Will Puerto Rico get the Flint treatment and receive underwhelming help in its hour of need? When it was discovered in 2014 that Flint was being poisoned by its own water, it took the state months to swing into action. (Just so you're sure, the quotes are intended to imply … [Read more...]
Want to increase voter turnout? Do this …
Nineteen percent of Michigan’s registered voters turned out to the polls last Tuesday. Nineteen. For you fellow math-phobes, that’s roughly one in five. (Ratio courtesy of my teen-age son.) Think about that. If you called a meeting in your office and only one of the five … [Read more...]
Michigan should give back teacher’s money
When I was a little kid, my mom would say “Don’t take things that don’t belong to you.” And if I did anyway she would say “Give it back this instant, young man.” If I didn’t, I knew justice – mom-style – would be swift and sure: A good solid two hours in my room was in my … [Read more...]
Bathroom politics is about equality, not politicians’ comfort level
I would respect politicians a lot more if they just said what they mean and owned it. A good example is the transgender bathroom debate. State Sen. Tom Casperson, R-Escanaba, introduced a bill this week that would require students to use the bathroom corresponding to their … [Read more...]
It’s our state, why have we let it come to this?
President Obama made an overdue point in Flint recently. He said, ‘I’m not here to go through the full history of what happened. Government officials at every level weren’t attentive to potential problems the way they should have been." The larger problem, he added, is the … [Read more...]