Yup, Walker himself.
That’s gotta hurt. But then he deserves it. Wisconsin Republicans passed the bill after a Trump challenger dared to request a recount in 2016. Lesson: When you enact laws that favor one party over another, it’s inevitably going to come back around to bite you. As they say, karma is a …
As a nation, we’d be smart to just play elections down the middle and stop trying so hard to screw over the other side. It isn’t, after all, a game. It’s our country.
Here’s how we fix things:
- End gerrymandering nationwide. (Michigan finally just did this – kind of. New abuses await, I’m sure. Watch both sides try to pack the “independent” slots on the boundary committee). Gerrymandering is drawing voting precinct lines so they benefit your party. No matter which party is doing it, it’s wrong and evil and everyone knows it. Why aren’t voting districts mandated by the federal government using a standardized system?
- Act like good boys and girls and stop trying to suppress the vote. This year, one of the worst examples was in North Dakota, where the state decided Native Americans, in order to vote, had to provide street addresses, which are generally not used on reservations. This ticked them off so bad that more of them turned out to vote than in 2016. Again, karma. Then there was Georgia. This one set a new low. The guy running to be governor, who was also in charge of the election, kicked thousands of likely Democratic voters off the voter rolls then made sure there were so few voting precincts and booths in black neighborhoods that many gave up and went home without voting. How’d you like to play Monopoly against that guy? “I start with all the railroads and Park Place. You only get to roll one die.”
- Make it easier to register. Why everyone who’s a citizen of the United States isn’t automatically registered to vote is beyond me. Isn’t the goal to get more people voting, not fewer? Why do we make this such a hassle? (Rhetorical question. I know the answer.)
- Ban polls. Polls have helped turn political races into horse races, which they’re not. It drives me nuts to hear a candidate is “behind” by eight points when no one has voted. Polls steer results more than they predict them. Pollsters love to claim their precious polls are “scientific” and yet they are frequently terribly wrong. That’s science? I thought science was about finding immutable laws? Sorry, the human heart isn’t predictable. Pollsters are lying to you.
- Go back to paper ballots. They take longer to count but at least you can’t hack paper.
- Make Election Day a national holiday. States could do this, too. Or give people three days to vote. Or make it a weekend. What’s the rush?
- Fine and shame people who don’t vote. I’m not kidding. Much of the world would love to have the right to vote in elections that aren’t rigged. And yet, here in the U.S., the biggest political party by far, is “Didn’t Bother.” And if we don’t fine people for not voting then we should at least fine them for whining afterward about the government. Those people drive me nuts.
- Ban political ads. Everyone hates them and they turn elections into contests to see who can raise and waste the most money. If you want information on a candidate, go listen to them speak or, here’s an idea, read a newspaper.
- Vote online. We file our taxes online. We register our cars online. Why shouldn’t we vote online? (And, no, I don’t see a contradiction in using paper ballots at the precinct, if you choose to go that route. Options, people. You could do either/or. One gives you a paper trail, the other is far more secure than voting machines at the precinct level.)
- This is by far the most important reform we could make: Create an Andy-only voting check-in line at the precinct.
I really hate to wait.
“Allow voting online” – No Andy. Voting online would guarantee monumental fraud. I thought you Democrats wanted to eliminate the possibility of “Russians hacking the election”?
I want all dead people and illegal aliens purged from the voting rolls. That is one reform we can all agree on.
If voting online wasnt trackable you might have a point. But it is. And you can instantly compare the voter to a database which they should match in. And also verify and dismiss fraudulent votes in the same way. Nothing on this list i disagree with Andy on.
What happened in Georgia could happen in any state.
We the people, need to make sure that it never happens again.
Andy, I agree. My idea is Nov. 1. Kids have day off after Halloween, except if Nov. 1 falls on Sunday, voting moves to Monday.
Great column Andrew! Phone surveys fell by the wayside for me. I used to love taking part in surveys. But with all the crank calls we get, especially those that use “McLaren Bay Region” for the caller ID, or a number with a local exchange like 894- or 992-, I can’t trust anyone. I have received phone survey calls and have to decline because I really don’t know the origin of this call, and you never know who you are giving your time and undivided attention to, not to mention the information one gives.
