Come Heller high water …
- Gov. Rick Snyder is astonishingly, stupendously, and yes, possibly historically tone deaf. Either that or he simply didn’t care how it looked when he named Dr. Eden Wells as the head of a new council to improve the state’s response to (painful irony, dead ahead) public health threats. Wells, in case you’re not aware, is charged with obstruction of justice and making a false statement in connection with the mother of all Michigan health threats – the Flint water crisis. So why her, of all people? Ask the governor. Wait. Don’t do that. Not unless you want your head to explode. His spokesperson said: “Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.” Which is true. But putting an official accused of not protecting public health in charge of a group that’s supposed to protect public health is just a wee bit strange. Snyder’s not dumb. He had to know how this looks. But he also clearly didn’t care. Please remember which party he belongs to next Election Day. (But let’s be honest, you won’t.)
- If comedians were being honest they’d give thanks on Thanksgiving for Trump. Constant, incredible, A-list material.
- Trump on Roy Moore: “He says it didn’t happen. You have to listen to him, also.” Trump on Charles Manson: “He says he didn’t do it. You have to listen to him, also.” Trump on Genghis Khan: “He says all that pillaging was someone else. I’m not going to call him a liar.” See how absurd Trump’s Moore remark sounds?
- By the way, a child is sexually assaulted every 8 minutes in America. I’m sure their parents take comfort in knowing the president has the backs of predators.
- I could say this sort of thing every week, but did you ever think we’d see the day where the president would take the side of an accused child molester? Is temporarily losing control of a Senate seat that has always been and will always be Republican really that important?
- What am I saying, in his worldview of course it is.
- If there’s anything better than a blackened pizza crust bubble, I don’t know what it is.
- What would the holidays be without Christian conservatives making a stink about the Starbucks holiday cup? This year they’re offended by a cartoon depiction of two women holding hands, which they say is promoting the gay agenda. Honestly, I don’t know where they get the energy for all that outrage. They must practice. They must attend Outrage Class. Plus, I’ll bet it’s news to gays that they have a collective agenda. But if they did, would it really involve cartoons on coffee cups? I’d like to think they’d aim higher.
- I agree with the Detroit Free Press: Rep. John Conyers should resign. Allegedly doing what he’s said to have done is bad enough. But using tax dollars to make it go away? Unconscionable.
- Kathy Griffin says she’s been blacklisted for her photo stunt last year. Or maybe she’s just not getting booked because she’s painfully unfunny and obnoxious.
- “Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it.” – Ralph Marston.
Image credit: Donkey Hotey
Cathy says
Thank you to you, Andrew! I appreciate your wise & witty take on things. Helps with the ‘ugh’ that is 45, etc . Another right on with this column!
Andrew Heller says
Thank you, Cathy. I appreciate you reading this nonsense and drivel.
Ernie Davis says
Amen, Andy. At least on the nonsense and drivel! But take heart, I’m still reading your e-mail and missing your column in the Jackson Citizen Patroit.
Andrew Heller says
Thanks, Ernie. I wish MLive would reinstate pay for freelancers and have me back. I miss my longtime readers in all of the MLive towns.
Suze says
That reminds me…my Festivus gripe. Trying to get thru to MLive to inquire about subscription. Impossible. Leave message, never get call back. Customer care(haha) on web page just brings me to auto pay. Think I’ll chuck the whole thing, save some bucks. Hate seeing local news disappear. Some great in depth reports of state of water issues in Michigan.
BTW I appreciate your humor and gravitas on the state of our planet.
Andrew Heller says
Thanks, Suze!
Judith Brooks says
I look forward to your witty outlook on life columns every day. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Andrew Heller says
My pleasure, to be sure.
Jims says
Agree with you about Conyers, but why in the hell does the trump get a pass? How many got paid off before and how many have been paid off after he was elected?
Andrew Heller says
Only difference I see is use of public money.
Fred says
Snyder is just going with the flow. Welcome to Trump’s America.
Andrew Heller says
It was very Trumpian, wasn’t it.
Tom says
Great pizza crust! Difficult to put into words, but very easy to put into your mouth.
Teddy Luba says
Always look forward to columns Andy, a big thank you. As far as Trump, he sold what was left of his soul along with evangelical’s. I would not call them Christians because they don’t deserve the label.
