- I get the sense that a lot of people think Jim Comey’s testimony tomorrow will be the beginning of the end for the Trumpster, but I wouldn’t be so sure about that. He can always use the George Costanza defense from “Seinfeld.” When he was outed for having sex with a cleaning lady in the office, George said, “Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I tell ya, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon … you know, because I’ve worked in a lot of offices and people do that all the time.” Substitute “collaborating with the Russians” for “cleaning lady sex” and it’s pretty much the same thing.
Oh, and there’s also the fact that Republicans in Washington would need to act to either impeach or remove Trump, and how likely is that? The only way it happens is if they think leaving him in office will hurt their own chances of being rel-elected. (Good of the nation? Doing the right thing? Bah.)
- Besides, if Trump is ousted, Mike Pence becomes president. To me, that’s scarier than having a 70-year-old man-child in charge. Pence is a grownup, and he’d have a Republican Congress. Just imagine the carnage.
- There should be a do-over clause in the Constitution for situations like this.
- Oh, and by the way, there’s no forgiving Comey even if he ends up taking down Trump. He’s a big part of why Trump’s in office in the first place. It’s his everlasting shame. History will remember.
- The only thing worse than Kathy Griffin thinking it was hysterical to hold a fake, bloody Trump mask was Kathy Griffin whining about how the Trumps are ruining her career by saying they objected. Give it a rest, sister. They were protecting their child. You’re a disgrace. Please go away.
- She’s one of those “comics” that always made me think, ‘Why does anyone think she’s funny?” Her New Year’s Eve gigs on CNN were the height of embarrassment. It’s amazing a semi-serious journalist like Anderson Cooper would appear with her.
- Hold on … I think I may have finally cracked covfefe. It’s an acronym: “Constantly Offend. Viciously Fib. Endlessly F Everyone.” I figure it’s his secret credo.
- No, the Detroit Tigers shouldn’t bail on the season and trade their stars, and here’s why: The American League Central has quickly become the worst division in baseball. That means the Tigers have a shot. Their pitching staff is no worse than the others. And their offense is hit or miss, but still better than most. Buck Farmer will solidify one more rotation spot. Cabrera, Castellanos and Upton will rediscover how to hit. And the bullpen is becoming a strength now that Krod is out as closer. There’s hope.
- Have you noticed that Flint has been swept under the rug? Where has the media gone? More to the point, where are the state and federal governments. It’s been more than three years – three years – and the problem still isn’t fixed. People are still drinking bottled or filtered water. Three years. And that’s not even counting the mounting toll on human health, which #flintwatercrisis puts at “12 deaths, 27k cases of Lead Poisoning, 91 Legionnaires disease & counting.” Unconscionable. I wonder if there’s ever been a slower moving catastrophe response in U.S. history.
- The Mackinac Bridge will finally accept credit cards. The credit card was born in 1950. So expect the bridge to accept pay by cell phone, oh, sometime a long time after you’re dead.
- “Let me give you a wonderful Zen practice. Wake up in the morning . . . look in the mirror, and laugh at yourself.” — Bernie Glassman
I too have never found Kathy Griffin funny. She can go away now, Next. as for Trump #Covfefe!
I have adult children living in Indiana who have the lowest of low opinions of ex-governor, Mike Spence.
As much as he turns their stomachs, they grudgingly, thru clenched teeth, say even he would be better than the Donald.
I have to agree with Andy. As bad as Trump is, he has no clue how the government runs, will not listen to anyone and therefore is likely to continue accomplishing nothing. Pence knows how to get things done, and with a majority in both houses of congress will push his extreme agenda through. Trump needs to stay in office until the election in 2018 and hope the democrats can get their sh** together.
You did it again, Andy, for the second year in a row. It’s the American League CENTRAL, not North. You’re confusing this with the NFL and the Lions, who are in the NFC North division
Ha, good catch! They’d be better than the Lions in the north.
Mike Pence may have his own brand of evilness, but unlike trump, he will not make a joke out of the United States. He is well behaved and calculated. I also believe that even though he may disagree with some aspects due to personal views, Mike Pence will follow the Constitution and the rulings of the Supreme Court.
trump needs to be removed from office as means of showing the world that this is not who we are and that he does not represent the values of most Americans. Then we can began the process of rebuilding the relationships he has damaged.
It is clear to me that trump is here to create chaos and division, then sit back and watch it all unfold for his own amusement. His only agenda is to undo any progress we have made in the last decade or more. Even Mike Pence wouldn’t had pulled out of the Paris Accord, insulted NATO Leaders or praised the dictators of the world while condemning our allies.
Now all that aside, I happen to think trump is the best thing to happen to this country. Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you can bounce up. Thanks to trump we are now hitting rock bottom. If trump is impeached by his own party, imagine how disastrous that will be to the GOP, that is already showing signs of breaking down since the elections. The GOP will take decades to recover from an impeachment, if they ever recover at all, which in turn will hamper their efforts to push their backwards agenda through.
