Toon & text by John Auchter
I am on vacation this week. (I drew this cartoon last week, Friday.) I tried to anticipate how I would feel at this point. It was easy to predict (and poke fun at) my selfish self — that despite whatever terrible events were going on around the world, nation, and state, the thing I’d likely find most frightening was the end of summer.
But it is also a testament to the beauty and wonder of our Michigan summer. I am among the blessed who can share a week with their Michigan family on a Michigan lake by working Michigan jobs at Michigan companies and schools, eating Michigan produce and possibly imbibing a few Michigan beers.
That was my intention. And then the events in Charlottesville, followed by the “many sides” defense of our elected leader, his painfully scripted and insincere attempt at clarity, and then the inevitable doubling-down again on his “many sides” disgrace.
Vacation time remains precious, so let me be direct and clear. If I were to draw the cartoon right now, it would be to deliver a singular message: Resign, Mr. President. Resign.
John Auchter draws cartoons. Lots and lots of them. You can find them at his incredibly popular website You can also find his stuff on Michigan Public Radio’s website under Opinion.
Fred says
Considering how he has an “I’ll dump you before you dump me” attitude, that just might become a reality sooner than we think. He disbanded his manufacturing committees two days after saying he can replace them easily, When he got word that they were planning to disband, he beat them to the punch and took credit for it. Let’s keep the pressure on.
I don’t like Pence, but it will be nice to have stability in the White House again. Besides the Republican Party will be so much more divided once Trump leaves, that their chances of being re-elected are slimmer. After the 2018 midterms, Pence won’t be able to do much, and Congress can undo any destructive legislation he signs. While they are at it, they should add an Amendment to require all future elected heads of state to undergo a mandatory mental evaluation.
Tom says
Today, I had a wonderful Michigan summer morning. I got in line at the Grand Rapids Library, to pick up Eclipse Glasses. 8:30 am, with nice neighbors of all ages, a sunny breezy day. The Library had 260 pair of glasses. I was able to count 160 people ahead in line, because my nice in-line neighbors held my place.
So… these people, Joan and her grown son Josh, plus a guy in a red shirt, and I… We started talking, and trying to make each other laugh. No politics, just jokes and eclipse stories. There may be actual hope for fun and civility and such in the USA, after all!
We got the glasses. They work. The sun looks orange and surprisingly small through the glasses. Does it make any sense to write that the sun looks smaller than a dime? If you have these Eclipse Glasses, whatever you do, do NOT try to walk down stairs wearing them. You cannot see ANYTHING other than the sun while you wear them.
My point here is that this morning was a lovely late-summer Michigan day, spent with lovely Americans. All is not lost, yet.
Point Two: Yes! Let us organize a massive march on Washington, to call for Mr. Trump’s resignation!
Tom says
One, maybe fun, point: The word resign actually is the same as the word re-sign. We want Mr. Trump to resign, not to re-sign.
Tom says
Beer Appreciation: We notice the labels on your vacation beers. Founders, Bell’s, Short’s, and then Bud Light, when the bad news kicks in. Good details. Good cartoons.
John says
And good eye. Thanks, Tom!
Judith Brooks says
Very nice article. Cartoon is so true; the end of this wonderful Michigan summer will be hard to take. It has been a great one despite all the havoc in the world.
John says
Hope you enjoyed your summer, Judith!