Andrew Heller says
Wish I had the link to share, but someone posted a column from a Baptist organization today that said evangelicals are killing religion in this country by not living their faith. The reference was evangelical support for Roy Moore.
Teddy Luba says
On this Thanksgiving I’m also thankful for President Trump, he’s showing me the person I don’t want to be.
Andrew Heller says
He’s a great example for us all. Someone has to play that role. Policies aside, he’s a vile human being.
jim iii says
What a hateful tirade against President Trump. The left has no love in their hearts.
Implying that President Trump backs and supports child molesters has no basis in any facts.
Do republicans have those who abuse women by sexually harassing them? Yes, unfortunately.
Do the democrats a whole lot of politicians and other liberal leaning personnel who abuse women? Yes, they do. They just do not want to admit it. Liberals just go into denial mode over what they have been doing.
Harvey Weinstien is a dyed in the wool liberal. Slick wiley has been abusing women for years and hilliary has covering his behind by attacking in many ways the women that have attempted to bring the issue to the front. Of course the liberal media just ignores stories like that.
I will say one thing though the Detroit Free Press has called on john conyers to resign.
Democrats will not resign, they act as if nothing had happened and that the women are liars.
However, anytime a republican gets caught doing an ethics violation. the media and the democrats scream that the republican should resign.
It was announced today that another democrat had nude photos of him taken by some woman that he was having an affair with while separated from his 2nd wife. The woman who posted the photos found out that the democrat was also seeing other women besides her. He stated that he was not going to resign. In fact he wanted the justice department to investigate whether the woman had violated the law by posting the pictures on line.
Andrew Heller says
Um, Trump, the p-grabber, actually said those words in that “hateful” graph. (The first line, about Moore). If that’s not propping up a sexual predator, I don’t know what is. As for Dems, there are snakes and liars in our party, too. But at least Franken had the gumption to accept responsibility.
And Weinstein is just Weinstein. Each individual who votes Republican is not representative of all Republicans, just as each person who votes Dem isn’t acting/speaking for every Dem. But I will say your side has gobs and gobs of examples of anti-human, anti-God, anti-Democracy (vote suppression, gerrymandering etc.), anti-health care, anti-everything (except for handing away the keys to our government and wealth to rich people who need neither) $$$ for rich people) stances and actions, far more than the Dem side. You must be very proud. If Trump were a Democrat, I’d want him impeached before he permanently stained the party. You guys celebrate him. Good luck with that. His stain runs deep and will be remembered.
NativeOfMichigan says
Yes, and “gobs and gobs of examples” means gobs and gobs of digital history for future generations to digest, and history will not be kind to Donald Trump or the GOP. It kind of like the forensic evidence on “Forensic Files” leading to the truth and catching the perpetrator. The digital evidence left behind by Donald Trump will do the same for history, and with Mr. Mueller on the case, “we ain’t seen nothing yet!”
Fred says
That person you are referring to in the last paragraph is a Republican Senator from Texas.
According to Trump and Roy Moore and you, both of their multiple accusers are liars. So what was all that BS about?
Like I said, the truth is not something you value.
jimiii says
The accusations against Judge Roy Moore are suspicious. As it has been pointed out the women did not come forth until after Judge Moore won the republican run off.
If he had not won the run off election, we would have never heard a peep from those women.
It was only when he was the republican candidate did those women show up and make their claims. WHICH BY THE WAY THEY ONLY HAVE THEIR WORDS ONLY.
What do you think of the picture of al franken putting his hands on the breasts of the sleeping female on the air force transport plane? Is it okay for him to do that? Should he resign from his office for doing such a thing? How would you like it if your daughter was of the same age and al franken he did the same thing to her?
How about you Andrew, would you have liked it, approved of it if it was your daughter that al franken had done that to?
Fred says
I dont think he put his hands on her. I can see the picture and it looks like he was pretending to put his hands on her. I think it was very tasteless and immature.
What do you think about Trump bragging about grabbing women whenever he pleases? He openly admitted and there is PROOF of that admission. You are a real ” it’s not true if it’s only the accussers word” kind of person. Well Trump admitted it. So why do you doubt his accusers?
Bill Clinton’s accussers didn’t come forward until after he won an election either. You logic is moot.
