Come Heller high water …
- North Korea says Trump should be sentenced to death for calling Kim Jong Un short and fat in a tweet last week. That seems a little extreme. I mean, he IS short and fat. And a maniac. You can’t fault Trump for telling the truth, right? (OK, yes, sure you can, but work with me here.)Besides, if every insult earned Der Trumpster a death sentence, he’d have racked up 5,437 of them by now. So Kim’s gonna have to get in line.
- While he was in the Philippines, Trump tweeted that he was “forced” to watch CNN and “again realized how bad and FAKE it is.” This might be the first and only thing I almost agree with him on. The news CNN generates isn’t fake, but the network itself is appalling bad for society. People assume it’s a news channel, which it is nominally. But the bulk of its limited coverage – five stories tops – is devoted to Washington politics, which distorts reality about what’s really the most important news of the day, whatever that might be. Also, and more importantly, it devotes the bulk of its airtime to panels of “experts” arguing over the few news stories the network covers. The reason they do that is money. It’s cheaper to hire people to argue about the news than to cover the news. It’s actually a brilliant strategy for them, but it also blurs the line between news and opinion. Based on the debates I’ve had with scores of readers over the years, they clearly think the news and opinions about the news are one and the same, and if they don’t happen to agree with the opinions they tend to label the news it’s based on as “fake.” And that’s why everyone seems entitled to their own facts these days.
- Here’s a guide: Boy falls off bike is news. Your opinion about why he fell of the bike is opinion. Get it?
- How come conservatives are so obsessed with Hillary Clinton? She’s not president. She holds no office of any kind. And yet they just won’t stop. Jimmy Kimmel took advantage of that fact the other night by asking people on the street whether she should be impeached. Person after person said yes. If it wasn’t so sad, it would have been hilarious.
- Gov. Snyder was touting this week the new “flex lanes” on U.S. 23 near Ann Arbor. What they are is an extra wide shoulder that drivers can use during rush hours only. I get why they did it. Adding full lanes, like any other state would do, would have cost four times more. But isn’t that emblematic of the whole infrastructure problem in Michigan? We refuse to pay what it costs to build and maintain the society we want, so we cut corners and end up with crappy roads and poisoned cities, all for the sake of a few bucks.
- Plus, OK, people haven’t mastered merge lanes yet. You think they’re going to figure out flex lanes? I don’t think so, bub. What they’re likely to do is use it as an open lane 24/7 and hope the cops don’t catch them.
- Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey. Cigars, cigars, cigars. Porsche, Porsche, Porsche. (Don’t mind me. I’ve noticed the words I use in columns often determine what kind of ads show up on my page, now that I’ve caved in to Google Ad Sense, and maybe that will in turn convince the manufacturers of said products to send me review samples. It’s worth a shot. Ding Dongs, Ding Dongs, Ding Dongs.)
- If your job compelled you to shake hands with a murderer, would you? Then why did Trump meet with Phillipines President Rodrigo Duterte, who admits to personally murdering three people when he was a mayor and whose anti-drug campaign has killed nearly 4,000 more? They don’t make soap strong enough to clean off that level of ick off your hand.
- Am I the only one who isn’t mentally quick enough to pick the right open/close button on the elevator when someone’s saying “Hold the elevator!” It’s those stupid triangles – pointing inward for closing, pointing out for open. It’s apparently too much for my pea brain.
- The creators of Cards Against Humanity – which I love – bought land needed for Trump’s dumb wall, chopped it up into little plots, gave it to customers during a promotion and pledged to hire lawyers to fight any eminent domain claim by the government. Wow. That’s brilliant. I’m buying an expansion set just to say thank you. Plus, OK, I like the game. Hard to play with your kids, though. I blush easily.
- “Move and way will open” – Zen proverb.
Image credit: DonkeyHotey
Bill says
I’ve driven in those shoulder lanes that are used as traffic lanes during rush hour in the Boston area. Real bad idea and doesn’t take into consideration people who may break down on the shoulder.
Working Dad Too says
Another column pushing the liberal agenda! Conservatives (aka Real Murikans) don’t like Killary because she has been getting away with crimes for the past 40 years or so. She is secretly trying to take over the Government. Sold uranium to the Russians. That’s the real story. I read about it on the internets!
Andrew Heller says
Wow, I like this 2.0 version of Working Dad! Extra crispy crazy. Mockery approved!
Working Dad says
Wow Andy!…. You have a pathetic little b#*tch that creates fake accounts and you think it is a good thing?
Weak minds think alike.
Working Dad says
Interesting that you approve of fake accounts here, but still refuse to allow decorated naval officer and veteran Dale Harris from commenting on your Facebook articles.
ann b says
The reason conservatives are obsessed with Hillary is because she won’t go away. It would have been nice if she had stayed out there walking in the woods. But she is out there telling a “poor me, the victim” story all the time. And add to that the fact that she and Bill have hauled in millions of dollars from foreign countries and that she got away with things in the state dept. that other people would have been prosecuted for. Instead the media is obsessed with the “Russian collusion with Trump” when the Russian antics were well in process when Obama was President. In fact “O” told them to stop it, and he said to tell Vlad that he would have more flexibility regarding another issue after his (2nd) election. Is that collusion of a kind? Now it seems to be a crime if ANYBODY talks to a Russian. Anyway, Hillary thinks everyone wants to hear her opinion on every problem. We don’t!
