Anyone who bashes “kids these days” for their supposed faults and flaws (all bunk, by the way – kids are smarter and better than ever) didn’t watch yesterday’s “March for Our Lives” protest in Washington, D.C.
All I could say is “Wow.” Kid after kid, young adult after young adult, took to the stage in front of what can only be called a throng – my fervent hope is it was more than Trump’s inauguration – and spoke passionately and intelligently about the definitive issue of their time.
Amazing. Can you imagine how nervous you’d be talking to that many people? One girl, my god, she was 11. When I was 11, I was too busy digging random holes or climbing random trees with my random friends to know or care about Vietnam, which was the issue of my day.
And yet this little sprig of a girl – her name is Naomi Wadler and she’s a grade-schooler, for gosh sakes, from Virginia – positively nailed it.
Where do kids so young get the poise?
What I loved the most was how mature their thoughts were. These were not just kids simply gushing emotion or grief. They spoke intelligently but fiercely. (I’m a big fan of fierce.) You could feel their impatience with the adults of this country who refuse to protect them all so gun nuts can indulge their war fantasies. You could feel their determination and their resolve: If grown-ups aren’t going to do it, they said, we’ll do it ourselves. Enough is enough.
Naomi said, and I love this, “My friends and I might still be 11 and we might still be in elementary school, but we know, we know life isn’t equal for everyone and we know what is right and wrong,. We also know that we stand in the shadow of the Capitol, and we know that we have seven short years until we too have the right to vote.”
If you’re an adult who has valued your AR-15 over the lives of the people slaughtered by them, her words should shame you. When she speaks of right and wrong, she’s pointing a finger directly at you. And if you don’t see that and act on it, you’re on the wrong side of history. Plus, you’re a shameful human being. (Had to be said.)
And if you’re a Republican politician and you don’t hear her words as a warning, you’re an idiot. By refusing to budge on guns, you’re alienating an entire generation. They’re not likely to forget or ever warm to a party that values the money it receives from the NRA more than life itself.
For this generation, the line has finally been crossed. Adults – my generation – haven’t bothered to lead.
So now they will.
Go get ‘em, kids. A lot of we supposed grown-ups are with you.
Two postscripts to this column:
- Here’s the NRA’s official statement on the march: “Today’s protests aren’t spontaneous. Gun-hating billionaires and Hollywood elites are manipulating and exploiting children as part of their plan to DESTROY the Second Amendment and strip us of our right to defend ourselves and our loved ones.” These are some sad, sick people. It really comes down to this: Kids are protesting gun murders. The NRA is fighting to protect their “right” to use war weapons. Now you tell me which side is nobler.
- Where the hell was President Trump? A few weeks ago, he claimed to care about the issue. And yet he jumped on his jet and got the hell out of Washington instead of speaking at the march, as I like to imagine any president would. The man is without a soul.
Image credit: YouTube screen capture
Up in the U.P. says
It seems you’re not a “patriot” if you’re not armed to the gills, waiting for the bad guys to come at you. I choose not to live my life waiting for bad things to happen.
I like shooting guns once in a while, but I LOVE my children and grandchildren every single moment of every day. I guess I’m a bad American.
Working Dad says
This Soros funded, Democrat orchestrated crap has absolutely zero credibility. This is nothing but Democrat hissy fit.
Keep crying Democrats. Cry louder. I celebrate your tears. I want more.
Andy says
Jims says
You want more death and killings? You celebrate the tears of the children and their families that died? You are one sicko my man.
Jims says
Couldn’t find a thing about George Soros funding the March. Lots of celebrities and philanthropist. Sane thinking people and organizations.
jimiii says
You will never find anything on George Soros helping pay for these marches. The lame stream media does not and will not report on George Soros. Someone who during WWII in Hungary turned in Jewish friends over to the nazi’s (who are socialist based), then after the nazi’s/socialists hauled them away , him and his father would go into their houses and loot them. The Soros’s are of Jewish background.
Dawn says
I sent $50. Then I drove to Ann Arbor and freaking marched with them. So much for your dipshit ideas.
Fred says
Like Andrew said; you are SICK PEOPLE.
Psd says
Two words: Koch Brother$
Working Dad says
My Second Amendment rights are not negated because a bunch of Democrats cry and crap their pants.
