Come Heller high water …
- Oh, c’mon, it’s impossible to blame Gov. Snyder for declining the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee invitation to testify. If you were a Republican governor would you? The invite was meant for show anyway. If he’d said yes they’d have been shocked. The Nerd King should testify before Congress, however, because it’s the right thing to do. (It was also politics, by the way, that he wasn’t subpoenaed when others were, so nonsense cuts both ways.) In fact, you’d think he’d be eager to. He’s gone out of his way to try and prove how forthright and transparent he is, right? (Except, of course, for that highly selective release of emails, which, by the way, will come back to bite him.) So why clam up now, especially when he’s being offered a national stage to blabber-jabber about the glories of relentless positivity?
- Snyder, former Flint emergency manager Darnell Earley and DEQ employees were named in yet another lawsuit, this one filed by the father of a 2-year-old who tested positive for lead. Better get used to it, gang. You’re going to be in court an awful lot for the next 10 years. Enjoy. You’ve earned it.
- This probably says something about me (judge if you must) but the only Super Bowl commercial to make me laugh involuntarily was the Doritos one where the baby fetches the chip at an, um, delicate moment for his momma. (If you haven’t yet, check out USA Today’s admeter list, which ranks and links all 63 commercials. Quite fun.)
- The most disturbing commercial I’ve ever seen (not just during a Super Bowl) was Mountain’s Dew’s puppymonkeybaby. What the hell, Mountain Dew? What. The. Hell? (It finished 55th on admeter, which is a bit weird because that means people thought eight other commercials were worse? You serious, America?)
- Last completely obvious, totally unfair, but needs-to-be-said Super Bowl observation: Does Peyton Manning have the hugest forehead in history or what?
- I don’t care what anybody says, a paczki is just a jelly donut on lard steroids.
- Marco Rubio lost in New Hampshire – and for the Republican nomination – because Chris Christie owned him at the debate. When Christie called him out for his bizarre “Obama knows exactly what he’s doing” mantra (wait, knowing what you’re doing is a bad thing now?), Rubio seemed to physically shrink. He looked like a nervous high school debate kid with a neck suddenly to small for his collar. Everyone saw him for what he is – a pretender. Bye bye, nomination.
- When I look outside and see – for the umpteenth month in a row – nothing but gloppy snow, bare trees and gray skies , I think this: The Detroit Tigers’ pitchers and catchers report to spring training in sunny, windy, wonderful Lakeland, Fla., in one week and a day, meaning spring here is only, oh, about 8-10 weeks away.
- Can I ask a peevish question: Where are the plows and salt trucks? Do we not pay for these things? It’s been a mild winter. They haven’t been needed much. So when snow is forecast, even if it’s not much, why aren’t they salting before it hits? And why don’t they plow for what seems like days on end? The main roads they seem to get to – eventually. But neighborhood streets and even a lot of main routes through town, it’s like they don’t even bother anymore. Any road commission folks wanna explain why?
- I’m no fan of the GOP-controlled Michigan Senate. But they didn’t actively include language in an amended version of a pet adoption bill criminalizing sodomy. But they did leave existing language in the bill that bans “the abominable and detestable crime against nature,” which is legislative code for sodomy. The point is it’s nothing new. As the wonderful and much recommended Eclectablog puts it: “This law did not alter it by either by making it more illegal or by removing it. There’s basically no need to because the U.S. Supreme Court already outlawed sodomy laws in 2003. So, yes, they could have removed the language and chose not to. But nothing has changed. Sodomy laws are still just as unconstitutional in Michigan today as they have been since 2003.”
- “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” – Carl Jung.
Who couldn’t love Honda’s singing sheep!!
Especially when they’re singing Queen!!! ???
A recall petition for Snyder also got approved, so there’s that. Puppymonkeybaby was the dumbest commercial ever, but sadly, it worked; we are still talking about it, so…
Rubio’s implosion in the debate was surreal. It’s like his brain got into a loop of “I HAVE to say SOMETHING, but I can’t think of anything original so I’m just going to repeat the same thing that worked once before”. He was literally like a robot caught in an infinite loop. Say what you will about everything else Chris Christie stands for, but he was 100% spot on with his teardown. If you can’t think on your feet and craft reasonable responses quickly, you’ll be utterly ripped to shreds on the international stage.
Governor Snyder owes the people of Flint some answers. This man has beaten people in public service over the head with ‘transparency’ but doesn’t deliver it himself. If you are going to talk the talk, you need to walk the walk.
Yes. If only I could understand why people are so irritating.
So the county always says the salt won’t work at a certain temperature. The city of Flushing must have magic salt cause as soon as you cross into the city limits the roads are wet no matter what the temperature is. Kudos to the DPW in Flushing. Time for a new road commissioner. Fat chance of that.
Can the rest of us get some of that Magic Salt? Here’s the other thing – I commute to Lansing often. Today, the plows are out on I69 at 7:30 – right during the middle of rush hour? Why the ^%$#@! aren’t they out earlier? Jeese Louise!
As always Andrew. Thanks for the smiles!