Come Heller high water …
- How much do we want this over? Google searches for “where do I vote early?” are at an all-time high. I’ll bet another all-time high was, “How do I move to Canada?”
- By the way, who says Canada wants us? Maybe they view us like Trump views Mexicans. I mean, would you take us after watching this election?
CMe, I’ve decided to be like some passengers on the Titanic and just quietly, gracefully accept my fate, no matter who wins.
- OK, that’s a lie. If one particular person wins, I’ll be whining up a storm. But I do intend to not worry about that prospect until it happens. I’m going full Zen Andy for the next six days. Oooooohm! If you want me, I’ll be in my happy place.
- But ohymygod, what if he really wins? We’re all doooomed!
- This isn’t my first rodeo with a president who scared me. I remember feeling anxious when Reagan got elected. But we survived.
- First presidential candidate I ever voted for was John Anderson. Remember him? He was like a serious Phil Donahue. (Millennials on both: “Who?”)
- According to an excellent MLive story, Nestle – a Swiss company – wants Michigan to give it permission to suck nearly three times as much water out of the ground west of Clare as it already does to sell under its Ice Mountain label of bottled water. If this bothers you, the state DEQ is only taking gripes until tomorrow. Email Carrie Monosmith at
- What I can’t fathom is why state law allows Nestle – and anyone else, apparently – to sell water drawn from an aquifer beneath their property, as long as they pay a $200 paperwork fee. If I didn’t object so much to the monumental waste of bottled water, I’d create my own label called Andy’s Best, drawn from my aquifer and dispensed via my garden hose. (Hey, laugh if you want, but you wouldn’t know the difference. Glug, glug. That’ll be three dollars now, please.)
- As I scroll through Facebook at all the posts of outright fake or twisted news stories from media outlets that aren’t media outlets, I have to wonder why people believe that junk, which, like junk food, is bad for you and should not be consumed. (By the way, the New York Times had an interesting piece on this recently. Good reading and a cautionary tale.)
- I hate it when tweets contain so many links and hashtags that I don’t know what to click on to see whatever it is that interested me in the first place. Those are killing Twitter.
- How come skunk spray smells like brewing coffee? Or is that just me?
- What’s with this trend of brown shoes with blue suits, guys? This is not right. Black shoes, blue or black suit. Period. You can wear brown with any other color. Your belt should match.
- If your neighborhood is like mine, it’s only a matter of minutes before the first Christmas decorations go up. A law we ought to pass: If you’re going to put inflatables on your lawn, you have to keep them inflated at all times. They look horrible and sad otherwise.
- “Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you” – Thomas Jefferson.
You’re right about the skunk smelling like brewing coffee. To me if you ever getso close to be sprayed it smells like really strong rhubarb after I stopped gagging!!
I had a dog that got sprayed … I think it was 3 different times. And I was the [un]lucky person who got designated by my loving[?] husband to do the duty of bathing HIS 80-lb dog.
My smeller interpreted that so-strong smell as burnt garlic… until my smeller got completely overwhelmed and completely stopped smelling anything. I thought I’d gotten Sam pretty much odor-free (using that supposedly magic combo of H2O2, baking soda, and dish detergent) only to have the rest of the family complain that he still stank. I had no way of knowing by that time…
“Thirst for clean, healthy water? Turn on your tap”….unless you live in Flint!!
We need a law that states if Trump is elected he needs to be castrated. That would calm him down and he would also leave women alone.
I second that motion. Even if he doesn’t win.
And we’re not going to castrate Hil-liary? Whoops, she already is!
Agreed on the ‘doomed’ ~ and the scared & anxious! Heart breaks over the thought that what he says/ does is ok in some folk’s minds. Gotta try your Zen idea….
John Anderson, Yes. That was my second or third president vote. I had forgotten his name until you reminded me.
Brown shoes and boots with blue/black/gray: It has been going on for ten years or so. Utterly wrong. It started with the debatable idea that it is okay to wear CORDOVAN shoes with blue suits, but it has gone far too far.
You are correct about Canada. Canada might take you if you are a refugee in danger of death, but for guys and gals from the USA, Canada wants you to have a million bucks in the bank, and speak French.
I don’t even remember what it was that appealed to the 19-year-old me, but it was probably that I didn’t care for Carter and Reagan seemed like a doof.
It was also my first Presidential election and I voted for John Anderson too. I was 21 yrs. old. It was the last time I voted for an Independent or “third party” for president. Not to sound too much like a certain candidate, but I want to vote for a candidate who can win. I like winners. Lol.
I sent a aquifer related email. Thank you for the address and push.
I handed in my ballot today. I can’t completely tune out because my husband of 48 years is insisting that he, a still passionately political person, is done with voting. Of course he still gives his opinion 50 times a day. I don’t think our marriage will survive a Trump win (shudder) that doesn’t include his anti-Trump vote. It’s a basic moral issue for me.
Good for you, Carla. Hope others did as well.
There’s a small, isolated island in Ireland . Residents there have said that we’re welcome to move there.if Trump gets elected. I’m seriously considering it. They despise The Donald over there.
Great article! And about the Ireland thing….I recently returned from Ireland, and you’re right, Elaine. When they found out I was American, most of them immediately said something on the order of “Donald Trump, a presidential candidate? What the heck!!??” They were incredulous, and seemed truly concerned for our country. And, they weren’t the only Europeans to have that same reaction. Just relating the facts, folks.
Thanks, Diana. It’s amazing that seemingly the entire world (other than North Korea and Russia) seems to recognize the madness in Trump, but not us. The polls (if you believe them) still say it’s a tossup.