Come Heller high water …
- I have seen the near future, and as usual, it is dumb. It’s been minutes, possibly hours, since we had a good, juicy, completely bonkers alt-right conspiracy theory. But a Washington Times columnist has come up with a new one that is destined to blossom into a Trump campaign rally favorite: “COVID-19 will go down as one of the political world’s biggest, most shamefully overblown, overhyped, overly and irrationally inflated and outright deceptively flawed responses to a health matter in American history, one that was carried largely on the lips of medical professionals who have no business running a national economy or government,” wrote Cheryl Chumley. You just know, somehow, this is going to be Hillary’s fault. Or Obama’s. Or the media’s. Or all three. (Wait, but isn’t Trump the president? And if the government’s response has been flawed, wouldn’t that mean … nah.)
- Fortunately, logic doesn’t matter in the Upside Down (obscure “Stranger Things” reference.) Which is why – the day after that column appeared – son-in-law-in-chief Jared Kushner described the government’s pandemic response as a “great success story”? Aren’t the two narratives incompatible? Of course they are! That’s the upside down. You watch, Trump will soon be saying that Democrats within the government and the deep state bureaucracy “overhyped” coronavirus while simultaneously saying his actions were “perfect.” I will take bets on this.
- Gotta love Facebook. I just had a comment deleted – on my own page, on a thread of mine, in response to commenter who said something about conservatives – because it didn’t meet FB’s standards against “hate speech.” What did I say that was so hateful? “Americans are such sheep.” I know: You’re ashamed to know me now. Too bad I’m not a Russian bot farm. I’d be allowed to say anything.
- The new “drug that will save us all” is remdesivir. The problem, of course, is Trump’s incessant and self-profitable hyping of the “drug that will save us all” before that, hydroxychloroquine. (And, of course, of bleach and shoving a grow light up where the sun don’t shine.) I think I’ll wait for real proof, thank you very much. But then I take the same approach to medicine as I did in my college days when guys wanted to do something patently stupid – you first, buddy, you first. Lemme hold your beer.
- Speaking of prescription drugs, am I the only one who thinks I could write much better names for them? Doing that out loud when the commercials come on has become a habit of mine. Drives the lovely yet formidable Marcia n-u-t-s. Which is, of course, one of the reasons I do it. My best drug name so far: Zarbimmaflax. Like you could do better.
- Yeah, I’m being harsh, but none of the late night monologues are the same without a live audience and/or canned laughter. Isn’t that weird? The lines are still sharp but without laughter, they somehow fall flat.
- Why did SNL’s Cecily Strong play Gov. Whitmer as a cross between Tina Frey’s Sarah Palin impression and Francis McDormand’s character in Fargo? She doesn’t talk like that. Neither do the rest of us. I’m from the U.P., and even I don’t talk like that. And LaBatt’s? Please. How about a Stroh’s or, as Whitmer herself said, a Two-Hearted?
- And has there ever been a worse SNL casting call than 56-year-old Brad Pitt as 79-year-old Dr. Fauci? What the?
- Everyone is suggesting things we can do with all this extra time that we supposedly have during the lock-down – cook, meditate, puzzles, broker a lasting peace in the Middle East etc. But I don’t have extra time, do you? For me, it’s opposite. I’m one of the lucky ones who gets to work from home, and I’m working more, not less.
- Stay safe. And if you develop a hacking cough, remember: Try Zarbimmaflax. It’ll cure what ails ya.
- “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. – Francis of Assisi.
Dave Ives says
Re: no laugh tracks. The two guys who do “weekend update” on SNL did it from their own homes, but had a zoom connection with some of their friends who laughed at the appropriate times. It actually kinda worked.
Otherwise you’re right, without an audience they all sound like they are at an open mic night at the comedy club and bombing horribly, no matter how funny the joke.
Gregoire Bolduc says
Regarding Brad Pitt playing Doctor Fauci, I believe I saw somewhere that someone asked the good Doctor whom he would like to portray him and he responded jokingly “Brad Pitt.”
Cecily Strong wasn’t the greatest Governor Whitmer, but it was funny enough. Long live the Wolverine Queen!
Linda S. says
Names of Drugs: I always thought that the names given to drugs were scientific including the chemicals used to make it, the sickness that it was made for, etc. But I just looked it up, and actually it’s a matter of being creative. The companies need to make sure that the names of drugs cannot be mixed up with others. There are in fact a few that seem to be dangerously close: Mirapex and Miralax. Zocor and Zoloft to name a couple that could be close enough to be mixed up. Your
Zarbimmaflax is very good. If I made some Zarablimeffex, there could be trouble.
Lorene Wilson says
Furious, upset, have to blow off!!!! A relative just received an official envelope from the IRS, containing only a letter from “THE WHITE HOUSE” about the Economic Impact Payment signed by that man in the white house. It is nothing but a campaign ad using the coronavirus. As taxpayers we are willing to pay this, BUT we should not have to pay taxes for him to send out a letter for him to take credit for what congress passed.
jbcsfl says
The 2016 presidential election will go down in history as the election where the country got duped by a snake oil salesman.
The four years of the trump presidency will be forever known as the twilight zone.