Cry harder libs!
Bill says
Can’t wait until November 7 to hear you crying about the new Democratic majorities in Congress and the Senate, along with Gretchen Whitmer’s election as governor.
You’ll never learn…
Working Dad says
Just like Hillary was winning “in a landslide”? Keep on drinking the Kool Aid.
Bill says
Hillary won the majority of popular votes, you moron. The archaic electoral vote put the Cheeto in the White House.
And keep watching Faux News. Mueller is getting closer and closer every day…
jimiii says
It is funny how the various political parties either hate or like the electoral college. If the democrats win the supposed popular vote and do not get the electoral vote, they cry, whine and complain about the vote not being fair.
If the republicans win the popular vote but do not get the electoral college vote and they complain about it, the democrats just sneer and jeer the republicans.
The only time either party wins both the popular vote and the electoral vote does the grumbling not happen.
But, then again, the way the democrats act in today’s election they still might complain about it.
Patriot says
You are the one crying! Boo hoo… They’re gonna take all of my guns away! Just like President Obama did! You poor little guy…you’ll have to learn to shoot like a REAL man…
Tom says
Marie Antoinette: “Let them eat cake.”
Working Dad: “Let them eat lead!”
jbcsfl says
Kudos to all the students who stood and spoke at rallies across the nation and around the world.
Times are changing, the younger generation has had enough.
I have had enough, I have been fed up with the gun lobby for years.
I strongly support the second amendment.
I do not support the easy access to guns of those who should not have one.
I support the need for more mental health intervention and funding.
I do not support the right of every day citizens to own military style rifles and guns capable of firing off multiple rounds of ammunition.
The gun lobby yields to much power over our elected officials.
Not Right Anymore!
Hopefully the 2018 midterms to afford a change to sensible leadership in our government and an end to this gun violence that plagues the nation.
Norman says
How do you support the Second Ammendment? In what way? Why?
Suppose aa husband says, “I love and support my wife” then proceeds to beat her, does that make his abuse okay?
Fred says
That is a false equivalence. Nobody is beating the 2nd. Amendment. We are talking about making it harder to commit mass murder. We are talking about actual human lives. I hope you are aware that the 2nd. Amendment is not a life. Your comparison causes me to wonder.
Working Dad says
BTW….. The whole narrative claiming “school shootings” are on the rise is BS. Not that liberal Democrats aren’t long time supporters of BS….
Dave in Milwaukee says
WD, good to know you also agree teachers should not be armed. You do, right? Because that is one of the conclusions of the authors.
And your fist in the air “Nazi salute”…take fifteen seconds and do an image search “Trump fist in the air”. I’ll wait….
Ok, still feel the same?
Oh, hey, remember “terrorist fist bump”? Ah, the good old days, eh..?
Mike says
As a product of the sixties I am excited to see the energy of youth speaking/yelling again. With clarity and purpose they are grabbing this social issue bull by the horns. As it was with youthful protesters of the sixties I hope history again puts these kids on the right side of the gun violence issue.
Working Dad says
I was also very shocked to see David Hogg promoting wearing Hitler Youth armbands and then seeing him throw up a NAZI salute. I don’t know why the left supports such hatred.
Jims says
A fist in the air is a nazi salute? Didn’t see any arm band. But Girl Scouts wear arm bands so they must be nazis, right??
Fred says
You already commented like 6 times. You are seriously obsessed. Take a nap or something. Nobody is coming for your guns today, relax.
Working Dad says
It was shocking to see these hate filled marchers carrying signs that said the following.
“F#*k The NRA”
“F#*k Your Constitution”
Even children were forced to carry these hate filled signs by their Democrat parents.
Jims says
Freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Constitutional right!!
jimiii says
Unless you are someone who does not toe the democratic/liberal/socialist party line.
The only time liberals and such tolerate “free speech” is when someone follows the liberal talking lines. If someone does not follow the democrat/liberal/socialist party line, then will do some of the following: they will block the entrances to where the speech that is going to given, they will riot, assault people trying to attend, heckle the speaker by shouting them down along with a few other items. If a speaker or his supporters try to protect themselves and then real cross eyed mean toward the protestors, the protestors will whine and cry about the looks that they got.
