Come Heller high water …
- You know that Prince song “Sometimes it Snows in April?” It’s way too accurate for Michigan, except the word “sometimes” should be replaced with “often” or “usually” or “inevitably.” I swear the state is getting colder and the winters longer. When’s the last time we truly had an “early” spring in Michigan? Could have
been last year, for all I know. But in my memory – no doubt jaded by the 2-foot snow drifts in my driveway this morning – it’s been ages. I swear March and April and sometimes May are official parts of winter now. If so, we’re down to just five months of non-sucking weather. And people wonder what Michiganians see in Florida.
- I swear if I hear one more person say, “Guess they were wrong about global warming,” I may throw an icicle at them.
- How come adults never get snow days? If I owned a business I like to think I’d give the occasional snow day just so people thought I was awesome. (Which I am.) But I probably wouldn’t.
- Thank god for Daylight Saving time. It allows me to see how much snow there is when I get home from work. (I think I’m starting to sound a bit bitter about the weather. Do you detect that?) Of course, I’m the guy who founded the frequently not updated Facebook page “Weather Whiners of America,” so …
- Someone should explain the concepts of cold and snow to Major League Baseball schedulers. Instead of canceling game after game in cities like Detroit, Cleveland, New York and Chicago, wouldn’t it make more sense to have northern teams play away games the first two weeks of April in Texas, California, Seattle, Tampa and so on? Of course it would. Which is why they don’t do it. Baseball never makes sense.
- I see Genesee County government is spending $50,000 from a veteran’s millage so vets can get into the Ally Challenge PGA golf tournament at Warwick Hills this summer. Did no one ask, “Um, folks, wouldn’t that be better spent actually helping a vet get care, food or housing?” Of course it would. And what about those vets who don’t like golf and wouldn’t watch it if you paid them? Don’t you think they might be a little offended? There ought to be a law that stuff like this goes on the ballot when they ask for a renewal. It should say, “Dear taxpayers, last time you approved this millage we spent it to support a golf tournament for rich guys wearing gaudy pants.”
- Of course, maybe I’m just crabby today.
- The critics all said “Roseanne” was great. So I watched it. And it wasn’t great at all. It was merely competently written, meaning it was slightly better than most of the dreck that passes for sitcoms these days. Sorry. It’s the truth.
- Someone put donuts and a bag of fresh oranges in the kitchen at work. I’m not sure if they’re trying to be respectful of the health conscious or if it’s some kind of psychological test. If it’s the latter, I failed. The cinnamon roll was delicious. Although I was clever enough to cut it half. According to well-known laws of science, if you only eat half of something none of the calories count.
- “Spring is sooner recognized by plants than by men.” – Chinese proverb.
On the up side your native hometown of Escanaba got something like ten inches of snow today and snowmobiling is still the big pastime. Trying to put a positive spin on it all!! Summer will be here in June. We have no spring no more. I also think if we put our military troops on the border of the Upper Penisula and the Lower Penisula we could stop winter from crossing the border.
I love the thing about the troops. Call out the National Guard and build a wall!
Sounds like we need to golf soon. On a brighter note, I’m headed to Aruba on Saturday.
I need golf, sunshine, cigars badly. Have fun in Aruba.
Maybe you are just crabby today? (Do awesome people ever get crabby?)
Well, I thought for sure that we are in the full-moon phase only to find out that it was last Saturday.
The past 3 days or so, it seems that people have been “on the muscle”, as my dad used to say. I have observed impatient drivers, I waited super extra long for a fast food order, saw someone get blasted for cutting in line, comforted a friend who needed someone to just listen, and let the dog out 3 times during the night.
I wish the full moon could send down some calming beams. A full moon is a beautiful sight, but I think it causes more calamity than calmness.
Tomorrow will be better!
Adults can get snow days. Most businesses call them personal days.
We never had personal days or snow days when I was working! The only way you weren’t expected to show up was if the county declared a snow emergency. Otherwise you had better have something to substantiate your absence.
Think of Michigan’s weather this way. It’s always a surprise. Never boring and same-o, same-0.
I love it for the changes and when you get a really great day, you really appreciate it.
About the veterans millage being used for the golf tournament tent…I’m furious about it.
I’ll bet not one person who voted for it would approve of using the money for a dumb thing like a golf tent.
We sure wouldn’t have anything else to complain about without brussel sprouts and Michigan weather. If only we could normalize those two things too.
I blame Trump, Working Dad, and the NRA for our terrible cold April weather. It’s obvious. It’s their fault.