Come Heller high water …
- Trump never tweeted a truer tweet than when he tweeted the word “TREASON?” He was talking about the senior White House official (god bless them) who wrote the New York Times op-ed saying he/she and others protect the nation by blunting the orange Cheetos’ worst impulses. But he’s what the lovely yet
formidable Marcia calls a “projector,” in that he projects onto others what he himself is doing, and I figure that’s what he’s doing here. Once you notice that habit of his, you can’t help noticing it.
- Is this the beginning of the end for him or is it the 249th beginning of the end?
- I say John Kelly is the author, by the way. No way that guy stays if he’s not doing it to protect the country. Would you?
- Sometimes I wonder if the White House staff plays a daily game of Trump Bingo complete with a bingo card of all the Colluder-in-Chief’s pet sayings, insults and tweet terms. “He tweeted ‘Sad!’ I win!” Prize is probably getting to go home early.
- Bill Schuette, your wanna-be next governor, recently signed onto a court filing that calls climate change “unsettled science.” And props to him: he’s right. To date, only 97 percent of the world’s climate scientists say climate change is real, is damaging the planet, and humans are to blame. Which means a whopping 3 percent (I was always good at math) disagree. And he’s siding with them. That’s the kind of enlightened, independent and odds-challenged leadership Michigan has always needed, don’t you think?
- You detected that I was being sarcastic, right? I’ve always thought there should be a sarcasm font. Maybe I’ll invent one and go on “Shark Tank.”
- BTW: Hey, Bill, about 3 percent of the population doesn’t believe pizza is good either. And the world? Flat as a pancake. Please use these examples in your next stump speech.
- I’m starting to worry about Ford. Too much smoke in the news lately. And where’s there’s smoke, there are usually layoffs.
- A school board member in L’Anse is in the news for ordering female marching band members to wear bras. I have a feeling she’s going to regret that. Haven’t we reached a point yet where we leave people the heck alone about how they dress and look? Apparently the body-shaming movement hasn’t made it to L’Anse yet.
- Why is it the older I get, the more I like marching band halftime shows, despite the truly dreadful arrangements of pop tunes the kids are usually forced to play? (Marching bands should always play classical or marching tunes. Maybe old TV theme songs. But never pop or hip-hop. No one needs Uptown Funk played with tubas and kettle drums.)
- Beware: We have officially entered pumpkin spice season. I can’t wait to see what gets the pumpkin spice treatment this year. I’m guessing deodorant. Or maybe spray butter. Or shoelaces. Or ¾-inch hex wrenches. (You think I kid? I do not. Nothing is safe from the pumpkin spicers. In fact, this column is infused with pumpkin spice scent. You like?)
- Also, why does everything these days have to have a “hack”? Are we really doing that many things the hard or wrong way? Are we really that dumb? I’m particularly annoyed with all the Facebook videos telling me that my whole life I’ve never once cut, chopped or peeled a single vegetable or fruit correctly.
- I’ve taken nothing but the stairs at work for six months and I’m happy to report that … I’m still winded each and every time. What the heck, body?
- Some people are so mad at Nike for its new Colin Kaepernick ad that they’re cutting the Nike swoosh out of their Nike socks. I wouldn’t do that. It’d ruin the socks, wouldn’t it? And if so, why not just throw them away? Personally, I’d prefer athletic clothing without logos. I don’t buy Nike socks or shoes because they’re Nike socks or shoes. I buy them if they fit and look OK. I’ve always been against turning myself into a walking billboard for companies to sell more stuff.
- “I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite.”- G. K. Chesterton
And Bill probably still believes that the earth is the center of the universe. At night he can actually see the stars moving around the earth.
Then there is Trump. He thinks that HE is the center of the universe because everything and everyone revolves around him.
Does Trump wear a bra? Does he march?
He marches to the beat of his own drum.
Whew! When I saw the subject line “…the beginning of the end edition” my first reaction was that you might be considering ending this column!
Then I breathed 2 sighs of relief ! One that your column is safe and will continue; and the other is that we really could be seeing the beginning of the end of the Trump Administration!!
I hope your prediction of the beginning of the end comes true. And very soon. The key word in that entire essay was the cause: Trump’s amorality. The 7 deadly sins are pride, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth. Trump is unapologetically and unrepentantly guilty of all seven. How could any so-called Christian support him?
. . . . and greed.
Sorry Andrew, but I think Trump will be in office for the rest of his term and maybe the next. Money talks and the economy is doing better, even if he had little to do with it. People will sell their souls for money and they did when they elected him. Bill Schuette will never get my vote, I can’t vote for anyone who has their head up Trumps _ _ _ that far.
We don’t vote for what we want. We vote for who we are.
Schullette sides with that “whooping 3%” because he knows that there is no shortage of stupid people who will feel validated by that lie, and will vote for him for saying it. That is the same reason people continue to support Trump. No matter what they say, the real reason is that they relish his divisive rhetoric, because that is who they are; ignorant or racist.
And no matter what they say, they are not angry with Nike. They are angry that black people are catching up with them on the social ladder. They feel threatened by equality. And Nike doesn’t give a rats ass. Does anything think Nike didn’t expect this whining from the right? Yeah me neither.
Over the years that the earth has existed it has gone through numerous climate changes.
During the ages of the dinosaurs, there was a warmer climate than we have now. I am surprised that the enviro-freaks have not blamed the human race for the extinction of the dinosaurs.
The South Pole was a tropical paradise, not the ice cap that it is now. Numerous Ice Ages have come and gone. The last one created the Great Lakes. Will another Ice Age come back? According to climate change scientists of the 1970’s yes. The forecast from the 1970’s was that we should now be starting one. Instead, Al (the bloviator) Gore convinced many scientists that we are doomed to global warming. By doing so Al greatly increased his net worth by a few million.