Matt Wyneken says
Thank you, Andy. How exciting to see those marches and know that these kids will soon be voting. Hopefully, this was a real “Rosa Parks” moment in another step toward sane living.
Evolution is a very slow process.
Jims says
It’s happening for sure. These kids are awesome. The NRA should be shaking in their boots. An organization that needs to move itself into the 21st century. It basic beliefs are over two hundred years old.
NativeOfMichigan says
The fuse on the WMD is getting very short.
Barb says
Hey working dad….it’s a nice day…how bout go outside and spend some time with the kids…posting and arguing with everyone on here is really making you look bad
Fred says
I have so much I could say about this.
These kids are truly inspiring. I am feeling so optimistic about the future of our country, thanks to them. Emma Gonzalez and David Hobbs are amazing leaders. If either one of them ever runs for President, they will have my vote.
The NRA and all the gun nuts are behaving the way they do because they are scared. They know they are losing and their time at the top is coming to an end. All they can do now is complain and slander, because they have no rational position or argument.
We do not need the NRA or Republicans to make these changes. We can do it without. Let’s waste no more time trying to reason with them. They can’t be budged. They don’t care. Their guns are more important. They will find every possible ridiculous excuse to resist any change to the 2nd Amendment. So again, don’t bother trying to reason with them. Let’s move forward without them.
We need to :
Close background check loop holes.
Keep guns out of hands of mentally ill.
Outlaw magazines and tubes that hold more than 6 rounds.
There are so many other steps we can take, but let’s start with those three. In Michigan there is already a law that make owning a Semi-Automatic Shotgun that hold more than three shells illegal. Why not apply that same rule to all firearms?
As I said yesterday, every time the shooter has to reload, there is a window of opportunity to neutralize him. So let’s increase the number of times he needs to reload by limiting his magazine capacity to 6 rounds. Sure he can get illegal magazines off the black market, but that would be another crime to prosecute. Those people will be running until they are caught. Gun nuts can still keep their scary AR-15s , still hunt, and still have self defense. It’s a perfectly reasonable compromise. Let’s start there.
Let’s do this in Michigan NOW, not after we have a high profile school shooting here. And if any politicians don’t want to get on board, VOTE THEM OUT!!
Norman says
I am not going to correct every mistake here, but Michigan does NOT ban semi auto shotguns that hold more than 3 shells. Migratory bird and waterfowl hunters cannot hunt with a repeating shotgun capable of holding more than 3 shells without a plug limiting its capacity to 3. Its a game law, not a gun law.
NativeOfMichigan says
Not sure if he had much to begin with.
Trump is the main idiot around,
But where did his conscience go?
Flushed into the sewer underground,
Along with the rest of his soul.
Fred says
Oh and I couldn’t help but notice that Fox News gave yesterday’s marches about 5 minutes of air time. That network is sick. They thought discussing the heroic French police officer was a higher priority than what is happening in our own country.
Large Mark says
That would be the sameFaux News that vilified the French for not backing the folly in Iraq, remember “Freedom Fries”.
Janet says
I spent the day between tears and goose bumps. They made me so excited. We either are with them or in their way. We’ll be stampeded.
Linda Ann says
Great column Andrew! I just want to add my two cents worth in response to some of the comments:
Agree: The NRA and Republicans cannot discuss this rationally. “They can’t be budged.”
Agree: How much longer will we allow Pres. Trump to bring down the Office of President and mess up what is left of the honor of our country. I never thought I could say this about the President of the United States: He, his words and his actions are downright shameful.
I must admit that the fist in the air by David Hogg caught my attention. I didn’t view it as a nazi thing, I was just surprised to see it. It doesn’t strike me as a patriotic action or symbol of something. Actually, I think he surprised himself and was overcome by the events of the march, and the size of the crowd. I don’t think he planned to do that. I hope not.
Since mental health issues, including depression, are finally being looked upon as a legitimate illness, and not just being crazy, we need to be more sensitive to the many people who suffer from depression. People with depression know what I am talking about. Some people have sadness, low energy, no interest in things they once enjoyed; and to lump them together with mass murderers who buy guns with every intention of killing people is very wrong.
