Come Heller high water …
- My favorite Trump tweet of the week was the one where he said that “in his great and unmatched wisdom” he was pulling our troops out of northern Syria. Honestly, who, besides the Wizard of Oz, talks like that? If your grandpa said that, you’d get him some help.
- In my great and unmatched wisdom, we will never have a more damaging – or entertaining – president, proving everybody has value.
In my great and unmatched wisdom, no matter what happens with impeachment, Trump is already the bar by which all future presidents will be judged. People will say, “Well, she’s/he’s bad … but not as bad as Trump.” Somewhere, Andrew Johnson and Dick Nixon are clinking glasses.
- In my great and unmatched wisdom, I say at least a small part of Trump’s brain thought – at least for a moment – that real kangaroos make up the kangaroo court he says the House impeachment committee has become. (He’s blocking his appointees from testifying because, hey, why not? Laws, schmaws. Separation of powers? P’shaw. Constitution? What’s that?)
- In my great and unmatched wisdom, that kangaroo court should throw anybody who doesn’t testify in a jail cell until they do.
- In my great and unmatched wisdom, the Rev. Pat Robertson, who said Trump is in danger of losing his “mandate from Heaven,” doesn’t have a clue what God thinks and shouldn’t pretend that he does. People who claim to have God’s ear are the kind of people who think kangaroos wear black robes.
- In my great and unmatched wisdom, Trump shouldn’t worry about an impeachment on his resume, as some news reports say he is. If he ever works again, it’s probably going to be in the prison library, and they’re not that picky. (Oh, stop. It was a joke. Sort of.)
- In my great and unmatched wisdom, Trump may be the final nail in America’s “Hey, great idea, let’s elect people who run the government like a business!” coffin lid. It killed Michigan. It killed Flint (literally). It’s killing NATO. It’s about to kill (again, literally) the Kurds. And it’s been absolutely fatal to our moral standing in the world.
- In my great and unmatched wisdom, Facebook should stop sending me notices about “People I may know” because I never do.
- In my great and unmatched wisdom, the most annoying commercial on TV is the one for an insurance company featuring a crabby half-man, half-motorcycle. Instant channel-switch. Good job, ad agency!
- In my great and unmatched wisdom, the study that says Good ‘N Plenty is Michigan’s favorite movie candy is full of it. Good ‘N Plenty’s wouldn’t make the top 100. Besides, everyone knows the best movie candies are (chocolate-based) Reese’s and (non-chocolate) Sour Patch Kids. (Please do not argue with me on this. You are wrong.)
- In my great and unmatched wisdom, the food podcaster who is calling for grocery stores to do away with the “ethnic foods” aisle, calling them the “last bastion of racism” in American retail, nailed it. I completely agree. Ethnic means subgroup. We’re all ethnic in this country. That’s the beauty of it. Unless you’re president of the United States.
- In my great and unmatched wisdom, the forecasters saying parts of Michigan might see snow flurries should zip their stupid, lying lips. I don’t want to hear that. It’s way too early – MONTHS too early. If Mother Nature has other plans, I’d rather not know about them.
- Note to self: Get the snow tires on, pronto!
- In my great and unmatched wisdom, Michigan winters are harsher, start earlier and end later than ever before. And, yes, I blame climate change. Or a faulty memory. Or both.
- And, finally, in my great and unmatched wisdom, this is a really great quote to end this particularly silly column with: “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.” – Mark Twain.
Image credit: Donkey Hotey
In my great and unmatched wisdom, I believe this is your best column ever! The Mark Twain quote is the the cherry on top.
In my great and unmatched wisdom, Trump is the worst thing to happen to our beautiful America since 911.
In my great and unmatched wisdom, based on my current and past field of work, someone who REFUSES TO COOPERATE in an criminal investigation that they deem themselves innocent in are usually GUILTY AS HELL….
As always thank-you-! You continue to keep us all sane with your very wise and well- thought out comments.You are appreciated more than you realize. My husband said that you are the soothing balm on a festering, infected wound caused by trump and his croonies !! Thank you for all that you do for your readers.
In my great and unmatched wisdom, pay no attention to that President behind the curtain!
Apparently, Mr. Trump did not even let the generals and the Defense Department know that he was going to move the US troops out of northern Syria. He (we) had sort of a subtle blocking position between Turkey and the Kurds. But he could not understand it or maintain it. He is a dolt who cannot even help himself, let alone his country, or his world.
Somebody needs to walk into his office and arrest him, and keep him from more impulsive, whacky, impulsive crazy acts. Impeachment can wait.
Andy, Thank you for making my day.
Common sense says that Trump abandoned the Kurds because Turkey’s president agreed to dig up dirt on the Bidens. If any government in the world wants something from us, that’s the way to get it.
