Come Heller high water …
- Trump says he’s super smart. But is he? Is he really? I mean, c’mon, he keeps insulting the intelligence community. How smart is that? I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed but even I know you don’t taunt people with access to spy satellites, listening devices and poison darts, OK?
- But seriously, you don’t mess with spies. They can take you down. Trump’s a fool. He even tweeted this: “The real scandal here is that classified information is illegally given out by ‘intelligence’ like candy.” But how does he know it’s them? Maybe it’s his own staff and they’re leaking info because they realize, “Oh my god, this guy really IS nuts”?
- And by saying his spies shouldn’t have said anything, isn’t Trump tacitly admitting that, yes, he knew weeks ago about Flynn but didn’t tell the nation? So what’s worse, hiding the truth or revealing the truth that’s being hidden?
- “The Morning Joe” show on MSNBC has banned Kellyanne Conway, saying her fibs render her no longer credible. I’m standing and applauding. That’s what all journalists should do. You lie, you don’t get on, including the president.
- Alternative facts, my patoot.
- All of this said, I think it’s a bit early to be tossing around words like treason and Watergate about the Flynn episode. But it’s not too early to ask why Trump, Flynn and the rest of them were acting like they were in office before they were in office.
- Kim Jong Un’s half-brother died after being sprayed in the face with an unknown liquid at an airport. My guess is it was Axe body spray. That stuff is toxic at 20 yards.
- Can you imagine anything worse than being one of Kim Jong’s relatives? I’m telling you, at Thanksgiving, I’m making sure that guy gets the mashed potatoes first.
- Trump is expected to sign a repeal of an Obama-era regulation created following the Sandy Hook massacre that would have prevented mentally ill people from buying guns. Thank goodness, too. Because if there’s one thing the 2nd Amendment guarantees, it’s the right for crazy people to conveniently and affordably buy combat weaponry to slaughter dozens of little kids. God bless, America. Thank you, NRA. Ain’t you proud.
- About TV news reporters talking about the latest Trump scandal, the lovely yet formidable Marcia observed the following on Facebook the other day: “It’s sounding like they’ve moved from ubiquitous use of ‘doubling down’ to ‘let’s not get out over our skis.’ PLEASE, PEOPLE, can we STOP SPEAKING in CLICHE?” Naturally, all of her smart aleck friends then responded using clichés like “down in the weeds,” “stay in your lane” and “boots on the ground.” Because that’s what friends do.
- Spring training has begun down in Lakeland, Fla. Winter can kiss my sweet behind. Spring is here. But only down there right now. Here it’s just not here yet. But soon!
- Wow, reviewing this, this was an angry and political column today. Apologies. But these are angry, political times.
- “No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar.” – Abraham Lincoln.
Image credit: DonkeyHotey
Tom says
Trump + Russia: Trump wants to emphasize the fact that somebody leaked the facts about his cooperation with or dependence upon Russia. Not just Russia, but the Russian intelligence agency, for cryin’ out loud.
Oy. The leak was patriotic. Trump and his pals seem to be in way over their coifs. Trump will not make it through a presidential term. He will not like being president, and he will resign, just ahead of a tsunami of outrage from the USA. (I have said this before, here, but please mark my words.)
Nancy says
About the weather. Spring has arrived here in Denver. It was 80 degrees last Fri. Warmest Feb. day ever and tomorrow it is suppose to be 70. Not a flake of snow on the ground here but lots in the mountains.
Andrew Heller says
Dammit, Nancy. You’re killin’ me here..
Tom says
Paul Ryan would be President if Trump resigns and Mike Pense then gets impeached. No! Paul Ryan looks way too much like Eddie Munster.
Linda Ann says
RE: the quote from Abe Lincoln
It is TRUE, through and through. Some of us found that out the hard way! But it’s a lesson learned the first time.
Also, I don’t think you need to apologize if your column is angry and political. We get to see every side of you come heller high water!
Oldugly says
Sorry, but the “gun thing” was not about keeping mentally ill people away from guns. It was an ill thought out order that targeted anyone who needed assistance with Social Security or daily living–even temporarily. It was an overreach by folks who thought no one would really notice. Yes, we do need to keep those who are a danger to themselves, and others, away from firearms. But just because you are old—come on now.
Working Dad says
Anti 2A Democrats are never trying to “protect” anybody with their gun grabbing jihads. They ALWAYS target law abiding gun owners.
Never give them a single inch. Never compromise with them. Destroy them on every policy forever.
Fred says
Remember Flynn back in July; “If I did even a 1/10 of what Hillary did, I would be in prison now!”?
Teddy luba says
I can’t believe that somebody in that position is that stupid. Flynn had to know that they were keeping close tabs on him. The fake news caught Trump in a cover up.
NativeOfMichigan says
Chaos is the norm in the Trump White House. His voters asked for change. They certainly wanted to see disruption. Now we get to reap the consequences and pick up the pieces.
Working Dad says
Democrats in the intelligence community are on a jihad against Donald Trump and the American people. Any illegal leaks must be fully investigated and prosecute all persons involved in the illegal jihad. Let them serve maximum sentences or if it actually amounts to treason, execute them. I hope President Trump shows absolutely no mercy to illegal leakers.
Oldugly says
So, if you are in a position to learn that someone is breaking the law, and that person is your boss or a high ranking official, you are supposed to keep your mouth shut? Seems to me that is how we got into the Flint water problem.
Jason J. Young says
Great column…keep it up! Also, a non-political question…are you a Wolverine or Spartan?
Working Dad says
Wow!… President Trump just gave the lying, liberal (fake) “media” the biggest smackdown ever!
Libs will be crying hard over this one.
Jim III says
Hilliary keeps all sorts of classified info on a private server in her basement and the democrats just yawn. President Trump uses a cell phone that is not secure enough and the democrats start having hissy fits about President Trump using such a device.
As for the illegal immigration flap, I think that President Trump and the republicans need to pass the same immigration laws the Mexico has and do the same thing on our southern border as Mexico has done on their border with Guatemala.
If you and illegal immigrant in Mexico and you are caught you would face jail/prison time and then be deported. If you were to demand that you have the right to vote in a Mexican election, you would find out quickly that you do not have the right to vote.
I do believe that Mexico does not have a welfare program in place.
We should make it just a hard for immigrants to get welfare as it is for veterans to get VA benefits.
Michael Page says
So sad (no pun intended) what is happening now. Someone finally breaks through the big money control of politicians, and it’s a clueless lunatic named Donald Trump. He’s in way over his head.
America is in trouble, folks. Time to stop with the same old political arguments and start discussing what America needs to do to fix itself.
If we let other countries make their own decisions like we expect them to let us do, we could fix America in ways that let everyone enjoy the American Dream.
Name one thing that would make America a better place for everybody and let’s get started.