Fred says
What’s wrong a fist in the air? It’s simply the traditional protest symbol for “Power to the people”, which is kind of what America is supposed to be. It was also popular during the civil rights movement of the 60’s and was frequently used by the Black Panthers.
Working Dad is just showing his racist colors when he complains about this, but he tries to hide that by pretending he saw a Nazi salute. I trust that because it was the symbol for standing up to oppression against African American community is not also the reason it bothers you.
Fred says
Meet the most powerful person in America. The NRA and GOP are terrified of her.
Jims says
They should be very afraid of many of these young people. The NRA is shaking in their boots. You notice how when you prove working dad wrong he disappears. Just a shill that crawls in a hole like a the squirrel he is.
Tom says
Trying to be very specific:
1. We need classes and courses to teach safe gun use. The NRA can provide these courses, and can certify Americans in gun competency. Even kids can get certification for hunting and so on.
2. We need to check gun purchasers for mental health and criminal pasts.
3. We do NOT need to confiscate guns from anybody who already owns guns, other than criminals and people with mental illness.
Linda Ann says
Please refer to the broad explanation of mental illness in my previous comment which is the third above yours. It is the entire last paragraph.
Remember State Liquor Stores? Maybe we should have the same process for selling any and all guns and ammo. A young adult in the sporting goods department could sell anything from tennis balls to kayak equipment. A specially trained person who can go through the process and paperwork to sell a rifle should be the one at the gun counter in a State of Michigan (or other state)-operated gun and ammo store.
Grapenut says
Andy, thanks for your columns. I always feel better after reading them.
I also feel bolstered by most of the comments, that lead me to realize that there are many people who have the same thoughts about these kids that I do. I think they have been awakened and they are a force rolling at us like a freight train. They will get stronger and louder and I look forward to the day that they overpower the status quo.
And lastly, I always felt that you should ban certain posters because they seem to repeat the same negatives over and over, but now I see your wisdom in leaving them. Their comment are so absurd and desperate that the fear in their positions is so palpable, that I feel sorry for, and am happy that they will soon be washed over, all at once.
jimiii says
The NRA is not quacking in their boots. For the record I do not belong to the NRA. Never have, I cannot speak for the future if I would join the NRA or not.
I am not going to listen to a bunch of hormone driven teenagers. Who still have a lot to learn about life and the doings of mankind, both for good and for evil.
There are more teenagers dying while texting and driving in one year than there have been those murdered by a school shooting. Texting needs to be better monitored for all drivers.
Watched an interview with David Hogg, I do not remember which news channel, was not cnn, he was whining about a new school ruled passed by the board of education in his school district.
The new rule is that students will only be allowed to have transparent backpacks. They can be either a mesh type or some other material that be seen through. He was whining/complaining that it was a violation of student’s rights to make them have transparent backpacks. He stated that no one had the right to see what is in a student’s backpack.
Fred says
You are afraid of David Hogg.
jimiii says
I am not afraid of david hogg. I am concerned about people who think with their emotions rather with the logical side of their brain. When people use their emotions to control their thinking, chances are good that it could be a very bad decision.
I worry about the people like andrew heller, fred, and tomsays and others on here who think that by outlawing guns everything will turn peaceful, that criminals will suddenly decide to turn in all their guns and become law abiding citizens.
I think that those that are in favor of gun control should post on their doors that they are a gun free zone. If such a law was enacted, liberals and such would protest such a thing.
Jims says
Where in the hell did any of these people said they want to ban all guns. You paranoia is showing
Fred says
It couldn’t be more obvious that you are afraid. David Hogg is a reminder of how out of touch and irrelevant people like you have become. There is no longer a comfortable place in America for your kind, and that scares the heck out of you.
Jims says
You should be afraid of David Hogg and the millions of young adults that are standing up to what is right. Time for change and it is coming. The NRA has no defense for what is going on. Their lame response is useless. This movement is only going to snowball. I am very proud of what these young adults are doing.