Is anyone else getting fed up with Adam Schiff constantly reminding us that the Trump administration’s refusal to comply with the impeachment inquiry will be considered obstruction? And……? What are the consequences to that? Subpoenas? That’s just a piece of paper and they are ignoring that too. I want to know what he is going to do. Surely he has the power to detain them and drag them kicking and screaming to the floor. I would pay good money to see that,
This adminstration must be held fully accountable to the extent allowed by law. We must give a clear message that Trump was a fluke and any future authoritarian wannabes better think twice before running for office, because they just might end up in prison with Trump. America, we must demand this.
In America you cannot even get a parking ticket based on hearsay testimony, but you can impeach a president? I certainly hope not. Sen Lindsey Graham
In a speech Nancy Pelosi stated “that it was incumbent upon President Trump to prove that he is not guilty of collusion” or whatever crime that we can dream up.
That is the way that democrat/socialist governments work. We are charging you with a crime, we may not come up a crime that you may or may not of committed, but you must prove that you are not guilty of any crime.
Democrats want to impeach first, then charge President Trump with a crime.
The only “crime” President Trump could be guilty of is winning the election of 2016.
Then again, President Trump had a better message for all of us “deplorables and bitter hangers on of our religious beliefs.”
Before one go on whining about some of President Trumps’ associates going to jail for being on his campaign or whatever, they did not go to jail for collusion. They went to jail for supposedly lying to a government agent. That charge is used when in one interview you give story,then a few days later they reinterview you and ask you the same question. You answer the question, but your answer is not the same, Ergo, you must be lying. If the story is exactly the same, you are still lying.
Adam Schiff was given 4 Pinnocios by a liberal newspaper for lying and creating a story about the phone call between President Trump and and the leader of another nation. Shiff acted like he was reading an actual transcript of the phone call. It turns out he created the whole thing up and democrats and socialists reacted like it was the gospel truth.
The GOP is impotent and has surrendered to Trump and their propaganda filth has performed lobotomies on his disciples.
This a great column and the comments are SO RIGHT,
In my great and unmatched wisdom I wii have the steely resolve to fight against the racist, misogynistic, unethical, absurd policies of our so-called President.
You left out a specific detail jim.
That thing they lied about?
It was that they met with the Russians.
The President’s NSA advisor, General Flynn did. And then he lied about it.
As did Jeff Sessions. And then he lied about it. Under oath as he was interviewing for the top law enforcement position in the country, ironically enough.
As did Carter Page. And he lied about it.
As did George Papodopulous (sp?). And then he lied about it.
As did Paul Manafort. And then he lied about it. Heck, he was so financially in debt to Russian oligarchs close to Putin that he volunteered to run Trumps campaign for no pay, which is unusual since the fact that he was yuugely in debt is not at all undocumented. BTW, the Republican party changed its plank on standing against Russia invading Ukraine around that time.
Speaking of Manafort, he also met with Russians to get secret help with the campaign in Trump Tower. As did Don Jr. As did Jared Kushner.
And then they lied about it. And then they lied a different lie about it. And then they lied about who had written the first lie about it.
There’s more, but I think you get the point. Sadly it didn’t stop there. They just can’t help themselves. At the Helsinki summit, Putin, as documented by audio and video recorded by multiple news agencies from multiple countries, said that yes, Russia had wanted Trump to win the election.
And then the White House lied about it. That statement was, inadvertently no doubt, left out of the official White House transcript.
Now in my line of work, you learn that people don’t lie about things they aren’t doing wrong. In fact, lying about something actually removes your ability to claim that you just didn’t know what you were doing was in fact wrong.
But yeah, as you say, it was just a forgettable little thing they misspoke about. Heck, its no different than being able to remember whether you had eggs last Tuesday, or if your father was born in Germany.
I like how the Fox News’ website has nothing about how Rudy Giuliani’s pals just got arrested today for funneling money from foreign countries to Trump’s campaign, and how Rudy allegedly met with them mere hours before their arrest.
I wonder if you Trump fans among us know that accepting campaign funds from a foreign country is highly illegal. Yeah. It’s in the Constitution and all. You know that document you claim to be a self-appointed protector of? I also wonder if you are naive enough to convince yourselves that Rudy and Trump weren’t somehow directly involved.
Now wait for it. They will deflect to Hillary.
One of Trump’s reasons for abandoning the Kurds is that they didn’t help us in World War II. Guess who else didn’t help us in World War II…Germany and Japan. Will we be abandoning them too?
Nah. Everyone knows the real reason Trump abandoned the Kurd. Putin.
North Korea is flying missiles over and into the Sea of Japan with not a word from us.
