More than 130,000 of our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, grandparents and friends have succumbed to COVID-19 so far.
That’s already more souls – in five short months – than we lost in all of World War I, which lasted four years. At current pace, we’ll lose more people than we did in World War II (405,399) in early 2022, meaning COVID is way tougher than the Nazis and the Japanese.
It’s that bad.
This is our Black Death.
This is our Great Plague.
Our smallpox.
Our cholera.
And yet you’re still not scared enough to wear a little paper or cloth mask for a few minutes when you’re out in public?
What the hell is wrong with you?
Is it your politics? If so, remember we were assured that COVID was a trifle, a hoax and that soon it would just, poof, magically disappear.
That hasn’t happened. So maybe – just maybe – viruses don’t care what presidents say. Or what you believe, for that matter. They are equal opportunity killers. So maybe thinking with your politics isn’t the smart thing to do. And maybe, just this once, you should listen to people who know what the heck they’re talking about.
You know, doctors, scientists, immunologists. And they all say the same thing I’m saying: Just wear the damned mask.
“But it’s stuffy and uncomfortable!”
So what, you big whiner? Wear it anyway.
“But it fogs up my glasses!”
Boo-hoo, buttercup. Wear it anyway.
“But I look silly in it!”
Better silly than dead.
“But I don’t like people telling me what to do?”
Really? I’m sure your next of kin will toast your independent spirit.
“I’m still not going to wear it. I never get sick. So why should I?”
Then don’t wear it for you, you selfish jerk, wear it for those around you. If you want to kill yourself, fine. More power to you. But don’t take me or someone I love with you. Is your pride really more important than someone’s life?
The answer is probably yes but wear the damned mask anyway.
Yeah, yeah, I know. Many of you still won’t. The few times I venture out, about 30-40 percent of the population (not coincidentally roughly the same percentage of the U.S. voting population that is considered Trump’s base) is not wearing masks.
It makes me want to scream. I wonder if they’ve read any of the descriptions by doctors and nurses describing how awful a way COVID is to die. I also wonder if they saw the story this week about the poor guy in Texas who attended a COVID party and boasted online about how it’s all a hoax.
That guy died this week. And among his last words were, “I think I made a mistake. I thought this was a hoax, but it’s not.”
He was 30.
How old are you gonna be when you’re proven wrong?
Just wear the damned mask.
And get over yourself while you still have a self to get over.
You’re alive Andy! Haven’t seen anything new from you in a couple of weeks!
There’s NO. Rationale, sane reason for
objecting to wearing a mask. Those who fight it are stupid idiots . Let’s face it, about half of our countrymen are ignorant fools. It’s depressing; enough to shake my faith in the wisdom of democracy.
Yes! Glad you are back!
Thanks for your fiery pep talk in the context of the seriousness of this pandemic!
I hope the right group of people will hear it and act on it. Unfortunately, it might have to hit closer to their homes before it sinks in.
Hello, Andrew! The Covid is getting worse, not better. Not sure we should open schools. Went to a restaurant today, for wedding anniversary, but ??? Maybe we should close restaurants again. Everybody, please stay home again.
I already do. I will continue to do so. What is really scary is the number of folks who still recognize me even when I am wearing a mask. I have several “nieces who are nurses.” I will not tell you what they have threatened to do to me if I go in public without a mask. Now, let’s wait and see all of the whiners who have excuses for NOT wearing a mask come up with.
Another “masterpiece” column! So very sad…the number of folks who have been affected by this scourge! YES, PLEASE WEAR A MASK!!! The only up-side to this is, maybe a lot of people will recognize how inept Trump is and, vote for someone else! This guy has got to go….he is killing people.
The dumbest comment I’ve seen is from the man covered in Cheeto dust mixed with Circus Peanut paste, “Some people are wearing a mask as a political statement against me”. No, sir,we are wearing masks to protect ourselves against Covid-19, any political statements are from the window lickers that back the Impeached president, not the other way around
The dumbest comment I’ve seen is from the man covered in Cheeto dust mixed with Circus Peanut paste, “Some people are wearing a mask as a political statement against me”. No, sir,we are wearing masks to protect ourselves against Covid-19, any political statements are from the window lickers that back the Impeached president, not the other way around
Watch how many people will say “ I can’t wear one for medical reasons” Governor should had made it a requirement to have a doctors statement that you can’t.
Right on. Spot on. Thank you, Andrew.
Can you send your article to all the maskless idiots out there??
Ha, sadly, no, the website is my sole distribution.
I suspect those people aren’t what you would call “readers”, Lynne.
Thank you for this fire & brimstone column, Andy! I wish it could be posted on billboards at all major roads in Michigan. My husband and I agree 100% and do not understand the behaviors we see all around us.
Something that the governor should have been more specific about is the mask needs to cover your nose and mouth. It’s in the order but I have already seen idiots with them below their nose.
I have a niece who claims she can’t wear them because “halfway through the store, I can’t breathe.”
Really. Stop smoking 2 packs a day and your stinking breath blowing back up your nose won’t bother you anymore. Drama Queen without a doubt.
