Did you see the vide of the fight in Lakewood, Colorado? No? Count yourself lucky.
In another sign the apocalypse is upon us, parents got into a full-on brawl at a baseball game … between 7-year-olds. No, that is not a typo, 7-year-olds. One side got upset by a call made by the umpire, a 13-year-old. Yes, a 13-year-old.
Four people were cited for disorderly conduct and fighting and police are seeking the public’s assistance to identify more people who were involved. The fight even took place on an elementary baseball field. I’m trying to figure out who the actual adults were and who the children were. Apparently the kids left the field as soon at the fight start. I’m leaning toward the 7-year-olds and umpire being the adults here.
“These parents and coaches decided to take it out on each other,” Lakewood police spokesman John Romero told Denver NBC affiliate KUSA. “It’s very sad, at the very beginning of the video, you can see kids running off the field as the adults start fighting and punching each other.”
While these things have been happening for a while, it never ceases to amaze me how juvenile adults can be. How many of these kids are going to be turned off by baseball because the parents decided that a game – where they might not have even kept score because of how young the kids are – was so important that an umpire’s call was as good of an excuse as any to fight someone.
What do you think the odds are the 13-year-old wants to umpire again? I’m sure he does it for a part-time summer job, and this would be a good learning experience on so many level under normal circumstances. Now, it might be the reason he doesn’t umpire a game he likes.
There are so many questions that crop up whenever you see something like this happen, but they all come back to this: When did parents get so bat shit crazy? I was a sports editor for the local paper about 20 years ago. There were always loud, obnoxious idiots but they stayed in the stands and more intelligent fans and parents eventually shouted them down. Now, the mob mentality reigns supreme.
You used to be able to question at times whether it was alcohol-induced idiocy. Alcohol might have been a factor with some in this case, but you have to believe it was just idiots showing there true colors.
These are 7-year-old kids for crying out loud. They are just trying to learn the game and they should be encouraged to love the game for the game itself. They need to be allowed to learn the game and develop without fear of their parents embarrassing them.
And the 13-year-old can’t be expected to be perfect when umpires at the professional level make mistakes all the time. He is still learning, too, and needs to be encouraged the same way the young baseball players are.
Parents are supposed to be supportive and encouraging, especially at this age. Not only are the kids impressionable, but they also can easily find something else to get excited about when confronted with a bad experience. The parents blew it big time with their brawl.
The grown-ups are supposed to be role models, but they fell short – way short this time. Maybe they should look at their kids, who walked away when a fight broke out.
Steve Murch is a former managing editor and award-winning columnist for The Alpena News. He’s a lifelong Michigan resident, a broken and defeated fan of the Detroit Lions and a forever optimistic fan of the Detroit Tigers. His column will appear most Thursdays.
Jims says
I know this has going on for awhile but I think the erosion of our morals in this society contributes to incidents of this type. I also believe the Trump mentality encourages this type of thing. I am right you are wrong no matter what. I will lie to make myself right no matter what. Screw you and what you believe or think. It’s a shame to see what we have become. I truly feel for our youth and what the adults feel what is right and what isn’t wrong.
BrendaBee says
Jim really nailed it, in my opinion! I am stunned to see that parents have no sense of decency any longer! These are true idiots who are more child-like than the 7 year olds playing ball. What a thing to teach your children that hitting someone is the answer. But, yes, this is the era of the Trump mentality that is eroding our country. I never believed a bigoted liar would EVER become President but half this country goes along with it. So what does this say about Americans? My gosh, people, wake up! Being “Like Trump” and “supporting Trump” is NOT a good thing! He truly supports lying to get his way just like Jim described! And it has now evolved to morons at a baseball game for 7 year old children, thinking if they don’t like the ruling of the Umpire, that it’s OK to begin a brawl. I am proud to say I certainly am not a part of the Trump people! (And people thought Hillary was a bad choice??)
Linda says
This has nothing to do with Trump. It was at a game.
Jims says
Maybe maybe not Linda. But when weak minded people listen to a fool that he is, it really in my opinion, has an effect on society. But opinions don’t matter it’s me me me and I am right and you are wrong. More than a game when adults resort to violence.
