By John Matonich
I have never been someone who favors more regulation. I think many things that are regulated are more common sense and we don’t always need more laws to protect us. I wore seatbelts before it was law, but still feel it should be my choice to be dumb. That being said, I do have to admit there are some laws I wish were on the books.
One such law I do believe we need asap is to not allow the use of cell phones without a “hands free” component while driving. I know it is already illegal to text while driving but this needs to also include the general use of cell phones as well. Even in this remote area I have seen too many instances where it has caused accidents and injury.
It was storming the other day and I was heading home from the shop when I saw a vehicle slide right through an intersection. Given the weather that day I can understand the lack of control, but when the vehicle slid by me I could see the driver had a cell phone glued to the ear. The driver didn’t even put the phone down while the car slid through the intersection and past me. I can’t imagine what call was so important that it could have caused an accident. I felt relieved that no one was coming the other way as it could have been a disaster.
Not too many days later, another driver didn’t make a curve and their car sailed quite far off the road and sustained a lot of damage. This driver had negotiated this same curve about every day for the last couple of years but for some reason didn’t remember it was there this time. It was in town and had a lower speed limit but that didn’t help the driver remember. The car had a fair amount of damage and had to be towed away but fortunately no one was hurt. The driver didn’t admit it to the group but I heard a conversation later that the cell phone was the distraction that made the driver forget the curve was coming up.
Even in our rural area, you can’t count on being the only one on the road and it made me shiver to think how much this happens in more urban areas. Enough is enough. It’s time to take this potentially dangerous habit out of the hands of drivers. There is enough technology around that would still allow calls to be made but without the phone glued to your ear. Accidents would certainly continue to happen but this type may diminish. I am fortunate that my truck has a blue tooth connection so I can easily leave my phone in my pocket and still make and receive calls. My Jeep is so noisy, I can’t hear calls anyway unless I stop so that keeps it relatively safe.
Some folks might think that our younger folks are the heavy users of cell phones while driving but the two drivers I mentioned earlier were middle-aged so it isn’t just young folks who would benefit from a new law. I can’t remember ever making it getting a call that was more important than my life and while I do as much as I can to be safe, I would feel better if this one law was in place for those who think they can do it all while driving.
And that’s the situation as I survey it …
Image credit: Oregon Department of Transportation
I agree 110%!
Thank you
Making hand held cell phone usage illegal would generate more revenue from fines, but I don’t believe it would actually lower irresponsible usage by “Masters of the Universe” Nor do I think it would improve safety. No law will fix this issue. It requires a cultural change among users.
You may be right but worth a try…
Laws are made to protect people with common sense from those without it. A law outlawing the use of cell phones while driving with a hefty fine would work. I’m not talking $100.00 fine but more like a few thousand, the word would get out and cell phone use would stop. I would do the same thing for speeding. Nothing like idiots on the road.
Have to agree …
Good Column! I don’t think it’s just holding a phone to your ear or craning it between your neck and shoulder that’s bad; it is equally dangerous to have your mind on the conversation rather than your driving. So, I am not really in favor of a phone holder or bluetooth. The best thing I ever did was IF I absolutely had to make a call, I pull over to the nearest safe place. Same thing for incoming calls.
I have a few friends who have limited the amount of time they carry their phones, so as not to be bothered wherever they go.
We can take care of calls when we get home, just like we used to.
Valid point
How does John expect the law to be enforced? I have seen too many police officers driving and talking on their cell phones quite often.
I can almost see it now police officer pulls you over for talking on your cell phone while you were driving. Then a few minutes later you see him driving while talking on his, who is going to issue him a ticket? No one.
Every vehicle should be equipped with a blocking device. If your engine is running no service. I am sure the technology is there.
That may be coming…
Oh it can be enforced, ever notice when you get to the Ohio border how the traffic slows down. When they say 55mph they mean it. Same should go for the phones, put some guts behind it.
Still a reason to cut the calling population down…
I agree with Jim. Blocking calls is the only thing that will work. People just think they are far too important and bulletproof to quit using their phones while driving.
Call blocking technology would not work. Major roads and highways filled with “call blocking” vehicles would negate cell phone usage for countless nearby people. Cell phone technology is used by many of your vehicle’s onboard smart systems. Those systems would be negated as well. Hackers would develop defeat mods in 5 minutes for any such “call blocking” system. Call blocking technology would compromise cell towers. There are easily dozens of other valid reasons who you can’t make a car with a running engine negate cell phone technology.