Fred says
If you are tired of hearing about Hillary, stop watching Fox News.
Fred says
You missed the point. They WANT us to drive in the flex lanes 24/7, so the cops can catch us. That will generate some revenue for the state that WILL NOT go back into our infrastructures.
Adsense shows ads based on your own browsing history. For instance, I was recently browsing for men’s coats, so that is a bulk of the Adsense ads I see. So you have been browsing whiskey, cigars and porshes? Getting ready to try out the new flex lanes, eh?
Tom says
I still like Hillary. She has the kind of experience we want to see in a US President.
Cathy says
Agreed~along with intellect and compassion.
Cathy says
Yay for CAH! Brilliant for sure.
Fred says
When Trump sips his water, he uses two hands, like the big baby he is.
Ernie Davis says
BOOM! A liberal head explodes again!
Tom says
Fred says
Did I make you angry? I am so sorry.
Tom says
I just want to make sure, Fred, that you know I was snoring at Ernie, not at you.
Fred says
Yes. I was replying to Ernie. His comment was an expression of anger and frustration at how obviously stupid his guy is. My little attempt at humor must had touched a nerve with him, or he wouldn’t had said anything, considering how there a far more relevant comments here he could had replied to.
Tom says
I am more and more convinced that the Trump campaign’s connections to the Russians were a serious problem. This week, good old Fibber Jeff Sessions, our Attorney General, amended his previous testimony about the Russians, again, suddenly remembered, again, about campaign-era meetings about and with Russians.
It appears good old Fibber Jeff has been lying to the US Congress for many months. He appears to be a sneaky, mealy-mouth stinker with an annoying accent.
Questions for Working Daddio, Jim the Third, Ernie, and other right-wingers in this community: Have you paid attention to Fibber Jeff? Do you like him? Do you believe him? Do you want him as our chief law-enforcer?
Jim III says
Sessions is part of the swamp. He needs to go and have someone else be the U.S. Attorney General.
Someone like Sheriff Clarke of WI.
I pay some attention to, as you say fibber Sessions, but, then Sessions is a republican and the lying democrat press and liberals hold republicans to a far higher standard than they have themselves.
Al franken is the news for his role in sexual harassment frenzy that is going on now. The thing is that there is a picture of franken physically touching a sleeping female on the breasts. Even though she had a flak vest on. The statue of limitations has run out on charging him with 4th degree sexual assault on a incapacitated individual other wise he would be listed as a sexual offender.
Yes, he has called for an Congressional Ethics investigation of his activities. However, over the last 10 years or so there have been around 400 ethics investigation by the committee. In that 10 year span, no action has been taken against the person being investigated by the committee.
The foxes are doing the investigating of themselves. There have been ethical violations by members of both political parties.
Fred says
Okay. And how do you feel about Roy Moore?
Jim III says
A possible lecherous man, like a lot of men who allowed his moisture seeking missile to control his actions. The “moisture seeking missile” remark was coined by Dave Barber, long time talk radio host on a couple of different radio stations in the Flint, MI. market.
He died a few years ago.
“If a senator drives a car into a river and left a woman there to drown and did not notify the police, would that be considered resignation worthy now? Or are we not still not to that point?” Frank Fleming
I say let the voters in Alabama decide if they want Roy Moore to fill the seat in the senate. Most of the republican good old boys club in the Senate do not want Roy Moore in the seat because he may not play nice with them and blindly follow what that old fossil Mitch McConnell wants to do. In their eyes the man who dared to place the Ten Commandments on either the lawn or inside the courthouse when he was a judge is upsetting to them.
One story this morning caught my eye, a owner of a few malls in Texas, and some other states, is starting to put the Ten Commandments inside the malls.
Apparently there are some atheists who do not like the idea. There is nothing they can do about it. It is private property. If they should file a lawsuit they probably would try to find a liberal judge someplace that could pull a law/reason/opinion that is hurtful to the public and they need to be replace/removed as the posting of the Ten Commandments would be offensive to someone.
Barbara says
It is about darn time the topic of sexual harassment came up here, on this blog. I want to point out how utterly pervasive it is, not just in Hollywood and Washington, but everywhere, in everyday life. For example, just yesterday, a well-dressed man walked near me on the sidewalk. He was going the opposite direction from me. And, he made eye contact and smiled, as he went past! I panicked! How dare this male take this liberty with me?!
Nancy says
I hear you, Barbara! I myself felt violated in a similar way, just yesterday. While I was walking home, a man walked past and utterly ignored me, did not even look in my direction. How dare these males just refuse to acknowledge American women and girls?! It is an insidious, systemic form of sexual harassment that pervades our culture.
Shirley says
Since the election last Nov. we have had excessive horrible weather… unusual Hurricanes nearly destroying some islands that are still not getting help , Wild fires, tornadoes in the Fall and threats of war. Hmmm Just a coincidence?