resolutions for you to make. (No need to thank me. But you can if you want.)
If you recognize yourself on this list, please resolve to stop this behavior immediately. If you don’t recognize yourself, don’t think you’re not an annoyance to mankind. You are. We all are, except for me. It’s just that I ran out of space before getting to your particular bad behavior. So please do a little self-examination to identify – then change – your worst tendencies, OK? Great. Thanks.
For 2019, you should resolve to:
- Stop double-pronouncing letters in words. I think generational differences are overstated but I’ve only ever heard millennials say things like “supermark-ket” like it’s two separate words. Stop it. It’s not supermark-ket. It’s supermarket. One k. It’s not bing-go. It’s just bingo. One g. You’re not bring-ging something to the party. You’re just bringing it. See what I mean? Good. Now knock it off.
- Stop ending sentences with a rising tone. Younger millennials, in particular, do this. I wish this were an audio column so I could demonstrate this to you. But it’s not so if you haven’t noticed this before, I assure you, you will now. Sorry about that.
- Stop buying enormous pickup trucks and SUVs if you are not capable of politely driving and parking enormous pickup trucks and SUVs. Because your vehicle is twice the size of mine doesn’t mean you get to use half of my lane or take up two parking spots, OK? If you can’t keep your aircraft carrier in your allotted lane or space then you shouldn’t be allowed to own one. You listening, Congress?
- Stop ceaselessly ting-ting-tinging your spoon around the inside of your coffee mug like you’re performing the triangle part for the New York Philharmonic. One quick swirl is all it takes to blend your cream and sugar into the coffee. Do that and move on. (Confession: This one is aimed at one of my kids, who does it, I suspect, just to get my goat. Well, goat gotten, kiddo! But I’ve noticed people in cafes mindlessly doing this as well, usually because they’re absorbed in a text message.)
- And speaking of texting and mobile phones, if you’re out at a restaurant sharing a meal with someone, put down your stupid phone and talk to them. I see this all the time now.
- Stop voting for third party candidates and politicians who promise to run government like it’s a business. It’s not. Businesses (the crappy ones anyway) are all about the bottom line. Government is about us, for us. It’s supposed to make our lives and society easier and better, not meaner and harder. And third party candidates – as much as I embrace some of their specific views – are third-party candidates for a reason. You’re not “protesting” against the major party candidates when you vote for, say, the person running from the Save the Banana Slug Party. You’re voting for someone who believes in … saving banana slugs. That’s it. That’s all.
- Not tell your underlings to kidnap children seeking asylum and separate them from their parents, in some cases forever, all to serve your selfish political aims. Also, admit that your wall idea is stupid and archaic and if it didn’t work for China thousands of years ago, it certainly isn’t going to work now in the age of shovels and ladders. You idiot. (This one may not apply to you. But it certainly applies to one individual, who needs to shape up and act like a decent human being or resign.)
- Write a letter of protest to your Congressperson every time another commercial for a prescription medicine comes on TV. Sure, you’ll end up writing 12 a day, probably, but getting ticked and letting Congress know you’re ticked is the only way to make this stop. This is by far the biggest issue in the nation, if not the world. Maybe the biggest issue ever. These people and their stupid pills must be stopped. And to them: I will so NOT ask my doctor about your stupid medicine.
- While I’m on the subject and this is Michigan, please stop believing that fairies fix the roads. Fixing and building roads costs money. And that money doesn’t come from a pot at the end of the rainbow. It comes from you. If you want better roads, you’re going to have to pay for them. This is not a difficult concept. If you don’t want to pay for them, please stop complaining. (Me, I’m willing to pay more so I get to keep complaining. Lucky you.)
- Stop acting all smug and superior like you, and you alone, know everything and everyone else is a blithering idiot bent on inconveniencing or annoying you. Man, don’t you hate when people do that?
Now go make 2019 the best year ever. Just remember to not do any of the stuff I mentioned up above, OK?
Jims says
The first six do not apply to me. The last one does. I see no need to change that one so I am good to go for 2019!!!
Fred says
Trump was not a third party candidate. He became a Republican who boasted about his business “successes” and deal making “skills” and how he would apply that to governing. So, “Stop voting for Republican party candidates and politicians who promise to run government like it’s a business.” I fixed it.
Andrew Heller says
But Jill Stein was, and the votes for her in Michigan contributed to losing the stop. Anecdotally, I heard a lot of people saying, “Well, Hillary’s going to win in a landslide but I don’t like her (usually sexism) but I can’t vote for Trump so I’ll vote for Stein. Here’s a blurb from The Hill: In Michigan, Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton by 10,704 votes, while Stein got 51,463 votes, according to current totals on the state’s official website. And in Wisconsin, Trump’s margin over Clinton was 22,177, while Stein garnered 31,006 votes. In Pennsylvania, meanwhile, Stein’s total of 49,485 votes was just slightly smaller than Trump’s victory margin of 67,416 votes, according to the state’s latest numbers.
Fred says
I hear you. Not much agitated me more than people who couldn’t see a difference between Hillary and Trump. They either didn’t vote at all or they voted for Stein or Johnson. However, I believe the DNC dropped the ball when they nominated someone as historically unlikable as Hillary Clinton. Bernie’s ideas are a bit radical and probably not very realistic in today’s political climate, but I wonder if so many votes would had gone to third parties if he had been the nominee.
For 2020, Democrats better nominate someone with the “IT Factor”. It’s a big country, we don’t need to settle for mediocre candidates. Hillary didn’t have the IT factor, Bernie doesn’t have it and neither does Elizabeth Warren. So I hope they all sit down. Obama is an example of someone who has it. I am watching Gillibrand, I think she might be the one, or maybe Eric Holder.
Doug says
In reference to your suv admonishment, stop making spaces so small. Yes they hzve gotten smaller over thr years.
jimiii says
Items 1 through six do not apply to me. I do not want to own a vehicle that I might need an extra step or a ladder to get into.
As for the lying, dishonest admonition to stop kidnapping children, that is an extreme liberal/Democrat talking point that I have not heard before.
It seems to me that a picture was being passed around the liberal media a few months ago showing children being housed in what looked like dog cages. The liberal media tried to pin the blame on President Trump for the children being in the “dog cages”. Then the fact came out that the picture was taken in 2014 under Obama’s time in office. The photo disappeared real fast. The policy of separating children from their illegal immigrant parents started long before President Trump ran for office. The only time that children are taken into custody is when the parents are illegal migrants or the Border Patrol suspects that the adult with that child is not the legal guardian of the child. There have been a few cases where the border patrol removed a child from an adult “guardian” care. When the child was removed from the “guardian’s” care the child talked and said that the “guardian” was not a relative at all.
As to the border wall, 10 years or so ago the Democrats were all for a border wall when Obama was president. Even Obama stated that illegal immigration needed to stop. Then President Trump ran on a platform that included funding for a border wall.
All of a sudden the Democrats, like Schummer, Pelosi, and other Democrats reversed their speeches to where they started saying that a border wall would not work.
If it was not for double standards the Democrats would not have any standards.
The Obama’s have either started or finished a 10-foot wall around the estate where they live now.
Nancy Pelosi lives in a gated compound that has about a 10-foot wall around it. There are other Democrats that also live in gated, walled compounds. There are also a few Republicans living in gated communities.
Andrew take your own advice in the last sentence of your article.
Most of the smugness and high minded thinking comes from liberals like you Andrew.