Come Heller high water …
- My whole life, it’s taken me three months each January to stop thinking it was still the old year. This year I immediately started writing 2019 on checks (yes, I still write a few of those) and saying 2019 when I’m talking about … 2019. What I can’t figure out is why. I didn’t suddenly get smarter. Clearly. So what’s going on here?
- What I also notice as the old year ends and the new one begins is how many people – almost by reflex – say “good riddance, it was awful” about the old year. I find that odd. If you always think the old year stank then maybe it’s not the year but you. Not trying to be harsh. Just sayin’.
- A possible antidote: A book that’s on my reading list, “The Rational Optimist” by Matt Ridley, makes the case that humanity, by almost any objective measure, is doing far better than ever before. I could argue that he’s wrong in that hundreds of years ago we didn’t have hip-hop music or slim-fit jeans. But his point is well made when it comes to poverty, disease, the potential of being swallowed by dinosaurs etc.
- You won’t believe this, you really won’t, but I just saw an article about a study that said – get this – Michigan’s roads are the worst in the country. Knock me over with a feather. I wouldn’t have known that. Would you?
- I mean, c’mon, isn’t that like doing a study that says water is wet, summers are swell and Kathie Lee Gifford is one of the most annoying human beings ever?
- This week, NBC’s Lester Holt interviewed Colin O’Brady, the first person to cross Antarctica solo unassisted. I didn’t watch it but I hope he asked “What was it like?” because I’m guessing the answer would have been “cold.”
- I always wonder why people make trips like that. I get why European explorers crossed unknown oceans and why man went to the moon. But did Antarctica really need to be crossed solo unassisted? Seems kinda pointless and self-involved, like becoming the first person to hop on one foot backward across the Sahara while wearing a suit made of thumbtacks. Is that any dumber?
- The U.S. Department of Agriculture (pre-shut down, of course) says America is experiencing the biggest cheese glut in history. I don’t know about you but I’ll do my part to address this crisis by eating much more pizza. You’re welcome, dairy industry.
- This week, I had my first Impossible burger, the new, much-hyped meat substitute. My expert assessment: Pretty darned good. It did indeed have the texture of ground beef, which is the biggest test as far as I’m concerned. The taste is only vaguely beef-like but that’s almost a secondary consideration because of the condiments and cheese.
- A writer for Wired magazine rated sticks, string, boxes, cardboard wrapping paper tubes and dirt as the top 5 toys of all time. I think that’s close to perfect. I would replace string with a ball, though. You?
- I’m not being political about this but I think that we need a law to prevent the president from closing the government for any reason. Why is this allowed? And why has this become a go-to bargaining tactic for presidents?
- “People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy.” – Anton Chekhov.
Karen A Kruse says
Bubble wrap definitely belongs in the top five!!!
Linda says
Great column Andrew! I experience the same thing when the new year comes. Years ago, I obsessed over writing the old year numbers so much, that it became a New Year priority to get it correct, right from day 1-January 1st. ( or maybe you are getting smarter; I’m pretty sure that I am.)
I agree with you on the phantom power that Trump uses to get his way. I don’t think our country has ever witnessed the likes of that before. Some people think that the Senators and Reps are protecting their own job security. It’s just the opposite. I think they will pay a pretty high price for looking the other way. (I don’t think they are getting smarter).
Ditto on Kathy Lee Gifford. She is annoying. She is around 65 years old trying to go on 28. She is not getting smarter because that never works.
Finally, on the toy thing, I would have to add that pots and pans are great toys. (Now these little guys and gals are smart because we still go out and spend outrageous amounts of money on name brand toys.
Abner Devereaux says
2018 was great… No complaints.
The extremely limited, partial government shutdown is the lamest “appocolypse” of all time. According to the Democrats the body count should be over 10 billion by now.
Keep it shut down until the wall is funded. One week, one month, 6 years .. No worries.
Jims says
Typical republican reply. Screw everyone else. Me me me. If you weren’t getting a paycheck you would have a different story. Find a federal worker and donate some money to them so they can feed their family. Oh that’s right you are clueless.
Brad says
Hey JimasS , you’re the typical socialist, willing and eager to tell others when, how and where to spend THEIR money. Please post proof as to the federal employee(s) you’ve financially adopted, along with the dollar figure. If your generosity is close to the size of your hypocrisy, it will be an inspiration to many on this little forum. Waiting………..
Abner Devereaux says
I’ve been laid off before and I didn’t get back pay when recalled like federal workers do. It is a paid vacation.
Where are all the dead bodies?
Jims says
Ever hear of unemployment? I am sure you used it.
Mark says
Please cite your sources for the Democrat that said the body count will be over 10 billion, or would this be “Fake News”
Abner Devereaux says
Interesting side note – Ruth Bader Ginsburg has missed all of her SCOTUS meetings lately. The rumor mill says she is out soon. Thankfully this means we will get a SCOTUS nominee that is hopefully a strict constructional constritution jurist. One less liberal advocate… One more jurist who actually values the US Constitution.
Great News!
Mark says
A persons poor health is “Great News”? Real classy
Abner Devereaux says
I hope she retires tomorrow and lives another 20 years. The whole country will be better off with a better jurist who is a strict Constitutional constructionist.
One less liberal advocate creating Democrat policy from the bench. Great!
Jims says
How does that work when you got a pres that thinks he is a king?? Bypass congress and do what I want or I’ll throw a tantrum! Tell me how trump is a constitutional constructionist.
Tommy B says
Trump doesn’t know a damn thing about The Constitution. Apparently neither does Abner because he is stuck on the Scalia doctrine.
bookieb says
Michigan roads are the worst? Kathy Lee annoying? Surely you’re kidding.
jimiii says
Let’s see… The Democrats are not budging on funds for a border wall/fence/barricade or any other type of real border protection. They do want to allocate $5.6 Billion or so for such an expenditure.
Claiming that walls are immoral. Meanwhile, a lot of very rich Democrats are living in gated communities with high walls to keep out unwanted visitors/guests.
That means people like Andrew Heller, Jim Says, Fred and any other Democrat/liberal/socialist that does not meet the social level of the elite 2% of the Democrat party.
Yes, there are Republicans who also live behind high walls also.
Keep this your mind, the 2% rich politicians consider anybody not in their social class as peeons.
Only to be kept more than an arm’s length away from them. The only time they want to associate
mix during an election time.
Know this CONgress has decided to give Mexico over $10 billion dollars for funding their ownborder wall on their southern border.
Tommy B says
Congress gave a reasonable amount of money from Trump’s border security requests. Then out of the blue with no legislation planned, no specifics, he comes up with 5.6 billion straight out of his ass for a wall that hasn’t been planned. It is a proposed boondoggle to top them all. Democrats want border security as much as anyone, but they don’t want a stupid wall that doesn’t solve any problems. Your argument about rich democrats and other rich people having walls or living in gated community is a choice they pay for with their money. None of the terrorists from Saudi Arabia that attacked us on 9/11 came across the southern border. Most of the drugs that enter the USA come from checkpoints and ports whether it is from the southern border or not. It would take years just to settle the land issues and lawyers would eat up much of the 5.6 billion. Lets face the truth Abner and Jimiii, the wall is a big fat nothing-burger to distract us from the fact Trumpy is a complete failure and a lackey to Russian Oligarchs.
Linda says
I don’t know what Trump is thinking, but if this government shut-down goes on for too much longer, he is going to make his list of unsatisfied citizens longer and longer. I would hate to see this standoff come down to a childish game, but if that’s what it will take to pull on the reins, I say ‘go for it’. Of course he wouldn’t admit defeat, it will all be someone else’s fault.