Toon & text by John Auchter
The topic for this week’s cartoon started with news of Michigan Republican legislators pushing for tax cuts ahead of Governor Snyder presenting a budget for the upcoming fiscal year. It seemed fairly irresponsible, given the challenges Michigan faces and the fact that they cannot ever seem to be bothered with identifying the budgets that would require corresponding cutting. The governor, to his credit, pointed this out:
But the inspiration came from a good friend of mine, Jim, who earlier this week shared an old Detroit News article about his great uncle, Jerry terHorst. Mr. terHorst was the press secretary for Gerald Ford who famously resigned his position when Ford pardoned Richard Nixon. From the article:
…tenHorst was “stunned” to learn the President was going to pardon Richard Nixon, before indictment and before trial. TenHorst recalls: “I wondered very briefly that afternoon whether there wasn’t some way I could serve my conscience and still stay on at the White House. But that period of consideration was very short. I knew I couldn’t.”
So even though President Ford was an old and dear friend, tenHorst felt he could not be a mouthpiece for something his values absolutely could not support.
But here’s the kicker: To find a new press secretary, Ford had head-hunters contact terHorst. Ford so respected terHorst he did not hesitate to go to him for advice.
Wow. Where have these people gone?
The thing is, I know principled, conservative, Christian Republicans still exist. My friend Jim is one, and he shares those very traits with his uncle. If I happen to run into him, I expect we’ll talk about the cartoon, and he’ll share his view, which will likely run counter to mine. (Note that I wrote “view” and not “side.” I’m positive we are on the same side: the importance of fiscal responsibility.)
But where the heck are the principled, conservative, Christian people in Republican leadership?
I was outed long ago as a Gerald Ford fanboy, so forgive me yet another indulgence, but consider:
- President Gerald Ford and press secretary Jerry terHorst
- President Donald Trump and press secretary Sean Spicer
Republicans all, yes. But could there possibly be a more stark contrast in personal integrity?
John Auchter draws cartoons. Lots and lots of them. You can find them at his incredibly popular website You can also find his stuff on Michigan Public Radio’s website under Opinion.
The Scottish1 says
Totally agree. With this new POTUS, there will be no compromise. All that I’ve witnessed thus far is outward hostility to anyone that disagrees with Lord Donny. Let’s moved forward to an impeachment. It maybe the only thing that saves us.
Judith Brooks says
Integrity. A powerful word. Haven’t seen much of that in politics lately. Wish I could.
NativeOfMichigan says
And look at the people surrounding Donald, especially Kellyanne who just massacred her remaining IQ.
Poor Kellyanne is a dolt in his zoo,
She’s absurd, ridiculous, and pathetic too,
The bozo Donald duck with the mop hairdo,
Has turned her into a clown with the same orange hue.
Working Dad says
The biggest threat to any budget or public safety are the Democrat rioters that are committing arsons, assaults and terrorism. Since these riots are specifically allowed to rage in liberal friendly cities and universities, we need to address these riots at a federal level. Let the rioters serve 20 years minimum, hard labor for their attempts to burn, pillage and kill. Use federal resources to track their organization and use RICO laws to imprison their leadership and funders.
and be extremely aggressive with these efforts…. No mercy
Kathy Fiebig says
Sir, these rioters are NOT Democrats. They’re one of two things–dedicated anarchists that take advantage of an otherwise peaceful event, or thugs employed by minions of Donald Trump to discredit the Left.
Take your pick. They don’t speak or act for me, or for any of the many Democrats and Independents that I know.
Working Dad says
The rioters are absolutely Democrats. They are funded and organized by Democrat and liberal groups. Not only will we work to identify and prosecute them, but law abiding citizens need to arm themselves against the violent attackers. Two rounds in the torso for any firebombing nutbag.
Kathy Fiebig says
“The governor, to his credit”…… You don’t hear that phrase often.
I’m with you, John. I don’t know where the decent Republicans are any more. They surely are not in Congress. I’m hoping a few of them prove me wrong–John McCain and Lindsey Graham have had some moments.
Tom says
This post from somebody, the Dad?, where he talks about Democrat Rioters is preposterous. These people are not Democrats. And, Dad, you probably are too young to remember 1968, when the rioters opposed the Democrats. Rioters are just rioters. And they all stink.
Speaking of the 1960s… Things actually were worse back then. We had assassinations of three great American heroes, plus several more assassination attempts. I hope Trump is just a soap opera villain rather than a truly bad guy. I pray he will not bring back the bad old days.