As far as the Nike flap, I have never owned Nike shoes, nor would I buy such overpriced shoes. I have found out that some brands of lower-priced running shoes last just as long and perform the same as the Nike shoes.
Yes, Fred, I have heard stories that ex-Nike shoe owners have started rampaging and rioting through the streets breaking windows of stores that have been selling Nike shoes. Oh, wait a minute no Nike owners have done that. It has been the BLM, sjws, and anti-fas (liberals/socialists) that have been doing that whenever they do not get their way,
Instead, from what pictures I have seen they just burn them and post it online.
Only in your racist anti-white mindset are they supposed to be doing what they do. No they are not protesting Nike because they are scared of minorities getting higher up on the social scale ladder, they are doing it because of a 3rd rate ex-football player got dropped by a couple of teams and when he was offered the position on another team he turned it down. Why did he turn it down? I do not know. No credible explanation has been given by him.
The only reason that President Trump is being accused of treason is that the democrats are upset that the flyover country states selected Donald Trump over hilliary. In the feeble minds of the democrats/socialists, Donald Trump being elected president is treasonous.
Are those who voted for President Trump treasonous? Only in the feeble minds of Andrew Heller and the rest of the sheep who follow the democrat lines.
And you follow the trump lies.
Well, I certainly am in favor of President Trump’s policies. This country is so much better off in the last 18 or so months, not only here but around the world. I do not consider my head up anyone’s ass, nor do I consider myself uneducated. We won, you lost, try dealing with it without destroying every good thing being done.
We don’t have to destroy anything. You and Trump are doing it for us.
” they are doing it because of a 3rd rate ex-football player got dropped by a couple of teams and when he was offered the position on another team he turned it down. Why did he turn it down? I do not know. No credible explanation has been given by him.”
So you are all mad because a black man decided to turn down a team? How dare he. He must think he is a free man or something. The least he could do is offer all the white folk a credible explanation.
And you call us racist? How dare you? Why all the name calling?
And you are calling us racist? How dare you? Get over the fact, and it is a fact, Hilliary lost. Lost, get it?
You are a racist and you can’t deny it that is why you deflect to Hillary’s lose.
Hillary’s ‘Lose’? Please fop Freddie,you are functionally illiterate and you can’t deny that. The silver lining in your lack of intelligence is that you’ll fit in perfectly with heller and the party of slavery…. you know, the democRATS. Such a joke you are.
Here is Brad, another angry trump supporting racist. And he thinks I am illiterate.
Has anyone else noticed how Brad likes to give men girl names? Be careful Brad. Your neo-nazi brothers might catch onto your little secret.
I am in Jackson, Mi. Come out of your Mom’s basement and say that to my face. If she won’t let you out, tell me where you are and I’ll be there.
No thanks, Ernie. Not interested. Ask Brad.
Ernie, Hillary losing has nothing to to with anything . It’s what that piece of shit, your president is doing to this country. Trump is a racist and you know it. He loves a former KGB agent and says Kim is a good man that kills his relatives. Good man? You support that.? Denies knowing of payoffs to former lovers and porn stars and then admits he lied. Makes fun of handicapped people. Ignores real American hero’s because he was a draft dodger. You really support that. Womanizer to no end. You like that kinda of person? If you do I dont have to call you anything I already know what you are.
Very well put, jimiii
Let’s see. No wall, no deal with North Korea, no deal with the Middle East.The rest of the world are laughing there asses off at us. Cut corporate taxes and at the end of three years you will be paying for that. Tariffs are costing or will be costing you soon. He has done so much for this country right? Trump is nothing but a piece of shit and all of his supporters know it. The pussy wouldn’t even acknowledge John McCain a True American Hero. Uneducated white men were his followers and a lot of his supporters. If you guys are all rich then you got it made. I am not and I am paying more in taxes than I have ever have. You support that? He loves the communists. He loves Putin. What a great guy. Jimiii you love his policies? We still have Obama care still have NAFTA. He hasn’t done nothing but reverse this country a hundred years.
Colin K. is no sacrificing hero.
Tomorrow is the 17th anniversary of 9-11-2001.
To me, the heroes are the first responders that went into the Towers to rescue trapped/injured people and did not come out alive. Heroes are like Pat Tillman who gave up a NFL career to join
Army and go to Afghanistan. Along with all the others who have died. Plus those who came back with severe injuries. Not all injuries are physical.
IMO we should not be in Afghanistan or Iraq. They do not want us there.
There will be no peace in the Middle East that can be made to last. The PLO, Hamas, and other Muslim groups do not want peace. The only thing they want is the total destruction of Israel.
President Trump has held discussions with NOKO. So far it appears that President Trump has had some success with those talks.
The wall has been stalled by CONgress. I am not sure of the exact answer.
If all of you do not want the wall built, I suggest you sign up to house some of the illegal border crossers in your house.
I don’t have illegal border (crossers) in my house, but I do have two wonderful illegal stray cats.
So what are his accomplishments? Rebublicans control everything. You can’t blame the dems. Kim is hiding his nuclear arson and the idiot trump likes the guy. What a fool. I wasn’t a big fan of Obama but one thing for sure is the man had intelligence and had integrity. Trump scares the hell out of for the simple reason he doesn’t have a clue of what he is doing.
And the idiot just said that the response to the hurricane in Puerto Rico was a success. Almost three thousand people died. What a slap in those peoples faces Do you agree with that Jimiii? The guy is an idiot.