- It was silly and typical for Trump and others to say the post-election protests were “unfair” or unAmerican. Peaceful protest is as American as you can get. On the other hand, as I watched footage of the protesters I couldn’t help but wonder how many of them actually voted. Here’s the thing, millennials and others: The problem with elections is you actually have to participate in them to get your way. (That concludes today’s civics lesson.)
- You won’t catch me moaning (much) about the outcome, in part because, while he and his cronies may destroy the country, the world and the universe as we know it (I took my hysterical pill early today, clearly), at least Trump will be excellent column fodder. I figure Democrats got what they had coming – they put up their worst possible candidate against the Republican’s worst possible candidate and their worst possible candidate managed to stink a little less. That’s how it goes. As Tom Hanks told the ladies in “A League of their Own” “There’s no crying in baseball.”
- Voter turnout is one of the biggest teardrops dripping down the faces of Dems. But it’s a crocodile tear. According to the U.S. Elections Project, this year’s presidential turnout was about 58.1 percent, about the same as 2012 and well above the 54.2 percent rate of the century’s first decade. Reality stinks, doesn’t it?
- If you want a real accessory to the crime for the rise of Trump, blame CNN and the other networks. They helped him defeat his Republican challengers early on with gobs of free air time that wasn’t warranted by his position in the race. And they continued doling out free air throughout the general election. All told, he received $5.6 billion in “earned media” compared to $3.5 billion for Clinton, according to Mediaquant. It was so bad and so lopsided that CNN President Jeff Zucker said last month, “If we made any mistake last year, it’s that we probably did put on too many of his campaign rallies in those early months and let them run. Listen, because you never knew what he would say, there was an attraction to put those on air.” Sure, most of what Trump said was outrageous and genuinely disturbing, but that only proves that America loves a good show. It also proves, to me at least, that Americans clearly didn’t think the show’s lead actor didn’t mean the mean, horrible things he said. To them he was just acting. Because that’s what actors do.
- Hold on. Trump says “give me a chance” and “I’ll be a president for all Americans” and then hires Steve Bannon – a veritable rock star in the world of hate and intolerance – as his top advisor? What am I supposed to do with that? That’s essentially a giant middle finger to at least half of America, is it not?
- So if Trump spends half his presidency living in Trump Tower, do you think he’ll rent out the Lincoln Bedroom on AirBNB? Would you put it past him?
- And, finally, I notice Hillary now says FBI Director Jim Comey cost her the election, proving beyond all doubt that Hillary Clinton cost Hillary Clinton the election. Although Comey certainly didn’t help.
- “If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it.” —Mark Twain.
Image credit: DonkeyHotey
Linda H says
Point 1, Trump didn’t like the results of the 2008 and 2012 elections, and tweeted that people should protest. He also said that the 2016 election was rigged, and if he lost people should protest. Methinks he protesteth too much.
Point 2, I think the saddest part of this election was the number of people who voted but DID NOT VOTE for President. Almost 47% nationwide, and 30% in Genesee County.
People, we’ve accomplished nothing in this country if we don’t take an active part in keeping it going! You have no right to complain about the results if you don’t vote.
Ernie Davis says
Let’s see if there are different feelings in 2 years or so. I think so and if you go back and check my comments for the past year, you will see my thoughts and feelings have not changed.
Julia Bellor says
All I can say is that I’m really scared about how divided the country is right now and about whats going to happen in the future!
Andrew Heller says
Don’t be. America rights its own ship. People felt the same way when Reagan was elected.
Alexandra says
Funny you don’t give people like yourself any credit for Trump getting elected. I can’t count the number of times you talked about what a lousy candidate Hillary was. Think that might have influenced anyone? I am so done with people bashing her, including you. And, seriously, “at least Trump will be excellent column fodder”? You and the trolls have a nice life with Trump. You earned him…
Andrew Heller says
Hey, I gotta eat. I’m not here to be Hillary’s PR machine. I call ’em as I see him, and I said a bunch of times I’d much rather have him. She WAS a lousy candidate. Didn’t the results show that?
Cathy says
Just ck’ing~ you’d rather have him?
Andrew Heller says
Um, no.
Jim says
I am confused!
Cathy says
Whew. I read ‘ I’ve said a bunch of times I’d much rather have him ‘ on your 7:11 post and was shocked . Thank you for the clarification ~
Theresa K says
1,000,000 people vote for Hillary but their votes didn’t matter, thanks to the electoral college.
Tom says
Trump dodged a metaphorical bullet today: He settled the lawsuit for fraud involving Trump University. So, he will not go on trial in California next week. He probably had to pay many millions of dollars to squash that trial.
I believe Trump’s eyes will start to bleed very soon. I predict he will resign the Presidency within the next two years, not unlike Sarah Palin when she resigned as Governor of Alaska, not unlike King Edward when he loved Wallace Simpson more than Britain. Donald is about to be in a deep heap of trouble due to past skullduggery and utter ignorance. He is far beyond his depth.
Ann B says
The Dems did it to themselves. If they had not decided that we need a woman president and that it should be Hillary, this would not have happened. If the media and the Dems had really admitted how corrupt she was and is, they could have picked a better candidate. She came across as Queen Hillary and considered she didn’t have to do a thing to prove herself worthy.
She is still blaming everybody else for her loss.