We, of course, don’t agree on politics. People seem to have flocked to the fringes and don’t seem terribly inclined to come back to the center, where compromise lives.
Maybe that’s not surprising. The internet has brought us wonderful things. Think of it: the entirety of human knowledge is right there in the cell phone in the palm of your hand. It’s amazing.
But it’s also fractured us as a society. And that’s only part of the problem. We also don’t watch the same TV shows anymore. We don’t read the same newspapers. (No wonder we don’t agree on politics – we’re all singing from different hymnals.) We don’t listen to the same music. We don’t consume the same anything anymore.
We have no shared culture, in essence. So what is there to talk about then?
Some will say, “Viva, la difference!” Yeah, sure. I’m all for everyone marching to the beat of their own drummer, but there’s something to be said for having things in common with everyone else.
That’s what I was looking for with my request – just something, anything, that we can more or less agree on.
In response, Carole C. said, “Summer is here, fall is next, then winter and spring. Can you agree to that?”
Yup, I can. It’s not much, but it’s a start. And that’s what we need – a start, a baseline of things that are truly inarguable.
Marshall B. says this qualifies: “Ex-Lax in the PM yields a BM in the AM.”
Um, OK, I think we can all agree that’s funny but crude. Thanks, Marshall. I needed that. Not ExLax. I mean the joke.
C.B. says the following are inarguably true:
1) “We all need to belong to some kind of subset, either a tribe, a group or a club. This primal need transcends culture.”
2) “We are most likely to welcome different ideas and cultures when it comes to us in the form of new foods or music. Our senses are designed to reward novelties in the form of nutrition and entertainment.”
3) “None of this current political discord is new. It ebbs and flows in predictable cycles. This climate of juvenile bantering will pass.”
I agree. But could we hasten its passing by finding common ground? I think so. And I suspect a lot of you do, too.
Ann P. says she knows where the common ground lies for Michiganders: 1) Nothing beats a good hot dog in the summer, especially a Flint-style Coney; 2) The Detroit Lions need ownership to support a winning team; 3) You can’t beat a long summer evening around a campfire in Michigan; 4) Freedom and the right to vote; 5) Ice cream cones on a warm summer day; 6) The look of pure joy and wonder on a child’s face as he/she learns a new skill.”
Let’s keep this going. Please send me your list of things you think we should all agree on. No politics, please. Send them to andrewhellercolumn@gmail.com or leave your thoughts below.
Here are a few things on my list to start your motors: Campfires, the Fourth of July, dogs (who doesn’t like dogs), pizza and days off.
There. Now it’s your turn.
Bill Cornish says
We all want good health. Clean water to drink and bathe in. Food in the refrigerator. A roof over our heads. Doesn’t get more basic than that. But none of them is automatic, and that’s where we should work together to ensure each of us has access to these things.
Matt Wyneken says
Thanks Bill.
Next to these basic necessities, and safety, everyone deserves an education that will provide equal social and economic access. While illiteracy is still a problem, innumeracy has become a new gatekeeper. No one believes that only some people can read and write, but we have widespread belief that only some people can do math. I could explain at length where this “math myth” came from, but the simple fact is that everyone can be quantitatively literate.
Dave Ives says
Hiawatha Restaurant on US 2 near Rapid River used to be the Hiawatha Motel, now owned by an ex-Flintite. New menu item: Flint-style coneys! Koegels Viennas, chili meats from Abbot’s. He says he was trying to emulate Angelos, I think he nailed it!
David Standridge says
On the subject of things we can agree on, here’s some free philosophy, for what it’s worth…
Andrew Heller says
Ha, nicely done. Check out this tune, folks. (David, one tip in this cautious world: I was veery reluctant to open a link when I didn’t know what it was to – a song, a video, a … who knows what. Let people know what they’re getting into.
David Standridge says
Good point! Thanks
Fred says
Very nice. I subscribed to your channel.
Suze says
Good neighbors who brought some cherries over. Subterfuge to really check and see if we’re ok in this 100 degree heat.
Garden tomato in August
Good car mechanic
Church or school reunion picnic
5 yr all clear cancer report
Jims says
Amen on the cancer report!!!
Fred says
I think that we will all agree that this was an amazing Carpool Karaoke session with James Corden and Paul McCartney. If you haven’t seen it yet, please watch it. You will smile through the whole thing, maybe even cry. Then I think we might be able to agree that if music can help to close this divide.
Jims says
Watched it Fred it was great.
Suze says
Yes..second that!
Working Dad says
$20 says there will be a Ringo Starr carpool karaoke episode within a few months.
J Phipps says
Kindness. We all want some kindness. Give a little, you will get back a lot.
Barb says
Homemade food on a picnic in the park!
Jims says
Watching our children grow into successful adults. Married to great spouses that gave us beautiful grandchildren. The extension of our family that we have created.
Maggie says
Koegels with Flint style sauce.
Allen Poellet says
Family eating dinner together at the table, at every opportunity. Put down that gosh darn cellphone ! Stop the tailgating ! Learn some patience and actually have a positive attitude — every day. and stop ranting — like I just did. Have a great day and find the joy in each .
Working Dad says
I think we can all agree that the 2018 Detroit Tigers would require an intervention from God in order to do anything meaningful in the playoffs. None the less, I will still watch them and go to a few games.
Tom says
Marvin Gaye’s music, Van Morrison’s, Ella Fitzgerald’s.
Brownies! Even if you just buy the Duncan Hines mix. Yummy!
Sparkling water, on any beach on any sunny day.
Michigan cherries, raspberries, and plums.
teddy luba says
Spending time with family and friends. Winning big at the casino. Our advances in medical research. Reading Andy. John and Jim and enjoying their talent.
Tom says
Slightly political, maybe: Our tree-huggers should be able to coordinate with our hunters and fisherpeople regarding conserving our natural environment.
Working Dad says
Happy Independence Day!
Tom says
Hey you guys! That disastrous fool Scott Pruitt resigned from the EPA! Hooray! Who will Trump send to replace him? Satan? Working Dad?
Please, let us all, even Trump, concentrate on the concept of Environmental PROTECTION.
Fred says
I was sitting with some Fox News watching, Trump supporting relatives when the alert that Pruitt resigned flashed on my phone. I looked up and said ” Scott Pruitt just resigned.” They looked confused, and asked “Who is Scott Pruitt?”