Come Heller high water … The Fourth of July always seems like the back side of the hill for summer to me even though it’s not. It’s when I first think “OHMYGOD, SUMMER’S HALF OVER AND I HAVEN’T DONE (BLANK) YET!” Panic time. There will be kayaking. There will be picnics. … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2018
Auchtoons: That boom you heard wasn’t fireworks
Toon & text by John Auchter Whether you prepare for the looming trade war with a cold beverage by the pool or panicked online shopping (may I suggest the Michigan Radio Store if you intend to throw money?), I will not take any more of your time this week. No matter what … [Read more...]
More of what unites us rather than divides us
Relax, America. It’s OK to talk to your neighbors again. I have proof that we are not as hopelessly and irretrievably different from one another as our recent political differences would suggest. What is this proof? “Michigan roads suck.” That’s one of the indisputable … [Read more...]
Surveyin’ da Situation: The lure of wagering on gumballs
By John Matonich I am not a huge gambler, but I do enjoy a trip to the casino every now and again. Always take a small amount that I know I can afford to lose and if I don’t lose it, I consider it a victory. It is simply entertainment for me and I look at it about the same as … [Read more...]
Think we don’t agree on anything anymore? Fine, let’s fix it …
Last week, I asked readers to send me examples of things, no matter how basic, that most people, no matter who they are, can agree on. I did this for me. I’ve been truly dispirited lately about how angry and divided the country seems to be right now – more so than any time in my … [Read more...]