- The Georgia House special election – won handily by the Republican – shows us two things: 1) Democrats continue to be a puzzling combination of wussy, arrogant and clueless when it comes to what voters want to hear. Wussy in that Jon Ossoff’s opponent – i.e. the winner – had no problem demonizing him as the second coming of (hide the children!) Nancy Pelosi, while Ossoff politely shied away from going full tilt using Trump as an issue. Arrogant in that he continued the Hillary Clinton campaign feel that people should elect him because of his intellectually superior ideals, when what people really want is change, any change. (Americans don’t care about what change so much. They just don’t want things to be the way they are, dadgumit, whatever that is at any given moment.) Clueless because the
Democratic Party poured buckets of money into this election when there was absolutely no chance of winning in a heavily Republican district, thus handing the media the handy narrative that this was a referendum on Trump, which it was not. It might have been for Dems, but it certainly wasn’t for voters in the 6th Congressional District. And 2) The mainstream media doesn’t do fake news – that’s a Trump invention – but they do create fake narratives that are almost as misleading. By rights, there should have been no national news interest in this race because it wasn’t going to be close. But (see the entry for “clueless”) they were more than happy to turn it into a false referendum on Trump because, well, it’s summer and there’s not much going on, especially when Trump isn’t tweeting anything juicy at the moment. As a result, and in the eyes of a nation that barely pays attention as it is, the Democrats lost a big one to (registered trademark very possibly pending) Trumpitarianism. Which is bad for everyone. Typical Dem. Typical media. Dammit.
- Speaking of Trump, if he were to hang one of his patented 6th-grade nicknames on the Detroit Tigers, it would be “low energy.” The low energy Tigers led by the low energy Brad Ausmus followed by bored, low energy fans and covered by a dispassionate, low energy media. I’m sick of it. I know I said a few weeks ago they should hang onto their pieces and make a run in what is suddenly the worst division in baseball, but I’ve changed my mind. I’m weary of watching the same guys going through the motions without an ounce of fire. Gimme just one angry guy. There’s nothing wrong with this team that putting Kirk Gibson on the field wouldn’t fix. (Or, hey, how about him as manager?)
- Netflix just announced a service called “Choose your own adventure” where you can decide what characters in your favorite stories do. Or as the rest of the world calls them “video games.” If this is innovation, it’s time to sell my Netflix stock.
- Mattel has launched a new line of Ken dolls with three distinct body types, slim, broad and original. Or as the rest of the world would call them “I haven’t looked like that since middle school,” “normal but on the skinny side of normal” and “humans don’t look like this.”
- The new Kens will also come in skin tones other than white. Or as Trump supporters would describe them “Obama,” “the people who should be travel banned,” and “those other people that’ll never get in here once the wall is built.” Or something like that.
- How a jury could look at the dashcam video of Minnesota Officer Jeronimo Yanez blasting the life out of Philando Castile and decide it was justified is beyond me.
- And if you needed any more reason to not respect the NRA, how is it that they’re not howling mad about a man being shot for legally possessing a gun? What’s that? Castile was the wrong color? Oh, sorry. I forgot. Apparently the NRA didn’t.
- There’s apparently a shake-up going on at Uber. I’m not sure what it’s all about but I sure hope it somehow results in rules that say drivers can’t wear cheap cologne or keep the heater blasting on 60 degree days. Just saying.
- “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” -Kurt Vonnegut.
Andrew – I can’t even make myself read this post, as I know in advance how much I’ll agree with your sentiments, and I know how deeply disturbed I will be about such sentiments.
I prefer the term Trumputinarism.
The Tigers have been on my bad side since they let Doug Fister and Max Schirtzer go.
White privilege is a thing, as NRA has offered even more proof on. People who deny that are the same people who deny climate change. It’s pointless to argue with them.
In this new reality we live in, facts and logic have lost all meaning. If Democrats want to win in red states, they have to play to the voters emotions, no matter how irrational they may be.
Oh, and didn’t Kirk Gibson co-manage the Tigers with Alan Trammell about 15 years ago?
The Democrats need to get rid of the knee-jerk reactions and “I hate Republicans” and get back to defining their platform. What does the Democratic Party stand for/what do Liberals believe in, etc. Anger against anger, name calling against name calling, just means people shouting at each other and no one listening. How do Democrats expect to change any votes if all voters hear is noise and no substance? Stepping off my soapbox before I get started on my ideas for campaign reform.
