Best. Columnist. Ever.
Come Heller High Water I is the collection readers asked for, and includes columns that they wanted reprints of.
In true Heller style, topics cover everything from the craziness of having kids to tales from his U.P. days.
Come Heller High Water II is the smash hit follow-up to Come Heller High Water I. It includes everything from Andy's takes on modern life to conversations with his back home pal Moon Dimple, and much, much more.
Saving the World One Column at a Time is a bitingly funny look at the world through the eyes of this award-winning columnist. In it he takes on corporate crooks, Little League parents, tongue piercers, ketchup sinners and much, much more. A must-have for Heller fans.
Karen K. says
I think CNN should change their name to CEN, Cable Election Network. That’s all they cover anymore, nonstop. Is the election really the only news( or nonnews) happening these days?
Jeffrey Hollander says
I am so fed up with the elections already. The race is like watching the seven dwarfs duke it out with Hansel and Grettle. The theme song this year should be Send In The Clowns, although Trump may have that one exclusively. I remember when candidates cared about what the people cared about. Oh, wait, maybe that was a dream I had. Hard to tell
Karen Finlayson says
Wait, there’s an election this year? Wow… here I thought this was another Trump Reality Show – “Diss Your Fellow Americans”!! says
Ha, yup!
Paula J. says
good one! says
Thanks! I plan to get even more sarcastic than I already am. Scary.
Pam B says
I’m moving to Canada for some peace and quiet. says
Can I come? What a dumb way to run an election.
Karen Stuart says
I’m so disgusted, I’m really tempted not to vote for the first time. says
You and 90 percent of America.
Dee says
Heller, no! I don’t care this early! Waaaaaayyyyy too much news time devoted to it. No weather to report about for us this year!
Elizabeth R. says
It’s a three ring circus!! Not one of them is really concerned with the problems in this country and there are plenty of them. Do I need to make a list?? The candidates need to grow up and get with the program. It’s a really scary out there….. says
They really should put None of the Above on the ballot. Problem is, NotA would always win.
MarkT says
Have you not been paying attention? Bernie Sanders has been busting his ass trying to show us what can be done about these things….if we’re willing to listen. Nothing will change, however, if we continue to follow the same-ol’, same-ol’ status quo BS. I encourage you to investigate Sen Sanders. He has a Facebook page, even.
Linda H says
An over-simplified version of campaign reform:
1) Candidates can only campaign for no more than 6 months prior to election,
2) Candidates can only spend $_____ depending on the position,
3) Candidates can only make statements that are verified truthful, with nothing derogatory about opponent.
I’m sure I can think of reforms needed for media during campaigns as well. says
I’m planning to write on that very subject soon. It’s crazy how we do presidents
Paula J. Shelhamer says
Amen, Sister!! Although I would amend the 6 months to the European style of 6 weeks!! If you can’t say it in six weeks, you shouldn’t be leading.
Tom Neely says
Okay, you guys… I have decided not to be political here. However, I want to point out how hard it is to move to Canada. (This was something an earlier poster said.) Unless you are a valid refugee, you need to speak French i addition to English, and you need to have a million bucks in the bank. This is true. I looked it up. Canada beckons, but most of us cannot go there. And, the Canadians have their own right wing/left wing split. They are just more polite about it.
Dawn says
Campaigning costs too much and lasts too long. They don’t work enough when they do get elected; they’re busy campaigning for the next time! And they all lie.
MarkT says
It is critical, in this election cycle. With the mainstream media’s ignoring Sen. Sanders’ campaign and ideas until very recently, the word needs to get out, the sooner, the better.