By John Matonich When I was growing up, whether we knew it or not, there were a number of traditions in our house. Supper was at 4:30 p.m. Not dinner, that was at 11:30 a.m. We all sat at the kitchen table together. There weren’t any trays in front of the TV and while there … [Read more...]
Surveyin’ da Situation: Camp life is the good life
One of the advantages of moving back home to Bessemer is that I get to go to camp about every weekend. I was able to spend time there occasionally when I live below da bridge, but because it was for just a short weekend, it wasn’t nearly as relaxed as it is now. Before I go … [Read more...]
Surveyin’ da Situation: Odd things can trigger good memories
By John Matonich It was a typical day and I was at my wood shop working on a few projects for some good customers. One of the projects was a wooden bolt-action pen. They are fun to build and the customer was planning ahead for Christmas and wanted 2 made, one for each of his … [Read more...]
Surveying da Situation: Is it really targeted advertising?
Note: Today's offering is by humorist John Matonich, a fellow Yooper who came downstate, endured you Trolls for a long time, did well in da business world, then retired and returned to da homeland. His first book "Surveyin' Da Situation" (yes, he's a former surveyor) … [Read more...]
Guest column: Libraries are so great, it’s almost like getting away with something
By Kelly Flynn I am nine years old, a skinny bit of a thing, and as I step onto the creaky wooden porch of the quaint little building with the A-frame roof, I nearly stagger under the weight of the pile of books clutched in my arms. And I experience again what I experience … [Read more...]