So as cases are exponentially spiking across the country with no sign of stopping, and Florida alone is so out of control that it has more cases than entire other countries, the Trump administration is leaping into action by sending opposition research to the media to discredit Dr. Anthony Fauci, an recognized health expert within its own administration, while the President himself promotes conspiracy theories dismissing the virus by the former host of the The Dating Game.
Why yes, this state of idiocracy is why France, Germany, Spain, the UK, Ireland, Italy (Italy!) the Netherlands, Canada and others have imposed a travel ban against people wanting to travel from America to their countries.
Congratulations America, the rest of the first world has declared us a $#!+hole country…
“They’re laughing at us!” he said.
Yeah, they weren’t, but they might be now that our reality TV show host leader is relying on the scientific expertise of TV game show hosts…
Great column, Andy. Thank you.
Dear Mika, please “do not” loose your faith in democracy! It is the greatest form of government to be created yet. It will work very well with participation. You may notice, most elections are decided by fewer than 8-9 points. Please remember…it always seems approx. 1/2 of America is not “with it” however, we do need LEADERSHIP!!!!!!!
I still always try to smile at people I encounter, in stores, on the street. But, they probably cannot even know I am smiling, because of the masks. I want to make a mask with words: “Cheers! I am smiling at you. Love!”
Right on, my friend
by Dr. Simone Gold
The below is the Op-Ed that was accepted to USAToday June 24.
It is clear to me as a physician-lawyer that the disinformation about both Covid-19 and the Constitution has caused us to turn a medical issue into a legal crisis.
The scientific usefulness of a mask has been so aggressively overstated, and the foundational importance of the Constitution has been so aggressively understated, that we have normalized people screaming obscenities at each other while hiking.
The Covid virus was supposed to be contained in the kind of lab where people wear astronaut suits and go through triple sealed doors. It is a con of massive proportion to assert that now, having escaped those environs, a bandana will magically do the trick.
After all, size matters.
The pore size of cloth face coverings ~ 20 – 100 microns. The Covid virus is 200 – 1000x smaller than that, at 0.1 microns. Putting up a chain link fence will not keep out a mosquito. Even the most esteemed medical journals admit their purpose is to calm anxiety. “Expanded masking protocols’ greatest contribution may be to reduce the transmission of anxiety….”
Of course, by knowledge or common sense observation, most Americans already know that masking everyone is superstition. But unlike privately carrying a lucky charm, mandating facial coverings requires the consent of the governed.
Many cultures mandate clothing that appears totally irrational to outsiders. Never have those cultures pretended that there is a scientific basis for their clothing requirement. Their leaders rule, and their citizens accept, that their choice of clothing is due to religious or cultural preference.
Not wearing a mask is not mere “personal choice” like deciding between a head covering or a t-shirt. It is a flashpoint for being a free human being who has consented to be governed but has not consented to be ruled. We do not consent to a masked America, because that is a fundamental change in American society, culture, norms and rights.
People who are apathetic toward their own liberty cannot eliminate Constitutional rights for those who are not. This is not the first ( or last ) time that people who believe in superstition are screaming the loudest. The Constitution exists precisely to protect all people during times of mass hysteria.
The mask has become the most visible symbol of #socialconditioning to Americans determined to preserve individual freedom. Thus far most Americans have continued to give their consent to be governed. But you are trying our patience.
Simone Gold MD, JD, FABEM, is a board certified emergency physician. She graduated from Chicago Medical School before attending Stanford University Law School to earn her Juris Doctorate degree.
I dedicate Dr. Gold’s Op-Ed to those of you who prefer to be RULED rather than GOVERNED.
The Covid virus was supposed to be contained in the kind of lab where people wear astronaut suits and go through triple sealed doors. It is a con of massive proportion to assert that now, having escaped those environs,
Yeah, she lost me when she suggested here that its a lab created, or lab escaped pathogen. That kind of conspiracy theory has been generally accepted to have been debunked by experts that reported it shows all the hallmarks of a naturally occurring pathogen that mutates into a species to species transmission, and none of the characteristics of a man made one. As a weapon, as is sometimes suggested, its a really crappy one. Ironically, the people saying it was a bioweapon are the same ones that turn around and insist its not a big deal, nothing more than a cold, and no steps are needed to avoid it.
Bit of a dissonance there.
Its an interesting read, and I wouldn’t presume to counter my expertise with hers, mine is limited, so I have to rely on the many others that disagree with her on how masks could bring the transmission rate down to controllable levels.
Meanwhile, our numbers here is Michigan, where we have more mask wearing, remain lower than the states where the governors actively discounted wearing them, despite the fact that our numbers were initially higher when the pandemic first hit.
What I find ironic about masks being made a political statement, is that the people most averse to them are the ones that have the most at stake politically in the virus being brought to heel quickly. By not wearing masks, they are keeping the virus active in numbers that continue to cripple the economy.
The President was initially resistant to masks because he felt it contributed to a legitimization of a problem that he hoped would just go away. Flawed thinking, but you can follow the human logic. Then, because he is physically incapable of admitting he may of been mistaken, (Sharpie anyone? Covefe?) he set his heels into resisting masks, and opined that people wearing masks are doing it to make a statement against him, thereby committing his loyal base to engage in a practice, not wearing masks in public places, that actually perpetuates the biggest obstacle to his reelection.
