Come Heller high water …
- It bugs me what constitutes news these days. Ted Cruz holds a press conference to say President Obama should have left Cuba the second the Brussels attack happened, and TV news treats it like real news when it’s really just campaign gibberish. This is not a partisan rant. I don’t care who utters it. Gibberish is gibberish. If Hillary Clinton says Cruz should take up knitting that’s
gibberish, too, and shouldn’t be reported. In the past, reporters would do that. They would demonstrate actual news judgment. These days they eagerly report nonsense because in the 24-hour news cycle creating the news beats waiting for it to actually happen. I don’t like it. The tail should never wag the dog and hooey is always hooey. Call me old school but I liked TV news better when it was all past tense.
- Jeb Bush is now endorsing Cruz, describing him as “a consistent, principled conservative. Also, he’s not Trump.” (OK, yes, I made up the second part of that quote, but it’s probably accurate.
- Snyder unveiled his new 75-point “action” plan for Flint this week. Which sounds nice until you think, “Where was this a month ago, two months ago, three months ago, four months ago …” That’s why this is misnamed. It shouldn’t be called an action plan, it should be called a “Here’s what we’re going to do now that we’re six months to a year behind and our butts are in a sling” plan. That doesn’t have the same ring as action plan, but it’s more accurate. Where is this guy’s sense of urgency? If he were living out of 8-ounce water bottles, he’d be moving a helluva lot faster, I’ll bet.
- Speaking of Snyder, columnist Jack Lessenberry had an interesting observation about him: “Nobody is going to appoint Snyder to anything, ever. Politically, that would be the kiss of death. He seems destined to be remembered forever – rightly or wrongly – as the Man Who Poisoned Flint.” How’d you like that on your Wikipedia page forever?
- A Michigan legislator has introduced a bill to drop the sales tax on tampons. The argument for an exemption is there are other products – including prescriptions and groceries – that aren’t taxed because they’re deemed “necessary.” Having a wife and a daughter, you definitely won’t find me disagreeing. Partly because I agree and partly because I’m not stupid.
- Try to look on the bright side, UM and MSU fans. Think of all the time you’re saving not watching basketball games now.
- “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” starts this weekend. Me, I’m “meh” on seeing it. I’ve long since reached the point of overkill with superhero movies. (“Meh,” by the way, is my college son’s new expression for “does not interest me much.” I kinda like it. I’m not “meh” on meh.)
- Lego’s is coming out with stay-at-home dad and working mother figurines to better reflect the modern world. If that’s their goal, look for “working three jobs because the CEO wants a new yacht” and “Hey, why am I making half of what the male Lego makes?” figurines soon.
- “Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.” – Veronica Shoffstall.
Come Heller high water is your Hump Day oasis in a long, busy week. Look for it every Wednesday at noon.
What the heck is a “stay-at-home dad” Lego? Why not make a “generic” Lego guy and let the child call him whatever he/she wants? Why are adults stealing the creativity of children?
We’ve reached an all time low in the political scene. The news media can share the blame. Terrorist? Seems they want to instill fear. Good job, news media. You sure are helping them! Andy, I much prefer your tongue in cheek reporting.
Me too.
“Also, he’s not Trump” is actually far, far more accurate than “consistent, principled conservative.”
I know from experience, you cannot fix or act on a problem if you are not made aware of the magnitude of the problem. It seems to me that Snyder’s people failed him. I know the” buck stops here”, but from reports it looks like people were making bad decisions and not informing him until they had to. A smart businessman like him would not have risked ignoring this life and death, moral problem.
Read this week’s report from the committee investigating. It’s pretty clear he knew there was a lead problem last summer.
“it looks like people were making bad decisions and not informing him until they had to.”
Which I guess is even more damning about Snyder. Never voted for the guy, but can you imagine anyone cutting John Engler out of the loop like that? No, because they knew if they did their next job would be cleaning out protajohns in state parks.
Without buckets.
Andrew Heller,
Thank you for your column. As we have shifted from being presented with news to infotainment, the average citizen has continued to do what we’ve always done, go to work, go to the store, tend to our families and do what we need to do to live our lives. I, personally, don’t have the same resources as do those engaged in the news media. I don’t necessarily have the frame of reference to draw informed conclusions on what is presented by the news media. So, if the news media is going to give someone airtime, give me some context, give me some insight as compared to what?! In the case of Ted Cruz and his comments about President Obama’s conduct after the bombings in Belgium, give me some references to previous Presidents reactions after similar tragedies. Words are a journalist’s business. You know what impression you are leaving your viewers or readers with. Use this unique opportunity to reach millions of people to inform us, to educate us. Our country, the world, would be a better place.
You nailed it, Eve. I nominate you for the head of CNN.