Well, there were plenty of words in today’s cartoon, so there is no need to add a lot more here. If you are not familiar with the Norman Shy/Detroit Public School debacle (or you are familiar and feel the need to get your blood pressure up), here is the backstory.
I would like to note that I realize I may have gone too far with the middle panel. However, my original concept had Pope Francis driving his fist Raging Bull-style through Shy’s jaw — spit, blood, teeth flying. Luckily I could not find a picture of Norman Shy to draw him.
John Auchter draws cartoons. Lots and lots of them. You can find them at his incredibly popular website auchtoon.com.
Linda Earl says
This guy is as slimy as they come. Take a look at his house.
So while he was living in the lap of excess, DPS kids were being robbed. I hope they throw the book at him.
Ann B says
Well, now we have another scapegoat to blame for all of Detroit’s woes. The plain simple fact is that all of the Democrat answers to education don’t work and haven’t worked for decades. If we could finally decide to get the federal gov’t. out of education and let people choose good schools, using vouchers, we would have more success.
But, the Dems are still at it, wanting to pour yet more money into it. There is more than one person to blame in all of this. What about all the people who were aware of this scam?
Linda Earl says
A scapegoat? This was fraud. The “leaders” in the DPS schools, charged with taking care of the buildings and the children who attended, benefited at the cost of those children. It isn’t about scapegoats. It is about holding people accountable for illegal, and appallingly immoral actions. They broke the law. The acted without integrity or a second thought of the students who were being cheated. And it isn’t about party affiliation. It is about locking up the criminals. It is about restoring some integrity and honor to Detroit and the DPS schools.
Teresa says
very well said, Linda Earl. Can’t believe anyone would look at this crime and try to blame it on a political party…really ?
Ann B says
You missed my point. I hate to see ALL the blame put on this one guy, when all of the dozen or so superintendents and/or principals signed off on those purchase orders. They certainly didn’t check to see if what they agreed to order arrived in total or not! And yes the blame is on a liberal party who cries for more and more money to be put into the schools without questioning why so much is needed. They won’t ever find fault with teachers unions and demand answers.
JimS says
So what political party appointed the EM? Snyder and his cronies were suppose to fix all of the states school districts and cities problems with his EMS. Look at the mess we are in now. The fiasco in Flint and the rest of his wonderful fixes will cost us billions of dollars for the next several generations. Time the republicans quit trying to help all their big business buddies on the backs of middle class and poverty stricken people in this area. Snyder does not have a clue how people live in Detroit and Flint. The guy lives in a fantasyland. You lead everybody to believe that all of the leaders in the Detroit school system were all liberal democrats that just take advantage of the system. Get your head out of the sand.
Jeff says
I hate to be a pessimist, but Detroit has been so corrupt for so long, and still is, that I don’t think it will ever, ever, ever, get back to being a city where people want to move to. Just where people work and then head for the suburbs. In order to attract young couples, you need a good school system and Detroit does not have one. That’s an understatement. How sad.
Sue says
I guess I will step into the fray. What I’m wondering is why no one has pointed out that this vendor and the administrators were the Emergency Manager’s people. I’ve read that when the E M’s come in to take over a school district or, DPS anyway, they fire people and hire their people in the administrative positions at a higher pay. I read about this practice quite a while ago. Just saying this should be something we should all be aware of.
Loren M says
Where there are large sums of public money graft happens, the political affiliation of the crooks isn’t relevant. (They often legally steal our tax dollars too) Detroit and Flint had sustained growth for decades and with that increased amounts of cash to throw at public works. People didn’t leave the city when they moved to the suburbs, they took it with them. We are all really part of the same ant colonies regardless of our zip codes.