Jims says
Yup and no one has the right to tell you what kinda of gun you own. So what’s you point? Hormone driven teenager? I think they know a hell of a lot more than a fraction that you know sir. Just an idiotic statement on your part. So school shootings are ok? You seem to agree with that. School shootings are not the problem?Texting and driving is? Only kids text and drive? Do you not have any common sense? Do you really believe these talking heads that have their own agenda? The NRA owns the Republican Party and Donald Trump. Wake up use common sense and think for yourself. It’s ok for these tradgities to keep occurring? You are scarey to say the least.
jimiii says
A lot of the hollywood elite that sang/spoke at these rallies are all hypocrites. Most if not all of them have armed security. Along with a lot of rich 1% or 2% percenters democrat/liberal/socialists. People like michael Bloomberg, oprah winfrey, bill gates, deblasio (mayor of NYC), diane fieinstein(D/CA), nancy pelosie(D/CA), charles rangle (D/NY) along with a long list of other democrat/liberal/socialists
who have armed guards or a CCW.
They are of the opinion that they need to be protected by armed guards and also allowed to have a CCW. However, the rest of us do not need guns to defend ourselves in their opinion.
Just like in George Orwell’s book Animal Farm. All animals are equal, but, some are more equal than others. In other words under democrat/liberal/socialist group speak: guns for me, but not for thee.
Those liberals here that have guns that think that because they belong some part of the democrat/liberal/socialist group that their guns will never be outlawed, that they will be allowed to keep their guns because they belong to the correct party. They will find out that they will be among the first to targeted to have their guns and other property taken away from them for the good of the party.
Fred says
Are you trying to make a point here? Rich people have armed security, and that means what?
Jims says
So is that illegal. Isn’t that what you want? You make no sense. You want the laws to only pertain to who? What is your point?
jimiii says
The followers of goebels are really out in force today. They take what I and other conservatives write and change the meaning of what we write. I never said that I want gun laws to pertain to certain individuals. I wrote that the rich liberal elites (in their minds they think they are elite) want guns for themselves, but, they do not want the rest of the people to have guns to protect themselves if such a situation would arise. Mayor deblasio of NYC has kept his police protection around him, but, he ordered the police officers assigned to protect students while they are in school out of the schools. That is right, he has guns to protect him, but, he has removed all armed police officers out of the schools. He did that so that students would not get upset that there was a gun carrying individual in the school. Democrats/liberals/socialists do not care who dies, so long as it advances their long time goal.
ann b says
Right on, jimiii says! To quote the liberals: “Those nasty guns should be gone except for the ones protecting us. Everyone should turn in their guns, and takes their chances with the criminals who don’t turn theirs in.” Makes perfect sense only toe idiots.
Fred says
And you are calling Liberals idiots after submitting that comment? “To quote liberals…..” The literally typed that.
jimiii says
Yes you do not have much common sense nor do you understand history.
In Australia the liberals managed to get almost all guns outlawed after one major incident years ago. They said that those who had guns made for hunting could keep them. After liberals here in America started hyperventilating over “scary assault guns” the Aussie liberals demanded that any gun that looked scary needed to be turned in to the government or if the owner did not he/she faced some bad penalties ie.. jail time. The guns that the liberals Aussies were getting their panties all knotted up over are bolt action rifles that held, I do believe, no more than five rounds of ammo. Because of the way the barrels, stock, and pistol grip look the Aussies liberals were afraid of the guns. One thing that we have learned is that liberals can lie, twist words and other items to get their way.
Fred says
What is this history lesson I am supposed to be learning form Australia? What happened there after their strict gun laws were enacted?
Here is a history lesson for you, since you seem to put so much value on it. Australia enacted these laws NOT “After liberals here in America started hyperventilating over “scary assault guns” ” They enacted these laws after they had one very deadly massacre.
They took action Immediately, not after 50 more massacres. And guess what the results were? No massacres since have happened and gun violence overall has been almost non-existent. And on top of that the people actually feel safe and happy where they live.
My best friend of 23 years lives in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. And you are correct they have very strict gun laws there. They can’t even keep a gun in their own home, unless they live on a farm . If they live in anywhere else, they must keep their guns in a locker at a range, and they can not take it off the range unless they have a hunting permit and must return it to the range by a certain date.
And you know what else? They are very happy, comfortable and safe. Nobody is rounding them up and taking them to death camps. Australia is actually a very nice place to live. Crime rates are far less than ours. All that paranoid crap you like to sprout on a daily basis doesn’t happen there, for some reason.
You are utterly clueless. So what is the history lesson I am supposed to be taking from Australia’s gun laws?