And even if he is not impeached, he is effectively taking the GOP down with him. Just look at the turnouts at the town halls over the Obama Care repeal, and that is happening in RED states. The Midterms are looking good for us. Many people who normally vote religiously, sat this election out. They took for granted that someone like trump would never win. I have faith that mistake won’t happen again. Also the DNC made the mistake of choosing a flawed candidate, whom was already disliked by much of the country. I have faith that mistake won’t be repeated either. If trump isn’t impeached by his own party, he will most likely be impeached in 2019.
Many people are calling for trump to delete his twitter account. Why? Every time he tweets, that hole he is digging himself into gets a little deeper. By all means donny, keep tweeting, you are making it that much easier to get rid of you, and thank you for making America Great Again. Without you, all the good tolerant people of America wouldn’t be standing together to protect our country, that we love, from a demented child throwing a tantrum.
Well written Fred. Andy another great column.
Fred, your well thought-out post gives me hope. Thank you for the positive (& much needed) re-frame! May I please share it with friends and family members?
Another good one, Andy~
Sure you can, but you might want to fix my typos first.
Or, you could just give them the short version; “No matter what happens, Republicans shot themselves in the foot when they nominated trump.”
Thank you, Fred! The short version is good, too. A helpful reminder when one witnesses yet another “I can’t believe he is president” behavior from 45.
Pick your poison:
Loose cannon,
Loose hands,
Loose lips,
Loose screws.
The clown’s stooge,
The clown’s lackey,
The clown’s flunky,
The clown’s bootlicker.
Today we have learned that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch directed James Comey to downplay the Hillary Clinton email scandal. This is obstruction of justice. Lynch needs to be arrested today.
Today we have learned that current president donald trump directed James Comey to end the Michael Flynn investigation. This is obstruction of justice. trump needs to be arrested today.
“Contrary to numerous false press accounts leading up to today’s hearing, Mr. Comey has now finally confirmed publicly what he repeatedly told President Trump privately. That is that the president was not under investigation as part of any probe into Russian interference. Mr. Comey also admitted that there is no evidence that a single vote changed as a result of any Russian interference.”
You do realize the investigation is ongoing, right?
For once I have to agree with Fred that the republican party shot themselves in the foot when President Trump won the nomination process. The republicans for quite a few years of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
I tried to watch the “comey mishearing” yesterday, but work kept on interfering with my chances to watch the congressional comedy day.
As far as I am concerned the major lame stream media wasted a lot of air time on that particular circus. It ended up showing that the democrats were more in bed with the Russians than the republicans
Fred, How can someone pull out of a treaty that was never ratified by the Senate?
The previous president issued an EO ratifying the “Paris accord”. President Trump did
the right thing by stating that the United States would not put up with sanctions against
America contained in the Paris accord. America would of ended up being fined all the time for not complying with the alleged treaty. No ratification by the Senate, no treaty that would be binding upon America.
Midterms elections may not turn out the way that you envision them, pretty well much like the polls that the lames stream media said that hilliary would win the election with ease.
The democrats have had more dealings with the Russians than President Trump’s advisors and handlers have ever had. In 1984 the ‘lion of the Senate” ted kennedy went to Russia in order to get support for the democrats from Russia to defeat President Reagan.
In the 2012 election cycle the previous president was caught telling the vice president of Russia that after the 2012 elections he would be able to do more for the Russians after he reelected to the office of president. The Russian V. P. replied that he would pass the information on to Putvin.
The Comey hearings were and are a joke. The democrats are totally out to get President Trump,
they will dream up as many specious reasons as they can to try to impeach President Trump.
Should President Trump stop tweeting so much? I think so. He needs to create a tweet then wait about an hour or so before he sends it out. Maybe even run the tweet by his advisors.
Was there any Russian interferance in the election? IF there was it did not influence my vote or the vote of millions of other Americans who voted for President Trump. We looked at hilliary’s history, from the Watergate hearings, through her years in Little Rock and as the SOS under the previous president. We did not like what we saw. Both hilliary and slick willey had to surrender the law licences in Arkansas. They had to surrender them, otherwise they would have been charged with violating the laws allowing them to practice law.
You are a funny man, Jim. I can hardly keep a straight face as I type this. Thanks for the laughs and keeping the mood lite.
Much BS in your comment, so I will limit myself to the factual errors about Bill and Hillary Clinton and their law licenses.
“Hillary Clinton ran a successful campaign for election to the U.S. Senate representing New York in 2000, marking a career shift from law to politics. In 2002, her license to practice law in Arkansas was suspended due to failure to complete a continuing education requirement, a not surprising turn of events given that by then she was a New York resident working in Washington, D.C., and was no longer living, working, or practicing law in Arkansas.
It’s possible that many people have mistakenly construed the lapsing of Hillary’s Arkansas law license as a punishment related to misconduct (or that they misremembered partisan speculation about her potential disbarment as actual fact). Another possible element of confusion might be the 1 October 2001 U.S. Supreme Court decision that temporarily suspended the Arkansas law license of her husband, Bill Clinton, for five years. (In January 2006, Bill Clinton became eligible to seek reinstatement of his license to practice law, but as of 2013 had not applied to do so.)”
You are welcome.
Tommy B, good info. But, in general, please do not respond to our ignorant trolls. One of our trolls wrote, “would of,” when he meant, “would have.” These people are dipsticks. Please do not even bother to check their oil.