- The argument in the House over Obamacare amounts to this: Is America going to get a terrible replacement or no replacement at all. It’s like watching two bullies arguing over who gets to kick a kid harder. “Me!” “No, me!” And in the end, both sides will declare victory and claim America loves it. Can’t wait.
- I’d like to say that the last few week’s of Trump revelations have convinced the American people that they made a huge mistake but that would be assuming the vast majority of people are aware of what’s been going on, which I doubt. Another reason the decline of newspaper readership is costing the country bigly.
- Can you imagine if Obama or the Democrats had done half the stuff Trump and Republicans seem to have done? Republicans would have gone nuts. But now that it’s them doing it, meh, not so much. Nothing to see here, folks.
- Happy birthday to Twitter, which turned 11 this week. It seems like only yesterday when people kept their meaningless thoughts to themselves, doesn’t it?
- I will say this for Twitter, though. It’s still fun to see grown adults semi-cringe when they have to use the semi-silly term “tweet.”
- Chuck Barris, the host of “The Gong Show,” died this week. (If you’re under the age of 50, ask your parents who he is.) If his funeral service doesn’t include someone doing Gene, Gene the Dancing Machine’s shuffle and The Unknown Comic’s bawdy, awful jokes, well, that’s just not a fitting tribute. You had to be there to have gotten it, but I thought “The Gong Show” was a great, kitschy parody of “real” talent contests, and Barris was the ultimate anti-host. It was so much more fun than “American Idol,” which takes itself way too seriously. Someone bang a gong slowly
- Sears stores in Michigan may close. Well, why not – every other big box store is going under. I like online shopping as much as the next guy, but I’ll miss stores when they’re all gone. I like to touch and see, in 3D, the stuff I’m buying.
- A new study says the number of millionaire households in America increased by 400,000 last year. So there’s at least that many who will be able to afford health insurance after Obamacare goes away.
- Can we please, please, please be done with “That moment” comments online, as in “That moment when you realize ‘that moment’ comments are driving you nuts.”
- Best line on Facebook I’ve seen in a long time: “Just how hairy was the dude who invented a shampoo called Head & Shoulders?”
- A few weeks ago I offered perfectly ridiculous suggestions for ridding the Great Lakes of Asian carp if they invade. And of course, readers offered even more ridiculous ones. My favorite: “If ever there were an example of our need for border control, this is it! Build a wall! Make America Great Again. “I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. And, yes, we should make the carp pay for it, too.
- Videos are out of control on news websites. I can have three video clips running on the same page. Ridiculous. The more I read and watch news online, the more I miss newspapers, magazines and TV.
- If you have a young daughter, you may have noticed an explosion of princess merchandise in recent years, owing to the “Frozen” phenomenon. Author Peggy Orenstein noticed, too. She calls it “the princess industrial complex” and says it is contributing to the “self-objectification” and “self-sexualization” of girls. I have no idea if she’s right – my daughter is long since grown. But it’s an interesting point. What say you, parents: Yes or no?
- A 17-year-old in West Virginia used Kanye West lyrics to build the world’s first ever robot that can rap. So there’s one more thing to hate about West Virginia.
- “If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.” – Marcus Aurelius.
Image credit: Donkey Hotey
Tom says
The Republicans failed to get their act together again, and they postponed their vote on health care, because many of them now realize how wrong they have been on that topic. They will not admit it, though. They have all sorts of excuses…
Andrew Heller says
Whatever happens, it’ll be a glorious victory, you can bank on it.
Linda Ann says
Peggy Orenstein and her views mess with peoples’ minds. If parents are confused over whether they should buy or let their little girls play with something that could cause or IS the cause of self-sexualization, that is pretty sad. No wonder some families are screwed up. Thank You Peggy. Maybe you should write books about fixing cars or something.
Judith Brooks says
I refuse to read news online. I want a real newspaper I can lay on the table to peruse while I have my breakfast, lunch or supper. Online news is as bad as TV news-brief clips. No background, no depth, no investigations. Feel the same about books. Besides, looking at a screen hurts my eyes and gives me headaches.
