By John Matonich This year’s Super Bowl teams are set. After two very good championship games, the NFC and AFC will face off on February 3 for Super Bowl LIII (53). The New England Patriots will face the Los Angeles Rams in Atlanta. I should also say let the bashing … [Read more...]
Surveyin’ da Situation: The reason I’m not allowed to plumb
By John Matonich When they were younger, my kids would say to folks that their dad should never be allowed to do plumbing. When asked why, they would reply, “Because we learn a whole new set of swear words. “ I couldn’t argue with that for some reason, plumbing and I don’t … [Read more...]
Surveyin’ da Situation: Am I the only one who likes billboards?
By John Matonich When I lived downstate, every few years a movement would start up to get rid of billboards especially those along the expressways. Many folks called them eye pollution. They felt they detracted from the beauty of the surrounding areas and didn’t feel they … [Read more...]
Surveyin’ da Situation: Things fall apart … on purpose
By John Matonich I remember learning about planned obsolescence while in school. The premise was certain items would be built with an age in mind when they would fall apart and a new one would have to be purchased. I was never a fan of this and even more disappointed … [Read more...]
Surveyin’ da Situation: Dad and the blankety-blank piece of …
My son read my last set of ramblings about my dad and sent me a note saying that he knew it was going to be about “Grandpa Poncho” as soon as he read the title. He then went on to say he thought it was going to be about his grandpa’s attempt at fixing a heater. I know I picked on … [Read more...]