Jims says
Too many true statements Fred. Gun nuts think in terms of paranoia. Just the truth and they don’t like that.
Fred says
You are changing the meaning of what we write. Nobody in here said we want to take your guns away. In this comment thread right here, find ONE example of anyone saying that. Are you a follower of Goebel too? By your own logic, you must be.
jbcsfl says
The country has been shown what can happen if citizens get involved, these students have proven this.
The actions of these students have already created change.
The gun lobby supported politicians are toast compliments of these brave students.
The students claim B.S.
The students urge all citizens to register to vote and go to the polls in November.
Times are changing, the gun lobby is Not Right Anymore!
NativeOfMichigan says
Rick Santorum has been practicing
Fred says
The Right is so afraid of Emma Gonzalez that they are now circulating a fake photo of her.
We are pleased to give the ” Kids” credit where credit is due. They will be Leaders in life whatever they choose to do.
Their Focus on the ” GUN CONTROL” issue is ” Most Important” . These Teenagers have taken on the NRA and made America aware of the terrible devestation that Assault Weapons has caused,
Threr MUST BE COMMON SENSE Gun Laws. They have brought this to the forefront & hopefully the Congressmen & Congresswomen & the Senate will do0 the RIGHT THING in follow through and pass ” GREAT GUN CONTROL LAWS”
jimiii says
to fred at 2:37p.m.: Yes the Aussies enacted strict gun laws after that one incident. the gun confiscation that I am talking about just started in the past two weeks. You mentioned that those who lived on a farm could keep their guns so long as they followed the rules you listed. The gun owners did obey the law and did so.
The gun confiscation that just started is for guns that were grandfathered by the authorities.
For years they allowed gun owners to keep those guns. Now that the liberals in America have knotted their panties in a real tight bunch, crying about scary assault weapons, the Aussie authorities have decided to require gun owners to turn in their “scary assault guns”. Like I said these are bolt action guns that ,I do believe, hold only 5 rounds of ammo.
Fred says
If that is true, and knowing you, it probably isn’t, us Liberals must be really powerful if we can influence Australia’s laws just by getting our panties in a bunch.
You seem to hate Liberals so much. I think you’d like to line us up and shoot us yourself.
jimiii says
No fred, I would not line you and have you shot. If things go real bad in this country and the democrats/liberals/socialists/communists do get control of this country, they will be the ones doing the lining up and shooting anyone that they, in their minds, are considered a threat to what they are doing.
That means fred, jimsays, andrew heller, david hogg and others will end up in front of a firing squad or a reeducation camp or something worse.
Fred says
I don’t understand. We are the Democrat/Liberals. Why are going to line ourselves up and shoot ourselves?
jimiii says
You have the inability to understand history. Either you do not want to study history or you have a minor understanding and refuse to comprehend what has happened in the past.
And what those leaders in the past that were liberal/socialists/communists did.
Lenin had his followers that were called white Russians. They were liberals/socialists that lenin called useful idiots. As soon as lenin had arranged to where he was completely in power, he turned on the White Russians and had them either executed or sent to Siberia. The White Russians thought lenin was their friend. He acted like he was their friend until he had no more use for them, because he knew that they would turn on him once they realized what type of leader he was.
adolph hitler had the brown shirts. They were socialists for the most part. They did a lot of the dirty work for hitler. Again, another socialist leader that knew how to manipulate useful idiots to help him gain power. Once hitler had complete power, he declared them enemies of the third reich and either executed some of them outright or sent the rest of them to a concentration camp. For the record the brown consisted men and women who by today’s standard would be part of lgqbr group. Being gay was illegal and punishment was to be sent to a concentration camp.
stalin and hitler acted like friends and had a peace treaty between Germany a and Russia. The problem was that hitler was a socialist and stalin was a hard line communist. They both acted like they were “friends” had nearly the same goals, but socialists and communists did not like each other back then.
Mao had his version of brown shirts and White Russians. mao also had 2 different groups. I do not remember the name of the one group.
mao also had another group called, if I remember correctly, the red guard.
During the great leap forward the red guard took care of the 1st group along with anyone that they suspected of not liking mao. It is guestamated that somewhere over 20 million died during that time.
