Come Heller high water…
- ABC’s swift cancellation of “Roseanne” is good news on two fronts. It tells me companies have learned the lesson that they better be quick to take action when it comes to intolerance and racism or consumers and investors will make them pay. That in turn tells me a lot more people are on the right side of history than the current political atmosphere in Washington D.C. would suggest.
- And please spare me all the First Amendment defenses. No one said she couldn’t say whatever she wants. What’s great about America is people are allowed to be loudmouth, racist jerks if they want to be. But companies also don’t have to employ them.
- Also, spare me the Trump comparisons. I’m no Trump fan, but he’s not responsible for Roseanne. And yet just about every talking head on TV couldn’t resist suggesting there was a link. Listen, Roseanne was an idiot and a provocateur long before Trump was elected. Come to think of it, so was Trump.
- I wonder if he’s thinking of her for a cabinet position, though. You gotta admit, she’d be a perfect fit.
- Roseanne blamed her tweets on the sleeping drug Ambien. The Ambien people responded by saying “While all pharmaceutical treatments have side effects, racism is not a known side effect of any Sanofi medication.” Awesome.
- Trump’s gonna appropriate that one: “So, OK, I colluded and obstructed, but only because of the Ambien.”
- I follow God on Twitter (not kidding. I really do.) God posted this: “I was on Ambien when I created mankind.”
- Kim Kardashian met with Trump today in the Oval Office. He said they talked about prison reform. I’ll bet they talked ratings.
- I love that he talks to a reality TV show star about prison reform. That makes as much sense as talking to a fire hydrant about French cooking. (I know that makes no sense. See?)
- Random thought to break up all the Trump stuff: I love that more and more restaurants are doing away with straws for environmental purposes. But I gotta admit there are some places where I think, “I don’t want my lips touching that glass.” I suppose I shouldn’t be eating in those places in the first place, right?
- Spygate looks to be dead after just a week, thanks to … Republicans? Yeah, it’s true. Rep. Trey Gowdy – the chairman of the chairman of the House Oversight Committee and a guy who puts the oolong in the Tea Party – said, “When the FBI comes into contact with information about what a foreign government may be doing in our election cycle, I think they have an obligation to run it out. Based on what I have seen, I don’t know what the FBI could have done or should have done other than run out a lead that someone loosely connected with the campaign was making assertions about Russia, I would think you would want the FBI to find out whether there was any validity to what those people were saying.” Then to top it off Shepard Smith of Fox News said, “President Trump has also claimed the feds spied on his campaign with an informant. The president calls it Spygate. Fox News can confirm it is not. Fox News knows of no evidence to support the president’s claim.” Holy cow, Batman, this is so weird and unexpected, it’s almost scary. God, was that you at work? Did you do this right after the Ambien tweet?
- “Time will inevitably uncover dishonesty and lies; history has no place for them.” – Norodom Sihanouk.
Image credit: Donkey Hotey
Fred says
Don’t worry, JimIII and Working Dad know of all the evidence to support Trump’s Spygate claims, even if Fox News doesn’t. (cue Working Dad’s links)
jimiii says
Nope, not going to comment on spygate.
Fred says
I just know you are going to comment on something else. You will prove me right anytime now.
Tommy B says
“What’s great about America is people are allowed to be loudmouth, racist jerks if they want to be.” Cue Working Dad in 3-2-1 Go!
Andrew Heller says
I should have titled this one “Come Heller high water … the bait Working Dad edition.” I’m eager to hear his views on Gowdy and Shep.
Bookieb says
I was happy to learn Ambien doesn’t cause racism. Been using it for years.
Tom says
I nominate you for Best Post of 2018!
jimiii says
I would like to hear Fred’s Tommy B says and Andrew comment on the following situations:
1: Comedian accosts women getting off bus and asking them if they would have sex with him.
2.: Comedian accosting women walking down a street and asking them to tell him what he has in his crotch. The comedian asked women of different ethnic groups.
3: Comedian in a nightclub having to take something off his crotch with their mouth. I do not know what the object was. I could not see it.
4 The white comedian was in blackface and speaking like what he thought an average male
African-American sounded like.
If any of you have the courage to answer these questions, I would like to hear your views on them.
Rosanne Barr’s comment was very wrong. She should have never compared V.J. to an ape. Just very wrong. Not anywhere close to funny.
Fred says
I have no idea what comedian you are talking about or what you are getting at. It doesn’t matter what his politics are, that is unacceptable behavior,. He will not have my support. If this is some lame attempt to point out liberal hypocrisy, you failed. And you are still supporting Trump, despite many accusations of inappropriate behavior and documented instances of racism. That make you a hypocrite.
Now let’s see if you have the guts to tell us what a Constitutional Republic is.
Tommy B says
What are you talking about? Who are you referring to? Is this real or an imaginary? Inquiring minds want to know.
Tom says
Maybe we can ignore him. We do not need to get off topic, and argue with him. I hate the idea of letting him get away with his mean lies, and I hate it when he insults Andrew, but what the heck? That is what he does. To heck with him and that other one.
jimiii says
The comedian is Jimmy Kimmel. He did this a few years ago on both Comedy Central and some other lame cable tv show.
Of course, Jimmy is a President Trump basher so his behavior is acceptable to liberals.
If it had been a conservative comedian the left-leaning liberals would be screaming for his head and having him banned from tv forever. It is all on vidio tape and if you can find on it online someplace.
It is not off topic. Liberals do not like having their actions exposed for the double standards that they have.
They go into denial mode.
jimiii says
One other thing. If Roseanne had tweeted the same thing about Condoleeza Rice or Mia Love or some other black conservative woman, liberals would be praising her for her creative comedic words. Roseanne just tweeted about the wrong black woman.