Matthew says
I am on Gretchen’s side, BUT!!
1. Why in the world does she not wear a mask?! She could pull it down below her chin, or have it dangling off one ear… But, she needs a mask. Great example and great visual for the world. Trump. Pense, and Fauci et al. ought to do the same.
2. Gretchen’s US flag etiquette on TV is wrong. She needs one more US flag on the left of the screen, as we look at it. The US flag needs to be on ITS OWN RIGHT. (Not the right as we see it.)
Jims says
Watching this town hall meeting on Flint area TV it shows Michigan flag to the left American flag another Michigan flag an a American flag to her right.Is that correct.? Never knew about that etiquette.
R. A. V. says
Dear Mr. Heller,
Especially after watching very ignorant, seemingly brain dead, I don’t care about others protest in Lansing yesterday, (4/30/20) your comments/column are indeed a breath of fresh air. “May the Angels of our better nature prevail”! (Abraham Lincoln) I hope (especially now) your writing(s) will continue!!
Matthew says
Jims: The US flag needs to be on its own right, no matter how many other flags. So, no matter how many other flags, US flag should be on the left, as we look at it. Any fool could have arranged the flags correctly. And, any fool could have told Gov. G.W. to wear a mask, for a symbol.
Matthew says
In 2020, politics is the third rail of politics.
Brian says
Mr. Heller, I just wanted to take this opportunity to let you know that you suck. For me, reading your articles is like driving by an accident, it’s hard not to look. Do you think that President Trump’s defensive attitude and over the top responses might have something to do with the fact that he has been relentlessly criticized and demonized by the left since his inauguration?? Do you think you might be a little defensive too?? His supporters don’t care about his personality, they care about America. Before this pandemic, our economy was booming, tons of regulations and taxes were lessened for small business, fair trade with China and other countries was accomplished, our southern borders were secured, unemployment numbers for all races were at some of the lowest levels ever. But of course Liberals don’t deal in facts, they would rather talk about Trump’s hair and complexion. Could you enlighten us with your genius ideas and guidance with regard to the pandemic? Also, your humor is tired and lame and your “observations” juvenile and boring.
Andrew Heller says
And yet you read. Much appreciated.
Brian Gapske says
Mr. Heller,
After seeing your response, I now feel ashamed of some of the stuff I had written earlier. Please know that my diatribe was written in anger after seeing yet another jab at the President. I’m sure that being in the profession that you are in, you have pretty thick skin and are used to people lashing out, but I want to clarify my comments. Although I’m sure we would never agree politically, I think that you are a talented writer, and I actually enjoy many of your articles. You took the high road in your response, and that shows class. Consider me a new fan.
Andrew Heller says
Brian, after 30 years of doing, I don’t take much personally. So you know, I put thoughts out there to simply inspire debate. I have my position so I have no problem with others stating theirs. I like a good debate. I’ve written about politics and presidents a long time, and while I vote Democrat, I don’t consider myself one in the party sense. I don’t care where good ideas come from. Since Karl Rove, though, all I see out of Republicans is a hate-filled obsession with wedge issues (meaning social things like gay marriage, immigrants etc.) The days of fiscal conservatives is long gone. Fiscal conservatism is simply smart. But they’ve essentially tilted the playing field to the 1 percent – that’s not just Dem slogans. Just look at the statistics. Every 10 years or so, the system suffers a stroke and the rich, again, come out ahead, the rest of us lose our retirements.
Brian says
Mr. Heller,
After seeing your response, I now feel ashamed of some of the stuff I had written earlier. Please know that my diatribe was written in anger after seeing yet another jab at the President. I’m sure that being in the profession that you are in, you have pretty thick skin and are used to people lashing out, but I want to clarify my comments. Although I’m sure we would never agree politically, I think that you are a talented writer, and I actually enjoy many of your articles. You took the high road in your response, and that shows class. Consider me a new fan.
R. A. V. says
Dear Brian,
You forgot to mention how Trump regularly criticizes the FBI, CIA, bullies the “Free Press”,(the very foundation of Democracy) anyone who might disagree with him, his interference with independent investigations, (non-partisan no less) his speaking kindly of white supremacists, mocks handicapped folks, (hard to believe) lies or exaggerates so much we can hardly keep track of them all. The list goes on & on & on & on…. Then folks like yourself, brand whoever doesn’t share your opinion, (a Liberal or Leftist or whatever) as if these people are an enemy???? You dear sir, obviously have fallen victim to (maybe Fox News?) propaganda and, refuse to look at, or listen to, what is indeed going on. I trust sometime in the future you might spend your energy on trying to fix something (or someone?) rather than try to drag other folks down!
NativeOfMichigan says
The Mind is Like a Whirlpool.
So if I criticized Trump, that made me the enemy and a libtard.
But if I criticized Obama, that made me a saint and a patriot.
Since I have done both, what am I, a political mishmash somewhere in the middle?
Hey, political centrism, what a horrible idea!! Sarcasm intended.
R. A. V. says
Dear N. of Mi.
Your opinions, comments etc. should always be honest and welcome. Of course what is unacceptable is, the name calling, labels, stereo-typing of people. Some plain old respect and dignity is always and should be, “The Norm”.