Yes, fred, you and the rest of the liberals commentators have an excellent chance of being part of that group that run the risk of either being shot or sent to a reeducation camp.
Fred says
That’s crazy talk JimIII. Guns aren’t what keeps our government in check. Our system of checks and balances is. If our goverment every does go down that road, you armed old men are going be just a fly to swat.
You, yourself said “If that ever happens, our military will refuse to follow illegal orders and will turn against the government giving them.” There is actually a system in place to prevent the military from being used in such a way. So stop beinf a paranoid douche bag, and get on board to help reduce gun violence in America, so we can be a safer, happier nation, like Australia.
Now for a real history lesson for you. Those tyrants you just listed: Stalin, Mao, Hitler. The first thing they did was divide their country by turning citizens against citizens, executing the old divide and conquer method with the “us against them” rhetoric. Only after their country was divided and weak and fighti g among themselves, were they able propel their party to power by discrediting or killing anyone in their way. Once in power they then filled all courts and offices with people who supported their agenda. When all those steps were completed they were able to execute their ethics cleansing plans, and no amount of armed citizenship could had done anything about it.
If you were realky worried about that happening here, you would be standing up to our current administration. But ou are not realky worried about it. You just all talk and nonsense.
Fred says
So many typos. That’s what I get for using my phone.
Tom says
In case anybody still is reading, I want to post something to refute Jim-Bob the Third. He wrote above about recent gun seizures in Australia, but he was way off-target. Not Gun Seizures. Here, apparently, is what he was talking about, and distorting intentionally:
2017 national firearms amnesty
“Advertising for the 2017 National Firearms Amnesty
On 16 June 2017, the Minister for Justice Michael Keenan announced that a national firearms amnesty would commence on 1 July 2017 for three months until September 30, to hand in unregistered or unwanted firearms.[47] The amnesty had been approved in March 2017 by the Firearms and Weapons Policy Working Group (FWPWG) to reduce the number of unregistered firearms in Australia following the Lindt Cafe siege in 2014, and the 2015 shooting of an unarmed police civilian finance worker outside the New South Wales Police Force headquarters in Parramatta, Sydney.[48][49]
The firearms amnesty was the first national amnesty since the 1996 Port Arthur massacre.[47] In October 2017 Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said that 51,000 unregistered firearms were surrendered during the three-month amnesty,[50] of the previous estimate of 260,000 unregistered guns.[51]”
This comes from Wikipedia, retrieved 3/27/2018.
I suggest that it is a mistake ever even to try to read Jim III’s posts here. He seems to be an odd, primitive fool. And he put a huge amount of baloney into everything he writes.
Fred says
We so need to do something like that here. Beautiful plan.
Working Dad says
David Hogg is extremely disturbing. Democrats live him but I fail to see how his speech is so wonderful.
Fred says
You fail to see how his speech is so wonderful? Wow. Big Surprise.
Working Dad says
What part of the speech in this video is your favorite?
Fred says
You think I would watch a video someone like you posted?
Working Dad says
So you think the whole speech from him as depicted is great – very interesting.
Fred says
I think you are a racist and a lying troll, with a very distorted perspective.. I would never give any attention to a link you shared. I watched the speech while it was happening. It was good and had a healthy message about exercising our constitutional rights in the polls. No doctored video froma racist slimebag is going to change that reality.
Working Dad says
It looks like the whole “youth leading the way” narrative was BS. Only about 10% were teens. Average age was about 49. It was also orchestrated crap from the same old Democrat operatives.
Zero authenticity whatsoever
Fred says
Because you are a racist you do not have a moral compass, or traffic in the truth., anything you say or share is not to be taken literally. I am aware of the type of websites you frequent. You have no credibility. This comment is just another example of that, and it is completely false. Even if it were true that the average age was 49, that doesn’t matter. It would only mean that people of all ages want to see more gun control.
I think if Andrew wants to checkout the YouTube link you shared last night, he might feel compelled to consider whether or not he wants to continue allowing you to have a platform on his website.
Jims says
Apparently all you wacko gun nuts are very afraid of him. If he didn’t have you worried you would never try to discredit him. Psychos like you dad are gasping for air now. The show is just getting started for you and your shacky NRA. Wait till November.
Working Dad says
Standing up for the Second Amendment rights of law abiding Americans is not racist. Sorry you are too stupid to understand that fact.