Just mind numbing…
Hey! Brad is back! This is something that makes me smile. Sometimes, when your garden isn’t doing well, you have to go to the barnyard and get more fertilizer. So, as this thread was wilting a bit, Brad comes through. When things are slowing down, he delivers more BS. It usually causes the discussion to spring back up. So, if masks are NOT effective, why are all of the medical personnel actively involved in treating COVID patients wearing them?
Old Fugly, I didn’t write the Op-Ed, so it’s easy to notice you wouldn’t……. oops COULDN’T refute a single word or point Dr./Attorney Gold offered. Hardly unexpected from you. When Dr. Gold discussed those who prefer to be ruled, she was looking at you. Health care workers treating COVID patients wear a bit more than a mask. Start with hazmat suit, booties, surgical gloves, full face SHIELD. Nothing exposed. Is that how you dress when at Walmart? Heller tells you to wear a piece of cloth over your nose, cloth up to 1000 times more porous than the virus, and you feel like a hero. Sheep produce manure too, so the farmer will thank you for your contribution.
It’s not ‘generally accepted’ that the virus occurred naturally or within a lab. Too many variables yet for a solid determination. But it’s interesting that Wuhan is the site of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, China’s only Biosafety Level 4 facility. Biosafety Level 4 is the highest pathogen security level. This facility has been collecting large numbers of corona viruses from bat samples since 2002-2003. There is also a Wuhan Center for Disease Prevention and Control. It’s a level 2 lab that is 250 meters away Huanan market. CoronavirusEs have, in the past been kept at this lab. This information comes from Independent Science News. Coincidence that such labs are located in the epicenter of this virus’ origin?
Interesting that yesterday, during Gov. Whitmer’s latest press conference, multiple speakers wore masks to the podium, removed their masks, placed them on the podium, said their piece, again applied same face mask and walked away. Next speaker up does same thing, on and on. Yet no disinfectant rubdown of the podium, no new mask after contacting a surface where someone else’s mask was just seconds before. Is this the sort of ‘science’ wHITLER is using to lock up the rest of the state? Gretch is laughing, since ‘science’ is for thee, not me.
Its definitely a maddening coincidence. However its like being suspicious of one of the four gas stations in a small town when a house catches fire. House fires happen without arson, and corona viruses happen without human based bio-development. And of course the lab was actively studying those types of viruses, they tend to come into existence and kill a lot of people, like SARS did back in 2002. SARS is the same kind of virus as this COVID one we have now. BTW, we have, I think, four of those Level 4 labs here in the states, and several more scheduled to be built. They’re not especially uncommon across the world.
Also the genetic markers of the virus tie it closely to virus’ carried by local bats and pangolins (awesome animals, BTW) both of which are sold for consumption in the “wet” markets there. Then there is the fact that the way the virus works, how its spikes, I guess, attach themselves is a new evolutionary jump that no one has been known to have seen before, nor was it ever even imagined to be a thing that could happen. Its possible I suppose that one human being, or one team in all the world figured out something no one else had even conjectured to be a thing, and came up with a secret technology to make it happen that no one else has or can figure out how to do to even now, but its more plausible to me that Mother Nature came up with a mutation that just taught us something new.
And yeah, it sounds like the speakers you saw weren’t thinking through their actions and potentially defeated a lot of the precautions. None of this is second nature to any of us yet. But then, the ADA says you should brush your teeth for a full two minutes when you brush using gentle circular motions and yada yada, and the CDC says that when washing your hands you should wet them, lather them front, back, between the fingers and under the nails, and then scrub for at least 20 seconds before then rinsing. Do this every time you sneeze or cough.
I’ll lay a dollar on saying that most people don’t follow the entirety of these instructions when performing these activities. But that doesn’t mean that its not a real good idea to brush your teeth and wash your hands, nor that the science behind each practice is faulty.
WOW….what total unmitigated bull—-!! You honestly think the Governor is making a power grab? What absolute paranoid, no-brain, crap!! Just exactly do you suppose she will or, would gain from this pandemic? Do you know how to read or understand numbers & statistics? I very much doubt it! You would do a little better (maybe) if you would keep your very idiot, brain-dead Trump type criticism to yourself. Gretch certainly is wondering what the h— is wrong with folks like you!
Hey RAV…..yeah, the cases are going up …. DUE TO INCREASED TESTING!!!
Isn’t that what everybody wanted? The death rate ISN’T going up. If they gave more IQ tests to most of the posters in this forum, the number of morons in this state would go up too. See how this works. More tests, more results. But that is way above your comprehension plateau.
You Trumpers really, really need to get some help! I suppose you think Dr. Fauci is a jerk too?
BTW: Isn’t this all a hoax? God help us!
By the way RAV……you never addressed the matter of Frau wHITLER’s press conference, and the manner in which all speakers placed their masks on the same SMALL surface without replacing masks or disinfecting the immediate surface between speakers . Why isn’t the ‘science’ used to shut down the state also applied to her pressers? I look forward to your ‘explanation’.