Brenda B says
The wording of society has MUCH to do with Trump and followers “ideals”.
Brenda B says
Very wise comment, again, Jim!!
BrendaB says
Sorry I meant to say the Eroding of society, not wording. I noticed spell check goofed!
BrendaB says
Linda when a society has a leader with no respect for others, who name calls other countries leaders, who is himself a Bully, despite the program of FLOTUS to dissuade against bulling among the youth, then society believes “ if he is our leader, it must be Ok”, then we, as a nation, are failing. One must see the Whole picture, Linda. Trump is the main factor in our society turning into a self-absorbed group of idiots that fight at a game for children.
Adam says
Honestly, stuff like this needs the life altering effect of the criminal justice system that we impose on other offenders with more rational, but still criminal, motivation.
I apologize, but I didn’t follow the headlines when I saw the story, so I’m not up on the particulars of the case. Feel free to ignore me if you, rightfully, think I should do my own reading before commenting.
Were the offending parents arrested and charged with Assault and Battery, thereby exposing them to a booking into jail, thousands of dollars in lawyer fees (if they choose one), hundreds in fines, and a three year revocation of any Concealed Pistol License they might hold? Were they named in the local papers with accompanying mug shots, forever immortalized by Google? Are their employers going to be contacted by the probation officer if they’re convicted? Their alcohol use cut off and monitored? Their firearms secured by others, or sold? Has someone called CPS to conduct an investigation of their childrens’ home environment? Will a PPO be requested by the umpire’s parents? I suspect I don’t need to ask if the offenders were banned from school property and events. Will they be arrested for Criminal Trespass when they violate? Subjected to a Terry patdown and their vehicle subjected to search upon consent with every encounter with law enforcement? Their assaultive conviction visible to every officer that ever pulls them over for the rest of their life?
These are all things that happen regularly to less privileged people when they get into fights that come to attention of law enforcement. (Mugshots in the paper is usually reserved for the noteworthy events, of which this is one) And the effects, as I said, are often life altering. Perhaps these parents need to be treated more like the dangerous individuals they are (because, c’mon, who does this…This is exceptional lack of impulse control and tendency toward violence) rather than the vigorous finger shaking and contracts of conduct I suspect they are more commonly subjected to.
As I said, I’m not up on the particulars of this specific case, but the events described are unfortunately not uncommon. And all too often the individuals exploit the privilege of their demographic characteristics, resulting in no long term consequence. I can only note that these events continue to happen. Correlation doesn’t equal causation, but I propose that publicly treating these individuals as harshly as we treat someone that assaults someone that slept with their girlfriend might have some deterrent effect.
Up in the U.P. says
That is called “a whole lot of nothing”.
BrendaB says
The UP supports crowds of adults fighting like idiots at s child’s game??
linda says
This is one of the biggest pet peeves on my list! But it goes a little deeper. Sports for 7 year olds should be done in someone’s backyard or an empty lot in the neighborhood, just for fun and getting practice for school or community sports in 8th grade and up. Competitive sports for kids this young is utterly ridiculous. Kids at this young age should be home with family and the neighborhood kids.
I don’t feel one bit sorry for a Mom who works all day, then drags one kid to baseball, one to dance and jazz and now “competitive cheerleading” ( What?…? ) Then there is soccer, volleyball, etc. We are not letting children be children anymore. But we have to keep up with the Jones’s and their homes, their cars, and turning the kids loose so they won’t feel left out. Then they eat junk-food in the car on the way home; if there is a meal at home, it’s ready at 10 pm when these children should be in bed.
Traveling Teams for kids as young as 2nd grade puts the icing on the cake. Parents and grandparents pay for gas AND hotel rooms. Nanna and Poppi better be there to watch the kids who won’t give a crap when Nanna and Poppi are in a foster home or Nursing Home. Don’t say ‘no’, I see it every single day.
If these sport events don’t even keep score so they won’t have lopsided scores, they have no business having sports. The kids should be able to face the reality of winning and losing.
All this is just a little bit of the fuel that fires these shameful outbursts.
Fred says
I share the sentiments about Trump, he is certainly part of the problem. However, this has been going on for sometime. Trump didn’t cause this mentality. This mentality is how we got Trump. Half of America voted for what they are. They see themselves in him. They share his Fox News validated anger and hate towards an other. Now he speaks for them and validates their immaturity with his own.