Adam says
And yet you read. Much appreciated.
To his credit, and I mean that absolutely sincerely. I disagree with probably all of what he said, and may respond if I find myself less lazy than I am right now.
But I think it does need to be said that seeking out and reading things that we not only disagree with, but may actually anger us is a sign of a much healthier and robust intellect than those that seclude themselves to comfortable information silos that only reinforce their beliefs and views. He’s doing that here. Ironically, those that seclude themselves to their unchallenging echo chambers are the ones most confident of their intelligence and knowledge.
Now if we can only get him to give up the name calling.
How ironic it is that pejoratively labeling a person or group says nothing to others about your target, and everything about yourself?
Matthew says
Here is the next major American scam. You know that medical authorities need to track people who may have had contact with people who get Covid/Coronavorus. Here is what is about to happen:
Email and phone scammers will start contacting everybody. They will claim to be official government employees. And, they will tell people that surveillance shows these people have had contact with somebody who has Corvid/Corona. These scammers only will want to get personal info, and steal identities.
Do not fall for this. It will happen very soon.
Brad says
“Ironically, those that seclude themselves to their unchallenging echo chambers are the ones most confident of their intelligence and knowledge”.
Wow! Obviously you didn’t intentionally implicate fellow posters in this tiny echo chamber, but you closed your eyes and hit it out of the park. Despite the lack of self awareness, perhaps you and the few others on this blog will actually heed the lesson. Then again, probably not.
Adam says
No Brad, it only applies to those that limit themselves to this site and other like minded sites. I don’t know where everyone else here goes, so I can’t say if it applies to them. You apparently do, I guess…
Speaking for myself, I read from Google News, NPR, Drudge, Foxnews, CNN, The Hill, The Detroit News and The Detroit Free Press, The Washington Post, MLive, Slashdot, the Atlantic, Bloomberg, Gonwer, CNBC, Business Insider, and then various others such as Time and such when their headlines interest me.
So I would suggest that if you are saying I seclude myself to an ideological silo, I would suggest that you, again, completely misunderstood what you were reading…
Please try again.
Matthew says
Mr. Trump visited a surgical mask factory in Arizona today, and he did not wear a mask!!!
The TV picture I saw showed Trump and his entourage barefaced. Shame on Trump!
Matthew says
Do you know what musical instrument Donald Trump plays? Our president is a virtuoso on the Barefaced Lyre.
jim iii says
Article from USA Today, it a study from the Well Being Trust:
“There could be many 75,000 deaths during the pandemic, but not from the virus.
The study calls them”Deaths by despair” fatalities attributed to suicide, drug and
alcohol abuse stemming from isolation, the loss of income and destruction of their
Endless social isolation and a near-constant fear of infection, will also negatively
affect mental health. ” co author Benjamin Miller, Well Being Trust.
If the shutdown continues, the economy continues to nosedive and the public
stays stuck beneath a cloud of fear, the study estimates that as many as 150,000
more people will die from these non-covid19 factors. USA Today .com
So go get your blinkie, coloring books, crayons and whatever else you need and
go crawl into your safe space and stay there until this crisis never ends.
R. A. V. says
What’s your point? Of course it’s sad to know there will be residual suffering from this or, any other crisis. This will pass! Do some over-react? Most definitely however, all I am sure, are interested in your solution or, advice on how to deal exactly with this.
In the meantime, why don’t we all see what we can do to help those who may need help? Not everyone can stand on the front lines.
Adam says
I think the point is that this too could have been avoided if early intelligence hadn’t been disregarded, misinformation not disseminated, and known personnel and material shortages left completely unaddressed.
This outcome, if it comes to pass, if a result of Covid-19 being allowed to enter and thrive in our country. Complaining about a consequence of the shutdown is like complaining that the water the firemen are using to put out your house is going to damage the wood floors…
Matthew says
Jim the Third is trying to muddy the waters here. Trying to conflate different kinds of deaths, in order to promote Trump and other preposterous causes. Jimmie III, please get back to where you once belonged. You yourself may fall for this cynical “reasoning,” but we are rational grown-ups. You should go to some blog for 6-year-olds, and peddle your poop there.
R. A. V. says
Dear Matthew,
Matthew says
Andrew, Dear Leader, We have not heard from you recently. I worry that you may have contracted the corvid, and cannot even type. Are you okay? We hope so!
Matthew says
Mortaturi Te Salutamus! We who about to die salute you! The gladiators in Rome used to say this to the Roman emperor, before they went out and died and killed for sport, in the arena.
Now, Emperor Trump is sending us all out to die, “opening the economy.” Please stay back, my friends. Wait. Shelter your families. Non sumus mortaturi.
R. A. V. says
Did anyone else see “60 Minutes” last night? (5/10/20) The report on the research (coronavirus) being literally shut down/off by this administration?
Nothing but pure & simple INSANITY!! It left myself speechless.
Somehow we Americans gotta get this idiot called Trump out of the White House! (Legally of course) He is literally wrecking this country & killing us at the same time!
Fred says
I think you got kicked off facebook again.