You dear sir, are pathetic and very paranoid. Calling people names and, comparing folks to very evil people from our past is indeed very juvenile.
BTW bonehead….much of the state was shut down.
(I’ll bet you need help to tie your own shoes?) Your logic is indeed very twisted.
Have a good evening and, best of luck to you.
I did mean much of the state government was shut down.
The problem with the rising numbers being caused by increased testing explanation is that its accompanied by drastic increases in increased emergency room visits and hospitalizations. Deaths aren’t spiking yet, but they typically lag the initial outbreak clusters by weeks as people fall ill and weaken. Plus we’re thankfully better now at keeping it out of the nursing homes, and at treating it when it comes to the hospital. But the record is clear, lots more people are getting genuinely sick.
Deaths are also being reduced by dramatically ramped up contact tracing that identifies and shuts down vectors of transmission before carriers get to someone the virus is more likely to kill. We didn’t have that in the early stages.
Without the increased testing, there can be no effective contact tracing.
Oops, sorry, it looks like we had 15 of Biosafety Level 4 labs in the US, according to the GAO way back in 2007, nine were Federal, four academic, one was run by a state and one was privately owned. So that four labs in the states number I thought I remembered is probably too low.
See, I was right. Brad is back and shoveling the “excrement” as always. You must admit, he is a real pro at it. Even if you don’t agree with him, you have to admire his ability to twist facts into fairy tales.
This x 1,000. Great column. Glad I stumbled upon you online. I’m in higher ed PR now by the way if you want to drop me a line. (Hey, I always said I could do PR if I believed in the product and they never asked me to lie. Four and a half years in, so far so good.) Besides media releases and a website I get to play with high end glossy magazines for our alumni, friends, and donors. Who gets to do THAT any more?! Magazines! How quaint!
So… That dopus Brad has two points:
1. Masks cannot work, and,
2. Masks are an extreme violation of our American liberty.
Okay, Brad, go ahead and do not wear a mask. I will wear a mask. Let’s see who dies sooner. Do you want to bet a thousand bucks?
One more question for the echo chamber drones in this tiny web site………If masks work, why not make them mandatory for prisoners? Why must felons be released into the general public on the premise of covid safety, when we know masks work? Masks work, remember? Just ask Heller and his minions. They work dammit!!!! So why release felons when the solution is to make them follow the rules we law abiding citizens are forced to follow?
Matty, I never said I don’t wear a SURGICAL mask. If you give me your age, we might make a bet.
I’m not sure what you’re asking here, Brad…
You mean parolees?
In the community, they have to wear masks in public just like everyone else, if that’s what you mean.
If you mean why are they being released? Michigan law, as amended by Gov. Engler, specifies that prisoners that have served the minimum of their sentence are eligible for parole. The Parole Board, appointed by the Governor, again pursuant to Michigan law, determines who among those that have served their minimum term are released onto parole. When they do, the prisoner is placed on Parole, where they will wear masks pursuant to the Governor’s order for Michigan citizens. (*)
So, IOW, this is all pursuant to codified law and by definition thereby “follows the rules”, as you say. No one is being released that the law doesn’t say can be released.
*There are a few being paroled that were sentenced before Gov Engler signed the Truth In Sentencing law in 1998, that are eligible for additional time off their minimum for good behavior, or Good Time, but they are a tiny percentage anymore of the current population coming up for parole, but, again, this follows codified Michigan law before 1998.
Oh! So, Brad, our resident fool, admits that he DOES wear masks. So, Brad, then, why all your anti-mask blather? You seem just to want to argue and be nasty. Please cut yourself loose from Crazy, nasty Trump, and re-join the human race.
And, Brad, I am old. You and I would have to make an arrangement whereby I could collect my grand from your estate. But, it seems you yourself are wearing masks, even though you argue against them. What the heck???!
Different Topic: Native American Team Nicknames:
You know that the Washington DC football team is changing its name. And, every team that references Native Americans, even in a tangential way, is under attack.
Well, my friends this problem goes much deeper! I can use my own schools’ nicknames as examples! My high school team, the Huron High School River Rats, insults all rats and other vermin, including Poster Brad. And my college teams, the Kenyon College Lords (and Ladies), insult members of the English upper class! Outrageous! Let us expunge these systemic evils from our American life now, once and for all!
The President just tweeted:
“We are United in our effort to defeat the Invisible China Virus, and many people say that it is Patriotic to wear a face mask when you can’t socially distance,”
“There is nobody more Patriotic than me, your favorite President!”
Along with a picture of him wearing a mask.
One might perceive this to be an endorsement of a practice.
Someone should tell him that wearing a mask is a superstitious irrationality. A chain link fence to defend against mosquitoes, as they say.
By wearing a mask, and even putting “patriotic” value in its display, he is symbolically contributing to the #socialconditioning of Americans determined to preserve individual freedom. Such conditioning is ominously trying the patience of the governed, I hear. Certainly one should take seriously the words of those who point out how their patience is being tested.
One might accept that supporting someone that changes what is “right” based on what he needs to be “true”, hour to hour, makes you look silly.
Case in point.