I think its clear we’ve already abandoned Japan.
But he loves Russia and North Korea. Remember he’s having a love affair with Kim. Pretty sure he had one with Putin too! How can these stupid fools support such a dumbass baffles me.
Turkey also disregarded our pleas not to take anti-air missile systems from Russia. Meanwhile, anyone that might want to stick their neck out to ally with us is watching with close interest as the Kurds get exterminated by the Turks right before our very eyes.
Iran blows up a drone and bombs a tanker and tells us that any cruise missile attack on their soil will be considered an act of war. We subsequently cancel our planned attack at the last minute.
As the time John Bolton was visiting South Korea, both Russian and Chinese bombers repeatedly flew threw South Korea’s Air Defense Identification Zone with impunity.
Gibraltar blows us off when we asked them not to release that Iranian tanker headed for Syria.
The French government released a video of Ivanka at the G7 where she is visibly mocked by International Monetary Fund director Christine Lagarde and Angela Merkel as she tries to insert herself into a heavily intellectual discussion. (One I myself would do no better in…) The point to draw here is that a video that serves no purpose but to show Ivanka being completely vacuous was released not by a hostile news service, but by the office of Prime Minister itself.
Trump used to say at his rallies that the world was laughing at us. Then he went to the UN General Assembly where they literally laughed at him.
Insight into the reason Trump supporters continue to support him no matter what he does: — It’s the abortion issue. Trump appointed two very conservative judges to the supreme court and supporters in turn hope they will get rid of Roe V Wade. I know a lot of family members voted for Trump for that reason alone and those same family members say “if Trump runs again they will again support and vote for him”. Talk about sheep following each other to the slaughter — this is a good example.
Henchmen. These two Giuliani/Trump “associates” are henchmen. Do you remember Nixon’s Watergate henchmen? James McCord, Virgilio Gonzalez, Bernard Barker, Eugenio Martínez, and Frank Sturgis.
The latest thing I read was that the two henchmen had lunch with Rudolph Giuliani, at the Trump Hotel in Washington, just before they skeddaled to the airport, trying to leave the USA on one-way-tickets, just before they were arrested.
The Wall Street Journal reported this.
Who paid the lunch tab? Rudy? The henchmen? Trump? Taxpayers?
Imagine the whiplash of the 2012 Republicans that so loudly decried Obama as a secret Muslim, clearly betrayed by his bowing to the Saud King, and rendered a naive fool by his casual dismissal of Romney’s prescient description of the Russians as our greatest ideological threat mere months before they invaded Ukraine, the literal frontier of NATO.
Now only one election later, these exact same Republicans find themselves passively supporting the complete and total massacre of the Christian Kurds by the Muslim Turks with the Soviet’s blessing,* ostensibly so that we can “get out of the wars in the Middle East”. Yet we then wait all of six days before deploying 3,000 American personnel, including two fighter squadrons and an air expeditionary wing, to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. For good measure, we’re also sending our advanced missile defense systems to ensure the protection of The Kingdom and Mecca.
I was a Republican in 2012. I am no longer. If you were then, and you still are, you demonstrably lack any shred of intellectual integrity and are merely that simplest of thinking creatures, a partisan. I would suggest you be ashamed, but if you find yourself in this condition, you and I both know that you lack that capacity. I thereby pity you, and regret the misery that your intellectual feebleness brings.
Know though that you have ours thoughts and prayers.
*Extraneous details added because that kind of thing is important to the people that say they value such things, yet here they inexplicably… don’t.
We have got to stop applauding Republicans who call out Trump’s behavior as “inappropriate”. We are playing right into their hands. The word “inappropriate” undermines the severity of the situation. “Yeah, I agree it was inappropriate….”, but it’s not impeachable.
Next time a Trump enabling Senator like Ted Cruz downplays Trump requesting Ukraine or China to investigate the Bidens as inappropriate we must express our outrage, not our appreciation, It’s not “inappropriate”. It’s ILLEGAL, UNCONSTITUTIONAL, TRAITORISTIC (if that’s not a word it ought to be) and UNPATRIOTIC. Call it what it is.
In my great and unmatched wisdom, I recently watched part of a Pro Wrestling show on TV. Do you realize how close the Trump Administration is, to Professional Wrasslin’? Obnoxious crass loud-mouth characters, yelling preposterous baloney, and starting fights… A low-brow show, seeking to exploit the audience… Intentional silliness put out as important info…
Trump would be fun, maybe, if his issues were not crucial world problems. He seeks to hornswaggle us, and treats us as “marks,” or expects us to be gullible, credulous hicks, ready for simple-minded manipulation.
Please, impeach the MF.