As a longtime commuter (six years of driving more than 60 miles to work and another 60 home), I’m here to tell you that I am positively thrilled about Michigan State Police officially reminding folks about the laws of driving in the passing lane.
And the law is “don’t.” Don’t drive in the passing lane unless you’re – c’mon, you can guess this – passing. And in case you don’t think there is a law, think again.
Look, we all went through driver’s education at some time or another and, we all learned this. But a lot of you have forgotten. Get over to pass, and then go back. It really is simple.
Unfortunately, I spend a lot of time in my car yelling at people who slide left and then choose to stay there doing 69 or 71 mph, often right next to the guy in the right lane doing 69 or 71 mph.
Sometimes I get stuck behind a semi as it slides left to pass another semi, and the passing lane slows to about 63 mph. But those truck drivers always move back, they are a considerate lot for the most part.
Michigan law states that semi-trailers or truck tractors are not supposed to operate above 60 mph. Usually they are going 65, but they are considerate of each other when they pass. If I’m behind them, I’m patient and I wait. No problem.
The problem is usually with car drivers, any kind of car – Volt, Prius or Dodge Charger with a supercharged 6.2L Hemi V8 – the folks who think they can just slide into the passing lane and drive like it’s a fine sunny Sunday out in the country.
Yes, I know 70 is the speed limit, I also know that the people I encounter are most often going at least 75 mph. There are also a whole bunch of you who think 85 mph is too slow, but you pains-in-the-butt are for another day’s commentary.
Right now, I just want to remind folks that the left lane is for passing.
Pass and get back. Everything will move smoother. Some of you are going to complain about tailgaters – and I agree – except that very often, the reason for the tailgating is because you are going too slow.
Last week, while driving home, I moved into the passing lane to get around a slow-moving semi. But moments into the left lane, I realized we were going very slow. I don’t like tailgating, so I leave a large space ahead of me, which means cars are constantly cutting in front of me just to apply their brakes and slow.
As we head into a curve, I look ahead to see the trouble – some poor slow-poke a half mile ahead holding up everybody trying to pass the chain of semis.
Here’s a trick, if you see a mile or two of traffic behind you in the rear view mirror, you’re doing something wrong.
Carmen Cramer says
If cars are passing you on your right, you’re going too slow!
Brenda says
Simple as that.
Gayle says
Brenda says
Jimj says
Look at me I,m a leader.
Brenda says
I don’t care if I’m leading – I just want to use the passing lane to pass.
Loren M says
I passed a compact car on a virtually empty I-75 late one night, several minutes later he blew past me. I continued along on cruise control until catching up with him again and the idiot tried to block me from passing,…. I waited until my chance and left him in the dust then slowed to a reasonable speed, sure enough he caught up with me again determined to pass me again. I was in no mood to play chicken with the guy so I simply floored it, last time I saw him he was hitting an exit ramp in a cloud of oil smoke with a blown engine!
I wasn’t trying to lead, just maintain the speed limit for a long commute after work.
Brenda says
Ugh, those “I gotta beat you” drivers are annoying and dangerous. Although I do love the oil smoking exit.
Jimmy says
Had a guy tell me one time, I am paying for the road I’ll use all of it if I want to. He was not to bright!!!!
Brenda says
So it seems. LOL
Sue says
Bumper sticker…” As a matter of fact I DO own the road”
They drive that way.
Brenda says
Safety first, that’s my motto.
Keith Spaulding says
Mostly, I think it comes down to male ego. (Don’t get all hissy: I’m a male!) Men are afraid that if they return to the center or right lane, that when they come up on a slower-moving vehicle, they’ll be caught in the slower lane as a line of left-lane-“owners” prevent their heading into the passing lane.
I have one male relative who drives EXCLUSIVELY in the left-hand lane – even if HE’S THE ONLY EFFING DRIVER ON THE EXPRESSWAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Brenda says
Lol. I don’t think he’s alone.
Ernie Davis says
Hey! Wait a minute! Now I suppose that you want me to shut my turn signal off also when I’m over there.
Brenda says
Ah, let’s stick to one thing at a time. Lol!
Michael Betz says
Preach it, Andy! Raise it to the rafters! Praise be to those WHO UNDERSTAND the law!
Brenda says
I bet Andy appreciates that. And so do I. ?
Barb says
As a fellow commuter I encounter this EVERY day on 23. It is infuriating. I don’t know what is so hard about getting over…it makes it so much more dangerous for people to pass on the right. I only hope to see the police pulling these people over.
Brenda says
Honestly, can’t they look in their rearview mirror and tell they areholding EVEYRBODY up?
Brenda says
Ok never answer with your phone – sorry for the typos. UGH!
Stev says
There is also a law that says the speed limit is 70 mph. Many more folks are ignoring that than there are driving in the left lane.
Brenda says
It’s true that the speed limit is 70 and it’s true that many, many are ignoring that. There is also serious discussion about raising the speed limit – I worry that if they raise it to 80, speeders will just go 90. But doing 70 or less in the passing lane is a big problem.
Dawn says
Okay – I’ll bite Andy….I’ll get over when you’re sucking my tailpipe but by GOD you better pass me and not hang at my rear door! If you don’t pass me and I have room…I’m gonna punch it…cut you off and make you suck my tailpipe for the rest of the trip!!
Brenda says
There’s nothing admirable of tailpipe sucking – and your spot on correct – if someone lets you pass, then you sure as heck should pass. I bet Andy would even agree with me on that. 🙂
Loren M says
I’d add if you’re not driving 70 mph and someone passes you in the passing lane that’s not the best time to suddenly become aware you’re driving too slow and speed up to 75! Let them pass and get back over, odds are they have their cruise set at 70-73. I hate it when someone passes me back and then slows back down to 65 which is why I passed them in the first place.
Brenda says
Holy smokes, that’s the truth!
jbcsfl says
Too many drivers believe that the rules of the road do not pertain to them, but only to the other drivers.
Brenda says
Loren M says
Ain’t that the truth, it seems they think “Yield” signs always mean the other guy is supposed to yield.