I am sorry, but this sounds oddly like the Republican party. Oh, wait, no I am sorry…the Republican party is quite clear about what it stands for, including but not limited to: hatred of those who don’t look or sound like them, division of the country, racism, classism, nepotism, pro-rich/anti-poor ideology, pro-white/anti-any person of color, killing off the population who can’t afford proper healthcare, taking away social programs that assist the disenfranchised, elderly, sick and poor, hatred for religion that doesn’t match their own ideological belief system, eliminating the wall between church and state…
I am very sorry that Mr Castile suffered fatal wounds in the shooting by police.
What I don’t understand is how his girlfriend could calmy live-stream the ending of the incident on facebook while seated right next to the victim, and with her child in the back seat of the vehicle.
We often see cell phone video of assaults, fights, hazings, and even a dead person on the street whom pedestrians walked past. I just don’t get it. What have we come to in the USA?
That was weird. Not the reaction I would expect, but then I never witnessed someone being shot right in front of me. Shock might make us do strange things when our brains go to a safe place where we deny the reality of the circumstances and do what comes natural out of habit, which in her case was turning to Facebook. Just a guess.
There wasn’t much she could do to stop it. She seemed to know that his murder was inevitable. And in streaming it, she provided evidence that otherwise would have been glossed over / hidden / lied about by the criminals in blue.
Right wingers zero in on her reaction and make it the focus of the discussion as if it’s somehow relevant. She didn’t kill him. It is just part of their tactic to dehumanize the black guy and suggest that he somehow deserved to die.
She was in shock/disbelief of the situation and wanted to be damn sure that she had proof of what had occurred.
I work in criminal justice. Have you ever heard a woman at the point that she realizes she’s in the presence of a mortal threat and that if she is going to survive she is going to have to keep the threat calm?
They sound just like this woman.
Only usually its an abusive boyfriend, not a clearly scared out his mind cop. This guy was clearly not in control of his fear and she instinctively behaved in a manner to calm and placate him.
I do find it interesting though when people pick THAT particular detail of the story to key in on. So many other larger details are there, the black man doing everything right and still he gets killed, the above cited absence of the NRA in defense of a legal gun owner being killed by the government, etc, etc.
No, its the fact that this woman was able to film the video that made the narrative indisputable that catches their suspicion…
Look, besides working in law enforcement, I am also a white male, a dedicated 2nd amendment oriented gun owner, and I thank God for this woman and what she did.
Don’t attempt to dehumanize the messenger simply because you can’t dispute the message.
Dems (I up until last summer was a lifelong one) continue to think the motto “Hey, at least we ain’t Trump.” The time for neoliberals is gone. True progressives need a platform but the corporate Dems refuse to budge. Third parties get no air time, debate time or space on many ballots.
Another kick in the teeth for the family of Philando Castile. Unbelievable is becoming more believable, and routine. I have told the NRA to stop calling me and mailing me. They used to stand for something good…..now they are propagandists, fear-mongers and little more than the sales arm of the GOP.
I guess Democratic candidates could just lie and tell the people anything they want to hear to get elected and then do nothing. Oh ya then that would just make us Republicans!
First our Democratic Senators and Representatives get lambasted for “nothing but talk”, but when they introduce legislation to help their constituents get lambasted for “wasting our tax dollars”. I’m confused as to what people think “Government of the People, FOR the People, by the People” means. I hear complaints about too much government oversight, and that states and local municipalities should be in charge of everything, but those complainers don’t want to pay state and local taxes. Personally, I think there should be some common ground and regulation in certain areas, most importantly health care and education. If those are left up to individual states to regulate, what happens when the state budget has problems? Yes, the Federal government could and should be streamlined, but eliminating protections and throwing everything back to the individual states is not the answer. We are the United States of America, not the Individual States of America. Off soapbox for now.
The liberal media creating fake narrative is creating fake news. Sorry you didn’t know that. I absolutely LOVED seeing the look on the faces of CNN liberal hacks as the reality of the GA-6 special election sunk in. (Cue sad trombone)
Your tears are wonderful, but I want more. Cry harder and flail harder!
You really should get a life……..and drop your account!!!!!!