Andy – study up on what Proposal 2 does for process. Random selection of commissioners; signing an oath re affiliation with party or independent (perjury penalties if you lie; not to say someone may try to do so at someone’s behest); have to have at least 2 Republicans, 2 Democrats, 2 Unaligned/Independents agree on the district maps (drives consensus making); public hearings, nothing behind closed doors. Nothing is perfect, but Proposal 2 is a huuuuge step forward to combat gerrymandering. Can’t tell I am a Voters Not Politicians volunteer true blue believer?
Don’t get me wrong, Jim. I voted for and support Prop 2 but it has the potential to be abused as well. People who say they’re independent usually aren’t. And the Secretary of State “randomly” picks the commissioners. Would you trust our current SoS to do that? I wouldn’t.
Yesterday #PresidentSnowflake opted to not pay respects to our fallen soldiers in France because it was *GASP* raining. In his defense, he does have trouble with umbrellas. But, imagine the uproar from the hypocrites on the right if Obama had done that.
When #PresidentSnowflake and his snowflake supporters see losses piling up despite all their gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics, they always cry “FRAUD”.
Senate Republicans who hope to continue their careers would be best served to take note that embracing #PresidentSnowflake is not a winning strategy. Even in states where his candidate won, they often barely won and some are in recount territory. So, If Senate Republicans don’t approve every judical nomination he makes and stand against him once in awhile they might have a chance.
Jeff Sessions is finally fired. I just knew that #PresidentSnowflake was waiting until after the midterms to do that and appoint a stooge in his place. And of course that stooge just happens to be another one of #PresidentSnowflake’s “best people” with his own crooked dealings.
So what’s up with that caravan/invasion? Has Fox News forgotten the most pressing crisis currently facing our nation? Or did the lie run it’s course and #PresidentSnowflake’s snowflake supporters are bending over in anticipation for the next one?
It’s time to rename the lie ranking system to “Trumps” instead of Pinocellos. As in; “This misleading statement has earned 5 Trumps”. As the most prolific pathological liar of our time, #PresidentSnowflake himself should be proud to have this honor that will be used for decades to come, just like the puppet before him.
I have been involved in some matters that have kept me from replying to fred earlier.
Fred has been put out some misunderstood information on the non-visit at one cemetery in France.
President Trump did not decide to visit on his own. The weather was really bad and the senior
Secret Service in charge of the Presidential security detail made the decision to not have the president travel by air. Being that where President Trump was about 50 miles from the cemetery and the only way that the president could go there was by ground transport.
It is the responsibility of the senior secret service agent in charge of the presidential security detail can override a decision of the President. The Secret Service learned that detail from the assassination of JFK. The Secret Service wanted JFK to have the protective bubble on top of the presidential limousine. JFK did not want it. We know what happened to him.
Since then the policy has been if the agent in charge decides what route the president will use or the agent can change the plans as needed. Whatever keeps the president as safe as possible.
According to intelligence reports from the French, it was through an area that was not very safe for persons of President Trumps’ status due to the muslim presence in that area. President Marcon of France did not even go through that area.
In light of obama, I remember when obama was in some African nation and the Secret Service dropped the ball on someone who got close to the president. The person in question was supposedly a deaf interpreter. He was not any type of interpreter. He was a fraud.
I do not remember all the details. I was thinking at the time who dropped the ball on this guy.
Why was he not properly vetted to be next to the president? Fortunately, he was not a threat to the president.
That’s what #PresidentSnowflake said, so it must be true. Funny how the weather, traffic and security didn’t stop any other world leaders from making the visit. But, keep drinking that Kool-aid, and promoting Trump lies, like the good #PresidentSnowflake supporter you are.
Oh my god. I just read the second half of your comment, and of course there you go with spreading the bigotry. Where is your link to “France’s intelligence report.” Or, did you just make that up? Macron found another way, why couldn’t #PresidentSnowflake? The Secret Services’ job is to find multiple routes in and out of any destination. That was just absurd to say they couldn’t do that. Every president in the last 17 years has visited war zones with heavy Muslim presence. Every president until #PresidentSnowflake that is. I guess #PresidentSnowflake should just hide in a corner in the White House for the rest of his term with your logic.
