Toon & Text by John Auchter After last week's multi-panel, text-filled cartoon, I wanted to do something simple and quick (for your sake and for mine). And while I like it, and I think it makes its point, I will cop to the fact that it is not necessarily 100% … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2017
Come Heller high water … the February 15th edition
Come Heller high water … Trump says he’s super smart. But is he? Is he really? I mean, c’mon, he keeps insulting the intelligence community. How smart is that? I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed but even I know you don’t taunt people with access to spy satellites, … [Read more...]
What gives? All of a sudden, liberals have a spine
I’m the sort of guy who is quite likely to do the opposite of what you tell me to do. It’s my thing. So when alt-right types tell me people of the liberal persuasion should stop fussing and hollering and just fall in line behind the president, no matter how badly he acts, … [Read more...]
Surveyin’ da Situation: I’m proud to be an American
By John Matonich I heard on a local sports broadcast that over 110 million folks watched the Super Bowl this year. I am not a fan of either Atlanta or New England, but I am a fan of the event, and this year was really cool in my book. What I really appreciated was how much the … [Read more...]
Auchtoon time: Gerry Mander rules politics
Toon & text by John Auchter All of our money (as in United States of America legal tender) has the motto, "In God We Trust." Our coins also have "E pluribus unum" (out of many, one) and "Liberty." They are there, I believe, as reminders of who we are and would like to be … [Read more...]