On Monday morning, Winn Dixie declared that it will not be requiring masks in its 500 stores across Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina.
““Our associates have seen that mask mandates are a highly charged issue with our customers. We do not want to put our associates in a position to navigate interpersonal conflict or prohibit customers from shopping in our stores,” – Joe Caldwell, director of corporate communications and government affairs for Southeastern Grocers, owner of Winn Dixie.
Hours later, the President sent out his tweet praising and modelling mask wearing as patriotic.
Roughly one hour later, Winn Dixie announced that it would be requiring customers to wear masks in all of its stores. Mr. Caldwell asserted that the complete about face had “absolutely nothing to do” with the President’s tweet.
If we don’t get this “major-jerk” out of the oval office soon….America as we know it is toast!
Like the latest meme says, teachers are worried and freaked out about going back to school and being in a classroom with 20 + YOUNG ( strong and healthy covid resistant) students, while grocery store checkout people deal with hundreds of customers daily, Of ALL ages, at far less pay and benefits. I would tell the teachers to quit whining, but it’s what they do. Boo hoo.
Ah, good. Brad is on record saying that we won’t see spikes of COVID that can be traced to the school attendance.
I’m interpreting his statement to mean that he doesn’t think there will be spikes of COVID based on his citation of the students being strong and healthy covid resistant. Without the context of that belief, the inclusion of the students condition has no purpose in his statement. It only makes sense supporting a belief that there won’t be spikes in COVID attributable to school attendance.
Now, perhaps I’m wrong, perhaps he isn’t making that prediction and the description of the children’s healthy condition somehow lends itself to another conclusion. However, given his clearly apparent endorsement of opening the schools, I suspect he actually doesn’t expect a spike, since even children that endure infection with little apparent consequence will carry it home and pass it on to parents, grandparents and other people that have been demonstrably put in deadly danger by the virus. This of course also includes other children in the school that are mortally vulnerable to it.
Therfore, as I said, I suspect he doesn’t believe such a thing will happen, since to casually accept such a terrible outcome would make someone a callous, awful human being, and certainly Brad isn’t that.
So, Brad doesn’t think we are going to see spikes attributable to schools. I myself suspect otherwise. Should be interesting to see how this plays out.
It is sooo very hard to deal with narrow-minded, ignorant folks! The way some people like Brad, view this pandemic, is very strange. It is indeed not “a hoax”. It does sound as if Mr. Brad should go back to school or, try somehow to increase his intelligence level.
Trump and his pals are going flat-out wacky. Here is one thing they are promoting in the past couple days (from a Washington Post article):
“The video he and Donald Trump Jr. shared included a doctor, Stella Immanuel, who espouses extreme conspiracy theories that seem designed to keep people distrustful of modern science, like that DNA from space aliens is infused in medicine, or that sexually transmitted diseases and infertility come from having sex with demons.
“I thought she was very impressive,” Trump said, when asked about her at the briefing.”
Alien DNA! Sex with demons!
If Trumps comments are not “proof positive” that he is nuts, I don’t what would else might convince anyone. This guy is truly indeed, bonafide crazy!!!
Quote time.
“Mark my words, I think he is gonna try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can’t be held.” -Joe Biden on 04-23-2020
“Those are the incoherent, conspiracy theory ramblings of a lost candidate who is out of touch with reality.“ -Tim Murtaugh, communications director for President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign on 04-23-2020 in response to Biden above statement.
“With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history,” “It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???” -Donald Trump on 07-30-2020.
Yes Mr. Murtaugh, someone is indeed incoherent…
Perhaps one more quote:
“One might accept that supporting someone that changes what is “right” based on what he needs to be “true”, hour to hour, makes you look silly.” -Me on 07-20-2020.
“Masks will not be mandatory for the event, which will be attended by President Trump. PEOPLE ARE FED UP!” -Herman Cain on 07-02-2020 in reference to the 07-04-2020 Mount Rushmore event, and two days after learning of his own positive diagnosis on 07-29-2020.
Please imagine trying to explain or advise a visitor to the USA, somebody from somewhere else. About half of Americans are smart, or at least rational. About half are friendly, or at least polite. This is not a straight 50/50 situation. The 50% smart and the 50% friendly overlap.
So, expect that about a quarter of Americans, 25% overall, will be none of the above. Not smart, not even rational, not friendly, not even polite. President Trump certainly is in this nasty quarter of our American population.
We Americans already know this, intuitively, pretty much, and we know to avoid nasty wackos, including Trump. But, foreign visitors will not get it. What happens when they run into the 25% of American police who are not smart/rational/friendly/polite? How can I warn them?
The people you’re talking about are easy to spot.
They’re the ones without masks.
Attendees of the Republican National Convention, scheduled for later this month in Charlotte, NC will be required to wear masks.
“Donald and Melania Trump requested mail-in ballots for themselves two days before the president said he would block U.S. Post Office funding to prevent them from being sent to millions of others.”
This is from a Washington Post article. This says it all.
Hey, Andrew!Jefe y Commandante! We miss you! Hope you are okay! Please come back to us, if you are okay.
