I remember reading an interview with Garry Trudeau of “Doonesbury” fame in which he gave this advice to upcoming politically-minded cartoonists: You can be more effective if you occasionally loosen your grip on the jugular. (Put another way, you Tigers opening day fans — the fastball can be more effective if you throw an occasional change-up.)
So consider this my grip loosened and my up changed. There remains plenty, plenty, plenty of rage inducing shenanigans going on in Michigan and the rest of the country, but I thought it best to poke a little fun at ourselves (and the truly godforsaken weather we’ve had this week). And even though I’m one of the poor slobs who has had to endure it, I have no intention of strangling anybody.
Then again, I did read this on Michigan Radio’s website: “Former state Reps. Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat have filed a notice with the Michigan Court of Claims that they could sue the state and others to recoup more than $500,000 for lost wages and compensatory damages for psychological and emotional distress related to their removal from office.”
Ahhhh! I feel the rage coming on. And it’s helping to keep me warm!
John Auchter draws cartoons. Lots and lots of them. You can find them at his incredibly popular website auchtoon.com.
Linda Ann says
Thank God the notice from sweethearts Todd and Cindy is just a notice (or maybe a threat?). This should not be allowed to go one breath further. In fact, they each owe us double that amount for the salary we paid them when we thought they were “working”; and also compensatory damages for bringing embarrassment to the State of Michigan. We already have enough government officials taking care of that!
Yup, this is how I really feel.
Tim C says
Oh the “best defense is an offensive offense” strategy. I went to Vegas once (last time) and, while sleeping, was rudely awakened by drunken revelers nextdoor. Called security, “we’ll be up.” Up and gone. Noise got worse. Called security again. Nothing changed. We packed and fumed to get to check out. Lo and behold, the party pricks harass US for being annoyed by THEIR obnoxious behavior. We get down to the lobby and who’s got their tongue in the ear of security? Yep, and he put his hand on MY chest ordering ME to back off. Moral: if you’re young and obnoxious, Las Vegas embraces you. If you’re over 40 and cherish sleep, go anywhere else but…. Courser and Gamrat cannot be tarred and feathered thick enough.
Judith Brooks says
They’re not only an embarrassment to Michigan, they’re an embarrassment to themselves. How dare they?
Kathy Fiebig says
All I can say if that if this “notice” proceeds to an actual lawsuit, the only thing i’ll look FORWARD to is seeing your cartoon. Those two need to go home, sit down, and be very, very quiet.
Frank Rowley says
How about if they move to Mississippi? At least down there they could get served by claiming they have proof they aren’t gay.
Jim III says
I just love the double standards that the left uses.
If it had been two democrats who had acted in such a manner, it would have swept
under the rug and nothing further done about it.
IF it was not for double standards the left leaning people would not have any standards
what so ever.
The left reminds me of the actions of Major Frank Burns and Major Margaret Houlihan (sp) on
the tv series MASH. They acted so prim and proper, but they were violating a few military regulations.
I did not agree with Hawkeye and Trapper John with their still, but it was still fun to watch.
John Auchter says
You should save that indignation for when somebody you perceive as on “the left” does something extraordinarily stupid (you won’t have to wait long), and take them to task on their own merit. Otherwise you risk giving Courser/Gamrat the perception that their behavior is defensible and you are on their side. You aren’t on their side, are you? I mean, if ever there was a real-life Burns/Houlihan…