Jims says
I never missed the Gong Show. The guy was hilarious. Don’t know what Chuck was on but I wished I had some of it when I listen to these no clue republicans and a mentally ill president debate health care. Chuck would gong them all!
Tom says
Be careful, everybody. Barak Obama has wiretapped this blog.
Suze says
When your blog is late, I always picture you starting but pausing as some fresh material comes from D.C. Every day is more psycho than the last. How to decide?
Working Dad says
The final version of the much needed repeal/replace Obamacare legislation needs to have the following.
1. Enhanced free market competition across all state lines.
2. No fines for those who choose to not participate.
3. Remove tax burdens added by Obamacare. (Obamacare was nothing but a tax increase anyway)
4. Provisions to prevent illegal aliens from gaining access.
5. Provisions to identify and deport illegal aliens who burdened taxpayers under Obamacare.
Tom says
Meh, in many different ways:
1. Free Market is a problem in Heath Care. Do you shop your medical options? Does any American do that?
2. Uh? You posed this in a general way. Answer is we need fines or some such. People who cannot afford will have it provided! Do not be a self-defeating dink, please. Participate!
3. Utter baloney. What is this tax thing? Last time you argued this on this web site, you gave us baloney. Stop with your lying propaganda, please.
4. Horse-frokky! No illegal alien ever could get access. (I actually believe anybody visiting the USA needs care. Your nasty xenophobia makes us look bad. What if a visitor to the USA breaks a leg? Would you kick this person out of the hospital, you mean dink?)
5. Nobody has burdened us under Obamacare. How could they do it? Could not enroll. Please stop trying to influence us with your baloney. We do not fall for it.
Working Dad says
Andy Heller
I would very much like to hear your views on how we can effectively keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the USA and help prevent attacks. Please consider this topic for a near future posting. Thank you.
Vicki says
Obama care was a bit helpful. Still not perfect. Trump care will most certainly have a slant for the rich. I wish we could finally come to the conclusion that every other country has…..a type of UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE. Unfortunately, We have no control over prices for companies in the healthcare field. Why? Because, they have bought out congress. I don’t think there can be any improvements until we get congress out of the pockets of these money hungry businesses. What that will take will be a miracle.
Jims says
Medicare for all. Take the tax cap off. Problem solved.
barb says
Tom says
Right on!
Jim III says
Democrat, progressive liberal, communist and whatever other left leaning organizations there are still upset that hilliary clinton was not elected.
Flyover country that was and has been ignored by the east and west coast liberals voted against their new queen/dictator wanna be.
The only reason that the lame stream liberal media could not find any wrongdoing by the previous president is because they did not want to find any thing wrong with their messiah.
If today’s democrats were to been part of the writing of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights there would be no freedom of the press, speech, religion and so forth.
The only views that would be allowed would be whatever the king or queen would allow.
The liberals for the most part are useful idiots. Lenin and hitler had their useful idiots. Under lenin they were white Russians. Under hitler they were called brown shirts. As soon a lenin and hitler had no more use for them, they jailed, then executed. Mao also had his useful idiots. They also died under his dictatorship. Hitler, lenin and Mao were democratic liberals.
Those who refuse to study and learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Tom says
You are praising the worse dictators of our history here. Please, admit yourself to a psychiatric hospital.
Tom says
Jim III says
Tom, You are deliberately misdirecting my comments.
My comment was and is not a praise of those dictators.
M point is that they are/were liberal in nature.
They were left leaning dictators. They can never be called republican in nature.
A liberal like you would find fault with Presidents Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln and various other republican presidents.
You carry on that slick willie was a good president, that hilliary would have been the best president.
The clinton foundation is closing down in late April. All the money that was collected for the foundation will end up in slick willie’s and hilliary’s pockets.
Fred says
…..and yet, trump still holds the title for the worst President in recent history with that 37% approval rating.