Hey Matt, I’m fine. I announced on FB, I’m taking a breather from the column (violated once already) til Oct. 1, at which point I’m going to devote my space to getting the vote out. Just a bit burned out from a new job. I appreciate you asking.
Andy, Whatever your new job is, I hope it works out well for you. Will miss you and look forward to your return.
Andy, Whatever your new job is, I hope it works out well for you. Will miss you and look forward to your return.
Andrew, let’s go back to campaigning against Daylight Savings Time, and such. Have fun again. Sorry you feel burned out. You deserve better.
An extremely noble cause……GET THE VOTE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, you all, do you want to keep this thing going, even without Andrew Heller?
Here’s my big political outrage today: Trump’s pal Steve Bannon was indicted by federal prosecutors for stealing a million dollars from a charity! I fear we eventually will learn that Trump and his friends have been even more blatantly corrupt than Kwame Kilpatrick.
Couldn’t agree more!! This Post Office thing has me even more p—– off!! This guy (Trump) is wrecking America much worse than we think. He is indeed a criminal and, should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!
Yes…let’s keep this going!
Have you people been getting emails from Trump, in the past week or so? I have had five or six emails per day. Maybe Trump’s people saw that I emailed him more that once, with criticism and advice. But, they should know I am anti-Trump, and I never would give a nickel.
(Actually, I once tried to donate just a nickel to Trump, as an insult, but his web site would not take my generous contribution.)
Somehow, this insanity called Trump, has got to stop! I just saw a bumper sticker which stated, “Are you an American or, a Democrat”? I am soooo tired of whacko right-wing propaganda I could scream! Get this toxic, poisonous, lying, rotten scum-ball out of the White House ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is indeed sad how emotional this has become for some of us however, being accused of not being American or, not loving this country, has become very personal for myself.
Sounds like R.A.V. needs to find a safe space, replete with crayons, an emotional support gerbil, a gallon of brownie nut fudge ice cream, loose sweat pants, midol and a gay romance novel. ( Not that there is anything wrong with gay romance novels) Obviously the hormones are raging, whether estrogen or ……….well, probably not testosterone. Either way, find that ‘sweet spot’. I’m rooting for you…..
Brad….you are a very sad excuse for someone who thinks they know “what is going on”. Your supposed “humorous criticism” is pretty bad. It is indeed very strange why folks like yourself, (Trumpers) don’t have a clue as to what is happening in America. I never realized how people can be taken in so easily by propaganda.
Trump is a silver-tongued devil. Or maybe a silver-plated-tongued devil. Do you guys ever listen to him? He is extremely engaging. He comes across as a fun, wise, entertaining leader. No Democrats including Biden can do that.
I listened to Trump today, on the radio from North Carolina. What he says is baloney at best, sneaky lies and distortions in reality. But, he sounds great. We are not out of the woods yet. Trump could win.
I wonder whether we have an actual photograph of Trump’s tongue. Is it forked? Like a snake? Like Satan?
A beautiful thing happened last night during the antifa/blm riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin. A thug, in the process of looting a small auto business, was confronted by an armed person defending the property. According to eye witness accounts, the ‘peaceful protester’ (looter) refused to back away or stop his criminal behavior. Suddenly, BANG, thug is down with a rifle bullet in his head. He has since assumed room temperature. The lesson here is you loot, they shoot. Innocent people are tired of having their businesses, property, homes or families threatened by lawless punks.
Now for the icing on this cake. There is video of this thug’s comrades tending to his head wound, then carrying him to a vehicle for transport to a medical facility. During that time, several of these ‘peaceful protesters’ were saying “call the cops”, “call the police”. Hilarious, because the night before, these same ass clowns were chanting “f_ck the police”, “defund the police”, “pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon”, “the only good cop is a dead cop”, ACAB ( all cops are bastards). Hate the police now and forever, then run for them like little bitches when real life makes a house call. The irony is tasty indeed.
Looting, burning, destruction etc. etc. etc… absolutely disgusting (and the guy shot may have had it coming?) however, there certainly is nothing “beautiful” about one human being shooting & killing, another.
1. Brad, you are goosing the story. You should not celebrate this 17-year-old murderer.
2. Did you look at the Republican Convention last night? Mrs. Trump: She is a famously glamorous person, but they dressed her in an awful, boring brown outfit. Like a costume British army uniform from a world war 2 movie. What the heck? She spoke pretty well, but her accent utterly contradicts Trump’s anti-immigrant policy.
These Republicans, including Brad, are cuckoo
When Americans vote for Trump, they are killing the USA. How will they answer when their grandchildren ask them, “Why did you support Trump, the nastiest, creepiest, least-truthful president of all time?”? And also when they ask, “Why did you support G.W. Bush, the stupidest, most cynical president in American history?”?
History and truth will come around. Please, boot Trump out.
The pandemic we are in is causing us to think about many things for which we don’t have answers. Taking a hard position for or against “masking” or “social (physical) distancing” seems to be acting as though we know what is best for all of us before the results are in. I, for one, choose to behave based on what I think is the most up-to-date information from the scientific community. My freedom to act against science is a choice I choose not to make. I don’t want to use my freedom to endanger myself or others in my world. Life is precious. Health is wealth. Death is final.