Keep crying Mark…. Keep flailing.
Oh snap, what a witty retort snowflake
Somewhat Off Topic, but interesting: I heard today on NPR that the Great State of Mississippi has a new law, allowing business people to refuse service on religious grounds. Apparently, this is meant for strict narrow-minded southern-fried “Christians.” Meant to allow them not to make same-gender wedding cakes and such.
This refusal of service for religious reasons seems to be an extremely slippery slope. For example, if I ever went down to Mississippi, my accent would make it clear that I am from the North. And then, some Mississippi business person might ask whether I might be a liberal, pro-choice person. Might ask whether I might have voted for Hilary, rather than Donald.
And next, this hypothetical Mississippi “Christian” might refuse to sell me a pack of gum, or five gallons of no-lead gas, on religious grounds, because this business person does not want to support my opinions, and believes my tendency toward Hilary probably comes from Satan.
This is the kind of cultural split we have in the USA in 2017, y’all.
Right wingers are terrified of everything that isn’t just like them.
Sorry Andrew and fellow readers. I know this is off the topic, but I need to respond. Isn’t it amazing what people come up with after they rip everything else to shreds? Here’s another one under the umbrella on the separation of Church and State. I know how this kind of stuff can rile people up. This is not all about Christians. Some people, famous-and not so famous- have said they embrace atheism because most of the wars and problems in the world are caused by religions.
The Constitution calls for separation of Church and State, so the government should keep their noses out of religion-backed issues, and all religions should not take their issues to the government. Period.
I agree with the separation of Church and State but not that most of the wars are caused by religions. The Revolution, Civil, World War 1 and 2, Korean, and Vietnam war where not because of religion. Even the middle east conflict is not truly about religion. War is caused by greed.
I 100% agree. Religion should have no place in government and if religion is driving the agenda, they are doing the publc a disservice by creating a divisive dialogue.
The GOP likes to bible thump and claim the moral high ground, but it’s unlikely many of them actually practice what they preach. If they claim to so strongly believe in Jesus, they should ask themselves what he would say in regards to many of their heartless bills that appear to favor the wealthy over the poor.
Unfortunately, today a massive chunk of voters still consider themselves religious, specifically Christian, and would never vote for an atheist on those grounds alone, and many of the lobbiests have religious backed agendas to push.
Many politicians have to claim a Christianity faith if they want to be elected. I hope in the next decade we will have moved away from this standard to embrace a more religion neutral standard that will serve all Americans.
I want to add that I love this country and I know that divisive policies of any kind are harmful to the overall health of The United States. When I see hateful trolls cheering on the divisive talk, because it makes them feel big, or because they think their “team” is winning as if this is the SuperBowl and not about lives of human beings, I can only conclude that they do not love this country as they claim. They are not the patriots, but you sure are.
Wow andi, your panties sure are bunched since the people selected your current president. It appears all that angst is spilling over to other aspects of your life. You whine like the 6th grade kid who wants ice cream, is told no, then hits the floor screaming and kicking. Such an unflattering look for you snowflake…………
andi, treat yourself and go buy another beret. Wear it proudly as the ‘cupcake about town’. You’ve done it before.
#safespaces #beretboy #resist
#safespaces #
In an earlier post I made the mistake of saying that Fred had called the man who shot MLK Jr. a southern hick. It was not Fred it was the anti-free speech bigot named Tom. Sorry about that Fred.
In another post bigot Tom asked Andrew to install some sort of software to edit those that Tom does not agree with. Shades of 1984. In one of the sections, Winston Smith worked in the Ministry of Truth. It was his job to “correct” the official publications. In one entry he had to change a forecast that the government made in January(?), that read that there would be a surplus of chocolate later that year. Winston had to change the story a few months later to read “that there was going to be a shortage of chocolate that year”.
I liken Tom to the government in that story. If he was allowed to have the ability to edit someone’s comments, I do not think that the new comments would match what the original writer wrote.
Yes, Tom, I do know that some of my comments are not gramatically correct.
I sometimes do ramble on too much. Sometimes I do not post if it is too long.
In the 4 elections held on Tuesday 20 June 2017 the democrats lost all 4 elections.
Why? lots of reasons. I cannot name just one, but Andrew did list some of them already. The voters in flyover country are tired of the words being spoken by the democrats. And by their actions.