Fred says
And just to clarify. I 100% believed Bill Clinton’s accusers for the sexual harrassment. He disgraced the party. You are still defending Trump. You are a disgrace.
jimiii says
When I seen the story about the senator, the news station did not list by his name what party he belonged to or the state he was from. Usually this station does list which party they belong to when it is a republican being in the wrong. If it is a democrat they do not list the party or the state.
Harvey weinstein donated a lot of money to the democratic party. According to all the reports that I have heard about he never gave any money to a republican candidate.
Slick willey, harvey wienstein, al franken, charlie rose and now john conyers are all democrats who abused women to varying degrees.
Now a couple of democrats are starting to mumble that maybe slick willey should of resigned when he was impeached, instead of staying in office. Then again, we would had to deal with the hypocritical al gore.
There is talk now that hilliary has fallen out of favor, some of her’s and slick willy’s misdeeds might bear a little more look. Just a story so far. Time will tell.
Conservative republicans have a belief in God. The democrats in 2012 booed down a resolution endorsing a belief in God twice. The resolution did pass after the 3rd vote. Show me in writing where a conservative has preached hate speech. Do not worry I am sure in your jumbled mind you just maybe might someone on the fringe, that is their beliefs are pretty close to liberals.
Gerrymanding has been practiced by both political parties. The gerrymandering has been used by both parties to draw the district lines by looking at the demographics of the population in their and redrawing to favor one party over the other.
The redistricting should be taken out of the hands of the politicians and given to a committee of citizens from both parties. They would be limited to the boundaries being a set size. A district should not be 25 miles long by 1 mile wide. That is just an example.
Fred says
So you just assumed he is a democrat, then when someone points out how oh so wrong you are, boy did you start back pedaling, deflecting and pulling down unrelated talking points out of left field. The is how the right rolls. Bury it in nonsense until we forget what we were talking about.
The fact is Jim III, hardly anything you say has any basis in the truth.
jimiii says
The liberals and the left leaning media are the ones who perfected the art of deflection.
They are the ones who scream: do not look at the issues in front of us, instead look over there at the squirrel there.
No fred I am not the burying the facts you and Andrew are the ones in denial.
Fred says
You know I am beginning to realize that this is all just a game to you. You can’t possibly really be this stupid.
jimiii says
Fred, I have been reading your comments for sometime now. You are the one who is full of hate speech. Because you are a liberal you think that you get away with it.
I have called you a liberal, socialist and a communist. If you can find somewhere in my comments where I have said some stronger words please cite the date that I supposedly said such a word.
You call me full of hate. I am not. If a politician of the republican party says/does the wrong thing, I have no problem calling them out on it.
A liberal democrat will go into denial. Claiming that it is some sort of right wing conspiracy against the democratic politician. They will circle the wagons to protect the guilty politician.
If a republican does something similar or it is a lesser misdeed the democrats scream worse than a banshee and demand the republican be taken out and flogged and banished from office.
Tom says
Jimmy the Third: Fred does NOT do hate speech, and he does not seem to be a Communist. You cannot just assert things that are not true. And, your writing stinks at every level. For one small example, you just wrote, “sometime,” when you needed, SOME TIME. You must be as silly as you appear, if you cannot understand this difference.
Tom says
Ethically Offensive Athletic Teams Names
Many teams at all levels of sport have changed their names, when their names were offensive to Native Americans. And, some teams have refused to change. For example, the Washington REDSKINS.
Please note that this problem is bigger than most Americans realize, and that it goes far beyond Native Americans. Right now, I have a college football game on TV. Michigan State versus Rutgers. The Rutgers team name is the KNIGHTS! Do you realize how offense this name is to persons of noble British ancestry, some of whom actually are Knights? When the Rutgers mascot gallops across the football field in fake armor, all British nobles absolutely cringe! Rutgers is exploiting their revered heritage in a cheap, cartoonish way.
And, the Michigan State team name is the SPARTANS! This cheapens the heritage of all Greeks and Greek-Americans. The real Spartans were the greatest, most heroic warriors in all of world history, and they were Greek. As far as I can tell, none of MSU’s football players are Greek in any way. Their coach is Italian (Roman), for crying out loud.
Put a stop to all this ethnic disrespect!