In the musical “Little Shop of Horrors,” Audrey II, the man-eating plant, sings “You can do it! Feed me, Seymour, feed me all night long, ha ha ha ha ha! Cause if you feed me, Seymour, I can grow up big and strong.”
Seymour obeys, and sure enough, the plant grows so big and strong that, in the end, it eats him. (The movie had a wimpier ending.)
Trump’s ego, I figure, is the plant. After three years in the White House and all the attention that goes with it, his ego’s hunger for attention has become insatiable, and it seems to have swallowed the rest of him.
Why do I say that? Because, if you’re Trump, it makes no sense to piss off anyone in Michigan, which is what he spent much of last week doing. He needs Michigan in November. He won the state last time by just under 11,000 votes, and because he won Michigan and Wisconsin, he won the White House.
This is Ground Zero for him. You would think he would do everything possible to ingratiate himself to Michigan voters, including growing himself a scraggly little Bob Seger tribute beard or declaring the Detroit Lions a federal disaster, making them eligible for emergency funding.
At the least, you would think he’d do the standard political thing of praising our auto industry, Motown, the Great Lakes, the Soo Locks, our coneys, pasties, shawarma etc.
But, no. Instead, he called our governor “the woman,” as in ‘Mike (Pence), Don’t call the woman in Michigan. You know what I say, if they don’t treat you right, I don’t call.”
Treat you right? Whoa, what is this, a date? That sound you hear is feminists and the men who love them all over the state bristling as one.
Trump has since said that he “loves” Michigan and, grudgingly, he finally approved our request for an emergency declaration, but from his own words, it sure seemed like he’s been punishing the state for what he perceived as Whitmer’s impertinence. As she put it, “What I’ve gotten back is that vendors with whom we’ve procured contracts — they’re being told not to send stuff to Michigan. It’s really concerning.”
Yeah, it is! Granted, Whitmer is the worst of both worlds in Trump’s mind – a Democrat and a woman who dares to speak her mind. But it’s still astounding that Trump will think that Michiganians will think that his bruised ego is more important than medical supplies and assistance during a pandemic.
He didn’t stop there, of course. Next, he dissed another woman, GM CEO Mary Barra, in a tweet saying the company was both incompetent and trying to extort money out of the federal government: “As usual with ‘this’ General Motors, things just never seem to work out. They said they were going to give us 40,000 much needed Ventilators, “very quickly”. Now they are saying it will only be 6000, in late April, and they want top dollar. Always a mess with Mary B.”
GM is Michigan’s economic engine, employing 49,000, not to mention all the other businesses that supply it. What sense does it make to tick off the state’s biggest employer and, presumably, a lot of the people who work for it?
None that I can see.
But when Audrey wants to eat, Audrey will eat.
Buh-bye, Trump.
Image: YouTube screenshot
Like all narcissistic bullies, Trump is a coward. He prefers to belittle people he perceives to be weaker, such as women and people of color. His attacks on white men such as Bernie and Joe Biden seem to lack the same level of vileness that go with his attacks on people who are not white men. I mean “Sleepy Joe”?What’s that?
This is going to be very ugly year for a lot of reasons, but I am optimistic that it will end on a happy note with Joe Biden heading to the White House and the Trump family being flushed down history’s toilet. Let’s all forget them and never speak of them again after this year.
Thanks for laying all out there Andy! 45’s followers need to wake up because this treatment could cost many lives in our great state of Michigan. We all must remember in November.🌊
He has maybe a 10 watt light bulb for a brain. And when history writes about him bright and humble will never be mentioned.
You nailed it Fred. He’s a bully and a coward.
Who is this lunatic guy named trump?
He is that buffoon currently occupying the White House.
He is unfit to be President of the United States, he has proven it over and over.
There is a solution to rid us of this vile occupant.
Vote in November, Vote him out!
He does it because a lot of his supporters have problems with women, event if they don’t recognize it.
Its why Hillary inflamed them in ways even the maddening Bill Clinton never did.
Its why when Hillary doesn’t work, they say Michele Obama is going to run. Or Chelsea.
Speaking of Michelle, its why whereas with Barack they went the racial route with “Born in Kenya”, with Michelle they went the sexual/gender route and said she was a transsexual.
Its why Ocasio-Cortez, a decidedly irrelevant 1/435th of Congress gets put forward so often that she might as well have her own daily hour on Fox.