I never watched the old Roseanne show and I did not watch the “new” Roseanne show.
Tommy B says
Bullshit! Wrong is wrong. You guys always assume it is just a partisan thing. This isn’t quite the same, but when several notable people got caught up in the “Me too” stuff and got fired (Kevin Spacey comes to mind) they got the same treatment and it was appropriate.
jimiii says
Really? Please explain how a liberal “comedian” can be in blackface and not be chastised by the left. Like I said if a conservative Republican had done the blackface thing the liberals would be screaming for his head.
You liberals act like you do no wrong. I have listened to some of the remarks made by liberals. One call President Trump an Orangutang. That a large monkey related to an ape.
It is not the same as the “me too” stuff.
I do not think that there will be a blue wave this election year. A lot of voters, both left and right, do not like the fact that Pelosi, Schumer and other Democrat members of Congress have united to support the ms-13 gang members and illegal immigrants rather than peaceful law abiding American citizens.
What I would like to see happen is a lot of conservative black Republicans run for Congress. That would really upset the Democrat party.
That happened after the Civil War. It lasted until the Democrats, after about 25 years or so. Then the Democrats managed to get back in power and started writing the Jim Crowe laws.
Fred says
Jimiii, you are referring to the Man Show. It was a stupid show aimed at immature 20 somethings, and the hosts were also openly drunk on stage. It was 1999, not a “few years ago”. Jimmel Kimmel has since grown up, cleaned up his act, taken reponsiblity for his past behavior and taken steos to live his life as a better person ever since. However, if he say something racist tomorrow, I and many other “liberals” will be “calling for his head”.
Roseanne Barr is 65 years old and still exercising that immature behavior. Donald Trump is 74. I lost count of how many displays of racism and demeaning comments towards women he has made in the last two years. When these two grow up and take responsibility for their past behavior, like Jimmy Kimmel did, you might have a comparison. Until then you have nothing, but some weak example of immaturity from 20 years ago.
Tommy B says
Good response Fred. I think Jimiii needs a Xanax.
Ernie Davis says
I don’t believe the Jimmy Kimmel performance was 20 years ago. I remember hearing and seeing the video within the last couple of years or so when it had just taken place. But when he comes on at 1130, I shut him off. But, you guys do have to admit shows like the View are certainly very biased.
Fred says
You have been seeing and hearing about in the last couple years because right wing media networks have been digging it up from 20 years ago and running it to counter trump bashlash, because they can’t seem to find anything more current.
Tom says
Republicans were a whole different bunch, right after the Civil War. They were the opposite of what they are now. Then, there was no such thing as a Black Democrat. And, now, Black Republicans are far and few between, about as rare as unicorns. This wave of Black Republicans will not, cannot happen.
jimiii says
One more thing. If Roseanne had tweeted the same message and out in the message Condoleeza Rice or Mia Love or any other conservative black woman the liberals would be praising Roseanne’s comedic style.
Roseanne just tweeted about the wrong black woman.
I never watched the old Roseanne show and I never watched the “new” Roseanne show.
Fred says
It’s worth noting that Jimiii posted this comment at 2:55 a.m., 9:55 a.m. in Moscow.
Fred says
Liberals have no tolerance for racism, regardless of who the target it. For instance, I despise Ben Carson, but if anyone makes a racist comment towards him, I will be after that person, because I do not tolerate racism.
Jimiii, YOU tolerate racism, and you probably practice it too. How do I know that? Because you support and defend Donald Trump.
Linda Ann says
Restaurants want to do away with straws for environmental purposes? Straws? Well, I guess it’s a start.
NativeOfMichigan says
“‘Time will inevitably uncover dishonesty and lies; history has no place for them.’ – Norodom Sihanouk.”
And history will not be kind to them.
Tom says
Tom says
Apparently this link does not work. It is an exotic-looking photo of Norodom Sihanouk in royal Cambodian garb, including a hat that looks like something from Doctor Who. But, he has a look on his face that looks like a look from Elvis Presley.
Linda Ann says
I know that it’s not always easy, even for top-notch writers, to come up with hot topics leading up to some great discussion (except for some commenters). However, it was a pleasant surprise to get two columns in one week from Andrew. ( thanks to politicians and people like Roseanne Barr, who not only spew awful things, but cost many, many people -who were affiliated with her show-their jobs.
Tom says
I had the idea that FOX might pick up Roseanne’s show, BUT, my bride had a different idea. She has done software for cable TV networks for the past fifteen years. She knows TV.
She said the determining factor is advertisers. Will advertisers want to pay for Roseanne’s show? Who knows? The politics do not matter. The advertising determines everything.
Working Dad says
Wow!… I am used to the drunk with multiple accounts making psychotic call-out comments (jimiii working dad blah blah blah rant rave!!!) but I think this is the first time that Andy Heller himself sunk to call outs. It’s amazing how liberals just can’t handle the idea that their politics are wrong.
Try to not be so obsessive.
Tom says
Is Working Dad maybe just a joke? Does somebody who actually likes Andrew Heller think it is funny to burden us with this awful preposterous personality? Is Working Dad necessary? The necessary opposition? No.
Imagine the productive discussions we might have, if Working Dad were not present… If we did not have to waste our time trying to make sure he does not get away with his false, sometimes evil, assertions.
Working Dad says
12 Naty Lights?…. 16?…. 20?…..
Tom says
Have you people seen that Trump now is tweeting about pardoning himself? Bizarre, no?
PS – What the heck is a Naty Light?
Tom says
Hello everybody. Heading into the weekend. Trump already has destroyed our relationships with friends and allies. But, we need to wait and see what comes of his North Korea meeting. Coming soon. Wait. In the meantime:
1. Repeal the Second Amendment!
2. Stormy Daniels for President!