As for the stuff about Obama, ummm Okay? What the hell is your point there? You are referring to Nelson Mandela’s funeral by the way. I will get the facts for you. You are welcome.
You are the one trying your best to spread misinformation.
Some really good ideas there Andy. In regards to the Georgia election, not only was it a case of disenfranchising voters, and the fox guarding the hen house, the day before the election this ass alleges that Democrats have hacked voting machines with no evidence whatsoever. The GOP doesn’t like democracy and can’t often win majorities, so they cheat. Sad.
It is interesting to note that old meaner-than-heck irrational Fibber Jeff Sessions has become the hero of the story. He only is a hero compared to Trump.
I noticed Andrew that you have conveniently omitted Florida. The state where the democrat person running for governor on the night that the election results were announced conceded that the Republican candidate had won and she said that she was acknowledging that he had won.
Then lo and behold she changed her mind and said she wanted a recount.
It seems that in two counties that are controlled by the Democrats that some ballots have started to suddenly appear. They were “found” in the vehicle of a democrat party member. There are apparently some more ballots appearing to suddenly show up. Funny a majority of those ballots are voting for Democrats.
Yes, Andrew, the new method for drawing up districts can be abused somehow. If there is a way to make a system go bad, someone will come up with a way to do so.
I favor the way that the Mexican government has for allowing someone to vote.
They must show a state-issued identity. If they do not have one then they cannot vote. The average Mexican does not have as much money as an American, but the somehow manage to carry a state-issued identity on them.
Every time the Republicans try to purge the rolls or do some other types of reform the Democrats found some reason why such a thing cannot be done.
“She”? You are getting Florida and Georgia missed up. Of course I am not surprised, you have always had a complicated relationship with the facts.
Conceding is not legally binding. “He” has every right to take back that concession pending a recount. Even if you don’t like it. It’s about the voters and what they want.
So you know all about Mexican state issued IDs, huh? But, you don’t know what the issues are here, and how some states are making even that state issued ID not good enough. Are you really this clueless?
Guess what jimiii, Michigan elected a female Democratic governor and a female Muslim U.S. Representative despite all the Republican gerrymandering and fear mongering. And, it wasn’t even close. How do you like that?
Jimmy the Third: I am sure you are from Kamchatka. Not only that, but you must be the Kamchatkan equivalent of an ignorant hick. What do they call you guys over there? Mucklucks? What a dopey post! Please go away forever.
I don’t answer the phone if I don’t recognize the number but occasionally I’ll answer the phone I have that doesn’t show who it is and I just reply “I don’t do polls”. if everyone would do that to in person, phone or mail polls – that would be the end of them – no need to pass a law.
How about for every political ad you run you have to give the same amount as it costs to a homeless or veteran’s charity. I am sick of new laws to help some situation and usually just makes more situations, but this would be one law I’d go for.
Have you seen that Trump and other ninnies now are claiming voter fraud in Florida and other places? One of the other ninnies is the Governor of Florida who is running for US Senate.
Liars. Manipulators. Creeps. Florida seems to be a cesspool of election fraud, not from the voters, but from the Florida government.
I saw that Trump and his ninnies think that votes from our soldiers stationed overseas shouldn’t be counted. Image if that were Obama saying that. Not that he ever would, being that true American patriot he is.
Good news – Democrats have flipped the Senate seat in Arizona as reported tonight.
There is still a chance that Nelson will beat Scott in Florida. I lost count, but maybe when this is all over, no seats will had been lost, or at least only 1 or 2.
Jim Kerby is correct. Proposal 2 ingeniously created a system that’s probably as clean, fair, independent, and transparent as humanly possible. It’s infinitely better than how drawing district lines has been in the past! Also, each political party gets to delete twenty (20) names from among the finalists. !
Many Americans wonder how in the world Trump took over, and what we can do about him…
Maybe, think about when white people took over North America… We brought diseases, smallpox and black death and many more with us, and our diseases wiped out the Native Americans more than our muskets and sabres did.
Maybe think of Trump’s cynicism and lies as deadly diseases we are not immune to. Trump spreads them with every tweet and every quote and every breath, and we fall victim, because we have no natural immunity.
We have no experience dealing with a leader who lies shamelessly, who does not care at all whether somebody might point out the truth. Trump infects us. Is this fatal for the USA?