By John Matonich
I remember a movie that came out about 10 years ago. It was called “Idiocracy”. It was about a couple that was involved in an experiment involving human hibernation. They came out of their pods 500 years later only to find major changes in society. It seemed there was a major dumbing down of the human race and advertising, commercialism, and cultural anti-intellectualism was running rampant. It wasn’t a very good movie in my book, but the more I think about it, I have to wonder if the movie wasn’t a prelude to our future. It seems that common sense in many instances has disappeared.
I recently received an email that was titled “What happens when liability lawyers get involved.” It was a collection of real signs in real places that should make any normal person shake their head, but someone took the time to place them.
One sign was placed in a grocery store in front of a bin of salted peanuts in their shells. The sign read, “This product contains peanuts”. Really!! I never would have guessed that and should send a note of thanks to the store manager for the information.
Another sign was screwed to a fence enclosing an open fire stand situated in an outdoor eating area. This sign read, “Caution…Fire is Hot”. Given the fire was totally fenced in and no one could reach it without the fence falling over, I was still glad those who were eating there were certainly safe as long as they could read.
One of my favorites was a label on a hanger from a dry cleaning store the read, “Caution…Do Not Swallow”. It also had a picture of a stick figure with a hanger protruding out from his throat with a circle and slash over it. I guess the picture was there in case I couldn’t read the written warning. I do have to wonder though if there is someone out there who after reading the warning wanted to try just to see if it can be done.
Another was prominently placed on a coffee/latte vending machine. It read, “This vending machine does not have any cups. Please use your own cup. Do not cup your hands underneath it instead.” I sure hope it was meant to be humorous, but given some things people do, I am not so sure.
I think we have gotten carried away at times with warnings and signs. I suspect most clear headed folks just shake their heads and walk away without trying to touch the fire to be sure it is really hot. I hope that’s the case, but I may want to rent that movie one more time to see what we may be in for as a society.
And that’s the situation as I survey it …
After a 35-year career downstate amongst da trolls, during which he built a successful engineering and surveying business, John Matonich is back home in da U.P. His column will appear here occasionally, don’tcha know. His book “Surveyin’ Da Situation” is available on
Image credit: killbox
Bill says
I saw that movie a couple of times. I have said for the past few years that we’re getting closer and closer to that movie becoming our reality.
Same thing with Beavis and Butthead. When it first came out, it was so stupidly ridiculous because it wasn’t reality. When it reappeared with new episodes years later, it was becoming more and more like reality.
John Matonich says
I certainly agree…
J.libka says
It doesn’t help the 45’s sons look exactly like them.
John Matonich says
You are very correct, I am afraid..
Kathleen Tapley Dyer says
Steve Allen wrote a book several years ago called “Dumpth”, or something like that. Very well written and very accurate, I’m sorry to say. Literacy and grammar have gone out of fashion I fear.
John Matonich says
Yes they have sadly
Mike says
I have to believe that these signs were all tongue in cheek. Of course, when years ago that woman successfully sued McDonald’s for not warning her that coffee was hot, all corporations decided they had to ptotect themselves from gross stupidity with dumn signs.
ann b says
No, really they probably were NOT tongue-in-cheek. We have become so sue-happy in this country that companies have had to put stupid warnings about all kinds of things that that never had to be done before. Like the woman who was able to sue McDonald’s, we can’t take responsibility for anything any more.
John Matonich says
Very much agree… I wish the signs were tongue in cheek, but sadly, I don’t think so…
Al Kurmas says
Check your car’s owners manual. If it’s anything like mine, it warns you not to park your car over a pile of burning leaves.
John Matonich says
I am glad you mentioned that… it was on my bucket list 😊
Gman says
Not to defend obvious stupidity, but the warning in the auto manual is trying to warn you not to park on leaves lest they catch fire from your hot muffler.
Judith Brooks says
And for the really stupid who cannot read these signs don’t help.
John Matonich says
I think that’s why we have so many picture signs…. how sad
NativeOfMichigan says
This country is full of Americans who do not know how to think. Our schools are very good at churning out classrooms full of bubble students. If you ask these students to explain their answer or point of view, they are clueless, but they sure do know how to fill in that oval.
John Matonich says
Afraid so…
Fred says
The scary thing is, if someone felt a “don’t swallow the hangers” sign was neccessary, it probably happened at least once in that company.
I remember that movie. I couldn’t finish watching it. Definitely not one of Luke Wilson’s better works, but it does have a point if applied to today’s society. Too many people today are so mind boggling ignorant, I don’t even know where to start on setting them straight. And as long as they wear their stupidity as a badge of honor, it’s pointless to try.
Good article John. It made me laugh out loud more than a couple times.
John Matonich says
Thank you… sad but afraid true