Dear Matthew, I couldn’t agree more!!
Tonight, now, Saturday August 29, 2020, from my back porch I hear people whooping in up, in a back yard, about four houses east of me. Happy voices laughing and yelling. Normally, no big deal, but now, it sounds like an illegal Covid-spreading party.
My close neighbors. I do not know them, but I hope they never ever come close to my house. And, I hope those unmasked Trump supporters at the White House last night never travel to Grand Rapids.
UPDATE: Now, well after midnight, that party in my neighbor back still is going on, and the people still are yelling. But, they are not laughing anymore. They are arguing at the tops of their lungs.
I would not be surprised to hear gunshots and sirens soon.. Stay tuned.
Of course I meant “back yard,” in the previous post. Sorry for the typo.
Looks like Nancy Pelosi violated California executive orders by having an INDOOR appointment at a hair salon. Further, she was NOT wearing a mask. It’s all on video from security cameras. Now, she claims to be a victim of a set-up at the salon. Typical libtard, hand in the cookie jar, claiming to be the victim. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
As 2nd in succession to the presidency, is she really this stupid to be taken in by a ruse? Since she wasn’t wearing a mask, is it less about health and all about the election in November? As a liberal, it must be exhausting to reconcile the double standards, outright hypocrisy and lies. However, with willing accomplices in the media, it can be laundered to a sufficient level for the sheeple in this tiny echo chamber. Keep the blinders on, pay no attention to the speaker of the house behind the curtain.
You sir…are pretty pathetic! Talk about “having blinders on”??? Is this the best you can do??? No mask in a hair salon? What earth shattering news!! And what would you suggest the punishment be?
And by the way, the Speaker Of The House is 3rd in line for the presidency.
It is so strange, to hear you Trumpers accuse others of what you folks are indeed doing yourselves.
Indeed pathetic……pathetic indeed.
Trump has been saying numerous nasty, irrational things this Labor Day Weekend. Stay tuned. Trump’s ultimate over-the-top quote is on the way.
Now, it is apparent that Trump and his people are trying to destroy the Post Office, Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare, the Environmental Protection Agency, even the FBI and the Justice Department, the State Department, and more.
All these are pillars of our society. Trump is nasty and cynical. Many of his minions are nasty right-wing nihilist Kool Aide imbibers, but Trump himself has no convictions, does not even care about his supporters and enablers. He is a destroyer. Only thing he is good at.
Please vote him out.
I could not agree more….this evil individual must go!!!
He is indeed a DESTROYER!!
VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We all know that Trump lies constantly. Here’s the awful detail:
Trump lies in a nasty, arrogant tone of voice, with fake confidence and phony assurance. He is utterly contemptuous of his own supporters, happy to lie to them, happy to work hard to deceive them. He does it on purpose.
Let us vote him out!
Here is a different topic:
Pro athletes and some college athletes are getting DAILY Covid tests. What the heck?
Have you even had ONE Covid test, ever? I have not.
I believe Trump and his dopuses get daily tests as well. But the rest of us, no way! Woof! Arf!
Can someone do a wellness check on Heller. We haven’t seen him here for a couple of months now. His cohort columnists seem to be missing too. Maybe it’s just because there’s nothing funny these days for a humor columnist to write about. I don’t know. Hope he is OK.
Now that RBG has died, President Trump is going to nominate someone to fill RGB’s vacancy.
President Trump says that it will be a woman.
One commentator on another site I visit. It is a liberal site by the way. Made a comment about her death. He stated all of this could have been avoided if RBG had retired in 2014.
If she had done so, then President Trump would not be having the chance to fill her vacancy.
This individual made the the comment that RBG felt that she was way too important to the USSC
for her to step down.
I wonder what kind of stories, myths and other assorted tales will the liberal/democrat/socialist
slanderous and libelous statements the will come up with.
Will they trot out some male who will make the specious claim that the woman nominee abused him somehow in the past.
How much “peaceful protests” will ensue.
Enough of that.
I think that the masks really are not that great at stopping the Wuhan virus. Oops, I guess I should call it by the name “covid virus”.
According to one CDC report only a little over 12,000 deaths can be directly caused by the virus by itself.
All the other deaths had comorbidity causes: ie.. old age, overweight, diabetic, terminal cancer
and other miscellaneous factors.
I wear a mask when I go shopping or in other places where I will be in close proximity to other people.
I was talking to one small store owner who had put up a plastic barrier between him and the customers. He said that whenever the pandemic gets over he is going to leave it in place.
Over the years he has had too many customers cough in his face.
I have to agree with him. The shields are sometimes annoying, but people are rude and not very considerate of others.
The myths, lies, total absolute BS and the trouble it causes is so very well done by the “Nut-Case Right Wing.
At least you got half of it correct, wearing a mask etc.
The Republican senate pushing through the President’s pick before the election, or after, if he loses, will just result in a President Biden and probable Democratic senate packing the court.