They are so pissed at women that they legitimately don’t see that everyone else isn’t. Look at how an anonymous (of course…) poster released a video of Ocasio-Cortez in college dancing (gasp!) What the rest of us saw was a college girl that did a fun little dance video like teenage girls are wont to do, but to him (and it has to be a him…) it was the silver bullet that would destroy her political career once it was out there.
Or look at how Trump published a picture of Pelosi in a meeting with him in which she is standing across a table and pointing at him as she spoke. To him, the picture prima facie evidence of how utterly unhinged she was, so much so that he put it out himself on Twitter right after the meeting. Unfortunately, if you’re not him, it just made Pelosi look like a no nonsense statesman in a debate with the President.
Its why his words about women are always gendered in ways his language about men never. That “woman governor”, as you said. As if that’s a separate species from regular governors. You never saw him say “that male senator” in reference to McCain or Romney. And he haaaates those guys. No, only women get pointed out for, well, being women, as if its an insult. They only explanation for the discrepancy is that to him and his supporters, it is. All by itself.
Now all of us know men like this. Men that are threatened by women. They themselves have no idea just how obvious their insecurities are to their the rest of the world. As I said, they don’t recognize it. All they know is that people should be as pissed about these women doing these things as they are, and maybe if they try hard enough they can finally put them in their place. Maybe then the women will stop making them feel foolish and inadequate.
“Unfortunately, if you’re not him, it just made Pelosi look like a no nonsense statesMAN in a debate with the President”? Wow, for someone sucking up so badly to appear an enlightened, feminist friendly PC male, you’ve failed badly. StatesMAN? My goodness, it’s hilarious to expose the phony leftist snowflakes like you. Keep up the good work.
That is your refutation to an articulated and exampled position?
That a general word, such as statesman, has to be gendered in your world?
I chose that word consciously by the way. I knew I could count on someone, like you, to demonstrate my point more compellingly than I ever could. Thank you for proving how people like you view the world.
Oh, and hey, great job pwning the libs.
You can probably find the INCEL women hating convention over on 4Chan. It’s nobody’s fault, but your own that our female counterparts find you to be detestable. Why punish us with your toxicity?
Poor Fredo, I didn’t call Pelosi a statesMAN. Perhaps you should redirect your anger to the pseudo feminist who did. I merely pointed out the lack of gender neutrality you triggered twits worship. In reality, you should thank me for the life lesson. You’re welcome.
Trump is the name calling schoolyard bully. In the real world, people are dying here in Michigan. We won’t forget in November. He needs to go, game over.
Don’t forget ……
NASTY women VOTE !
God, I hope so
But you don’t care about gender neutrality or equality. You were just being a troll because you have nothing else to contribute to society. Right, Brad?
That’s not true Fred.
As I knew someone would when I wrote what I did, he stepped right up and provided an archetypal example of the phenomena I was describing, chapter and verse.
Again, thank you Brad. You were very helpful.
Harry Truman was famous for the sign on his desk. On one side it said “The Buck Stops Here!”, and on the other side it said “I’m from Missouri”.
Let’s send Trump a sign that says….
“I don’t take responsibility at all” on one side, and
“I’m from Hell” on the other side.
Good idea, but let’s make it “It’s not my problem.” on the front and “I’M AN ASSHOLE!” on the the back.
Perfect Fred, perfect.
Government Social Distance: Right now, April First, all of Trump’s pals are standing elbow-to-elbow on TV. We are two months into the six-feet rule. What the heck?
Trump once said he was going “drain the swamp”.
Today people could say, “Help, I’m drowning in Trump’s swamp!” as a metaphor for his incompetence in today’s crisis.
The President of the United States of America is still our President no matter how much you bash him. Sadly for liberals he has already won in November.
Kay, that’s true in a factual sense. He is the president. Illegitimately, but still president. That doesn’t mean he’s entitled to respect. Respect is earned. This man is an embarrassed, and I’m ashamed of him.
Mr. Biden says he will choose a woman as Vice President, to run against Trump and Pense. I nominate Dr. Deborah Birx! She is the Coordinator of the US Coronavirus Task Force. We see her on TV every day, telling truth to us and truth to power.
She has an extremely distinguished medical career, especially in AIDS research. She is a US Syaye Dept. Career Ambassador. She has a military background.
Birx fro V.P!
Apparently, gun stores and marijuana stores are essential or critical businesses in Michigan. They still are open, as far as I can tell.. ???
It will be interesting to see what the anti-vaxxers do when a covid-19 vaccine finally becomes available. Guess what, who do you suppose will be first in line?