BrendaB says
Linda….too much children activity is NOT the reason these particular people in that state were fighting; these are morons who, sadly, reproduced! This is the group of people who even have to have a drink to engage in ANY activity. These are idiots and it’s really a shame children saw them screaming and fighting over a child’s game. But, I do agree parents having children in any and everything with no winners or losers is asinine! Keep score and teach them that, in life, there will always be competition and winners and losers!
jbcsfl says
Just a bunch of billhillies doing what they do.
These displays of social dysfunction has been commonplace for decades.
It is unfortunate that they do not think first, but hey, that’s just the way they are.
This conduct is widespread and has been going on long before the fibber in chief hit the airwaves.
I agree the trump mentality does fuel this dysfunction, but I do not think the mushroom headed one is directly responsible.
The actions of the “adults” at this particular game probably seem like normal social behavior to the participants in the brawl, it is abnormal behavior to half the voting public.
Brad says
This basebrawl occurred in Lakewood Colorado, a nearby suburb of Denver, located in Denver County. National Public Radio (NPR) reports that in the 2016 election, Clinton got 75.2 % of county votes, while Trump had 18.8 % of the votes. Now JimasS, I don’t want to take things too far over your head, but the laws of statistics and probability suggest these parents are very much like you…… leftist hypocrites who never practice what they preach. I’m certain you’re holding out hope that CNN or MSNBC will air a story entitled ‘Trump causes brawl at kiddy baseball game’. The JimasS credo is blame thee, not me. Simply pathetic.
BrendaB says
Well, Brad! Good to know you commented and confirmed what I wrote earlier. That the Trumpet people are just like him, mainly they NAME CALL and you did just that. No one else had stooped to name calling, but YOU did it by saying we are leftist Hypocrites. And, actually, we do practice what we preach and that being kindness to EVERYONE and never bully someone. Nice to know you only enjoy the angry bunch at Fox News, who blast everyone for “Fake News”when, in fact, the fake comments (typically called Lies) come right out of the mouth of YOUR leader….. a Dictator Wanna
Be. What a shame!
bookieb says
For once I agree with Fred. This mean spirited mentality didn’t start with Trump. It started years ago with the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. They promote hatred and action against anyone who disagree with their point of view. Fox News just amplifies it.
The conduct of these Colorado parents is just plain shameful.
Jims says
Bradley my boy, you are a coward that hides behind your computer screen. You don’t have the guts to call me an ass to my face. Trump mentality for sure. Gee whiz only people that voted for Hillary were in that brawl. You guys are hilarious. Spin it how you like. I love the way you guys think. You want to call me names? Come on man grow up already. Juvenile for sure.
Abner Devereaux says
All of you that try to tie this parent brawl to President Trump are idiotic asses. These types of brawls have nothing to do with President Trump or his voters. You just prove you are bitter little bitches that can’t get over the 2016 POTUS election.
In fact posting videos of these types of brawls is all the rage on viral social media but I think it is irresponsible. You are promoting fame for these terrible individuals. Believe it or not some of these idiots WANT to have the video posted so they get some “fame” even if it means they can get identified and prosecuted. I think the best course of action is to not post these videos or write stories about them. The police can use the videos to identify the perps but why give the brawlers the fame and notoriety so many of them seek?
These types of brawl videos have been circulating since social media became popular. They were circulating under Obama as well. It has nothing to do with President Trump. These videos will come out after President Trump leaves office in 2025 as well. Stop being bitter little bitches. Stop trying to blame everybody but the assailants who actually did the fighting.
BrendaB says
To the Trumpet Lover calling people names, (idiots and asses) YOU proved just what we were all saying that bully behavior of Trumps is being used by the portion of American Society that follow such a person a Trumpet.
YOU, sir, just proved ALL of us correct in what we have been saying about this segment of society who engages in bully behavior and idiotic fighting. Thank you so much!
Mary Matzen says
Very good article. Things like this are a stain on our society. I don’t know what is wrong with the “so called” adults. No wonder kids don’t have respect for much of anything any more.