This shameless mercenary tat for tat hardball ie. unprecedented blocking Obama’s judicial picks > Harry Reid exercising “the nuclear option” on judicial appointments > McConnell refuses to have a vote for Obama’s pick/McConnell will have a last minute vote for Trump’s pick > Biden packs the court… All of this is damaging to our republic, but the partisan’s don’t care.
Partisan voters put more value on angering other side than they do on doing what is good for the country, even when it directly conflicts with their own espoused ideology, and harms them. Hence, you get formerly vocal “small government, free market fiscal conservatives” suddenly silent when a “republican” starts a trade war complete with massive tariffs (aka taxes) to impose the government’s will on US companies, and requiring massive deficit driving relief payments (aka socialism) to US farmers to mitigate, not alleviate, the multi-year damage the trade war is inflicting on them.
Sure, the country is being damaged from presidential descisions that I would have been screaming about just five years ago, but at least my guy is “winning”
Great job partisans, please do be proud of yourselves. I suspect posterity won’t be.
Very well said…..very well said and, very accurate!
and requiring massive deficit driving relief payments (aka socialism) to US farmers to mitigate, not alleviate, the multi-year damage the trade war is inflicting on them.
Well this is timely.
$37,000,000,000.00 in subsidy payments to farmers this year. Just. This. Year. That’s up from the $22,000,000,000.00 in 2019, and way up from the $13,000,000,000.00 (rounded up) given out during Obama’s last year in Office in 2016.
But remember kids, Socialism is bad, m’kay?
Or, you know, the people that say socialism is bad only say it when the other party is in control, and not when they themselves do it many times over.
BTW, that kind of strategy makes the voters they’re knowingly saying this to what the Soviets used to call “Useful idiots”
So again, great job partisans, keep distinguishing yourselves.
Trump’s Supreme Court nominee is Amy Barret. Have you seen pictures of Ms. Barret? She is WAY too cute to be on the Supreme Court. We need grizzled ugly old wise people on our Supreme Court, not cute desirable chicks with nice hairdoos.
Here is something Andrew might be interested in: I was delighted when Major League Baseball decided to play this year, during Covid. And, I have looked at most of the Detroit Tigers’ games, on TV.
BUT! These nine-inning games are way too long. (Probably okay at the stadium, but too much at home.) I get bored and impatient. Normally, I am a baseball traditionalist, but this season, I want shorter games. Have you seen the seven-inning games they have played in double-headers? Much more acceptable, and more fun.
Let’s change to seven innings per game. That would have an effect on important baseball statistics, especially Earned Run Averages, but what the heck? We could deal with it, and baseball would be more fun.
Trump deduced $70,000 in HAIRCUTS on his income taxes! $70,000 would get me through 194 YEARS of haircuts, and I do NOT deduct them! Please, deduct Trump on November Third!
T-rump should or could be arrested for…….virtually anything that’s illegal!!
This “Insane Clown President”, has got to go!!!
That “debate” was a train-wreck. They both ignored the rules. They both talked over each other and insulted each other. Trump was less polite and less civilized than Biden. Plus, Trump lied constantly, made up stuff, and threw it in our faces.
Maybe Biden should pull out of future debates, or maybe he should stay in, just to let Trump highlight Trump’s lies and nastiness.
Today, Mr. and Mrs. Trump entered the Valley of the Shadow of Death. May God be with them, and with all of us.
March 6th, 2020, President Trump: “I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it… Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.”
September 29, 2020, President Trump: “Well, so far we have had no problem whatsoever. ” (referring to crowds of thousands of unmasked, closely packed supporters at recently held rallies) I don’t wear a mask like him. Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from him and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”
October 1st, 2020: Hope Hicks, President Trump, Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19.
October 2nd, 2020: Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel is reported to have tested positive on September 30th. Senator Mike Lee of Utah test positive. Senator Thom Tillus of North Carolina test positive. Kellyanne Conway tests positive.
October 2nd, 2020, 6:16 pm, EST: President Trump is transported from the White House’s extensive medical facilities to Walter Reed Hospital to be hospitalized “for the next few days”
October 3rd, 2020: Next…
Contextual Flashbacks:
– March 3: Boris Johnson: “I shook hands with everybody you’ll be pleased to know, and I continue to shake hands.”
– March 27: Boris Johnson tests Positive for Covid19.
– April 5: Boris Johnson is hospitalized.
– April 6: Boris Johnson put into intensive care.
July 2nd, 2020 Herman Cain: “Masks will not be mandatory for the event, which will be attended by President Trump. PEOPLE ARE FED UP!”
July 30th, 2020: Herman Cain, deceased by COVID-19.
Make no mistake as to my intent here, I’m posting this objective sequence of events in anger. Whether the reader actually understands why I am angry establishes whether they are part of problem.
Shame to them on behalf of the republic if they pretend they don’t.
Now, tonight, Trump sends a video message from the hospital. He looks and sounds okay. He is not as orange-hued as usual, because he is pale from his illness. He seems to have lost some weight due to his illness. Looks better in that way. He is not quite as nasty as usual, because he does not have much energy. But he obviously had his hairdresser and make-up artist there.
Let’s wait and see how long he sustains. Will he send more videos? Will he stay able, or drop into the illness? Either way, please vote him out. I hope he recovers, but he still is a devil.