Fred says
You are racist because you visit racist websites and youtube channels and then try to promote that garbage here. Try again, dummy.
Working Dad says
Donations to the NRA tripled following the freedom hating, Democrats’ latest round of demands for gun confiscation.
Jims says
Who cares about donations. They are shakin.
Working Dad says
We are shakin’? I didn’t know that. I’ll let other members know this fact in about 5 weeks when we meet in Dallas for our annual convention. We’ll be discussing strategy for properly spending the tons of extra donation money this year as a coordinated effort to get NRA friendly politicians elected at all levels.
I’ll let them know how scared you claim we are.
Jims says
No numbers to substantiate anything. Where’s your proof of this big money. I love how you guys just believe what you want. FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS
Fred says
Such sick people. Rally together just to say F&^% You to a bunch of teenagers who just survived a horrific school shooting where they lost 17 of their friends. You must be so proud. I know you will confirm that you are, because you have no shame.
Jims says
Even a NRA board member is worried. He states in your article that this is only going to get worse. He seems to be worried.
Jims says
The NRA will not tell you their actual membership because they want shills like working dad to pay for their propaganda and luxurious lifestyles. They will not respond to questions on their membership. But why?
Working Dad says
Wow!… NRA membership numbers as well as other gun rights orgs numbers have been going up following the most recent Democrat attack on gun rights.
Fred says
Yes. We are aware there is no shortage of sick people in this country. What is your point?
Jims says
You guys are so hard up to discredit someone that you construe a clenched fist as a nazi salute. All over but the shakin!!! Democrats are already gaining congressional seats. Wait until November.
Working Dad says
Under Obama, Democrats lost 1048 state and federal level posts. I’ll take this historic record of “Democrat victories” all day long.
Fred says
Here is why Working Dad and the NRA is petrified of a high school senior. He is one of the most powerful people in America at the moment, along side Emma Gonzalez, they are unstoppable and have the power to bring down every hateful thing Working Dad values.
Working Dad, please keep your attacks up. It will only work against those like you, but in favor of everyone else.
Jims says
Don’t prove him wrong. The squirrel crawls back in his hole for a few days. Then he comes out looking for more nuts.
Working Dad says
Wow!…. It’s like the exact same BS I have heard from the hate filled left for some 50 years.
1. “There is a wave of youth that will bowl you over. Your guns are as good as gone.”
2. “Disagreeing with gun confiscation proponents makes you (insert overused BS term here)”.
3. “The NRA is gone this very next election!”
Same old BS from the left since the mid 60s. Nothing new… Nothing organic…. Nothing but the same recycled, idiotic lies.
…and our member numbers grow, our donations grow…. I hope that makes you happy!
Fred says
Nobody said anything about confiscating your guns. What are you talking about now? Just repeating the same BS?
Working Dad says
Wrong liar… The March Against Your Rights was FILLED with signs stating that gun control advocates were coming for our guns even if they have to kill us to get them.
Fred says
Oh you poor petrified little man. All you can do is lie and spread fake news. You weren’t there, and the only speeches you listened to were doctored videos posted by alt right racist slime bags. Try again, liar.
Jims says
Squirrel back in his hole eating his nuts!!! Or moms basement!
Jims says
There was really signs that said they are gonna kill you? Give me some hard numbers of how many people belong to the NRA. You won’t find it anywhere because they refuse to tell you. The numbers are way overblown. Why won’t they tell you? They want your money and trick into believing they have millions of members. I used to be a member but I refused to be a shill for an organization that is into nothing but politics.
Tom says
W.D: You are just flat-out lying about gun confiscation. Maybe you believe what you say, but if so, you are believing lies. Nobody wants to confiscate guns. The best we can do will be to regulate future sales.
Working Dad says
These brave high school children from Florida walked out in support of gun rights and the Second Amendment. When will Andy Heller be writing an article singing their praises?
Fred says
Why do they need praise for exercising their 1st Amendment rights?
75 students? Good luck with that.
Working Dad says
No…. There were a million.
Jims says
Why won’t you answer my question about NRA membership? Because you have no answer.
Andrew Heller says
I have no problem with them having their say. I disagree with their point, however. You don’t see the left demonizing these kids.